Current News
Friday, 05 May 2023 22:17
New, enlarged: Some Significant May Days for the Chevalier Family
New, enlarged: Some Significant May Days for the Chevalier Family May, an Our Lady of the Sacred Heart month. NOTE: this is an amplified version of Significant Days, combining the list made originally by Cor Novum, Issoudun, now with the addition of dates from Father Jan Bovenmars MSC’s book, Jules…
Thursday, 04 May 2023 23:35
Chevalier Family, First Friday, Laudato Si program
Chevalier Family, First Friday, Laudato Si program Our Provincial Chapter made a Statement about our commitment to Laudato Si and the issues of environment and ecological conversion. The Chevalier Family’s Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation committee continues its 2023 Twelve First Friday Steps towards the Laudato Si Goals.…
Wednesday, 03 May 2023 22:42
Chapter, this time the Philippines Province
Chapter, this time the Philippines Province With an MSC General Chapter in September, Provinces all over the congregation are having their own Chapters. In the last six months, we have reported on Chapters in Indonesia, PNG, the Pacific. From the Philippines: We would like to extend our gratitude for untiringly…
Tuesday, 02 May 2023 22:21
In the Northern Territory, Andre Claessens visits, Darwin, the Tiwi Islands, Wadeye
In the Northern Territory, Andre Claessens visits, Darwin, the Tiwi Islands, Wadeye The Tiwi Museum Guided by Anne Gardiner OLSH Fiona, Anne and Andre - gifts for Rome Hosted by Bishop Charles Gaucci in Darwin, Deacon Dean, Bishop Eugene Hurley, Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Tom Jose… Andre and the Bishop Celebrating…
Monday, 01 May 2023 20:37
Bob Irwin MSC, anticipating his Golden Jubilee of Ordination.
Bob Irwin MSC, anticipating his Golden Jubilee of Ordination. On May 12th, Bob and Phil Hicks will celebrate their Golden Jubilee - in Randwick (Bob being a Randwick boy), and beyond. With the delegates from Vietnam in Australia for the Chapter, remembering Bob was Provincial at the time of the…
Sunday, 30 April 2023 21:53
May 1st, May Day, Workers and St Joseph
May 1st, May Day, Workers and St Joseph Traditiones Monastiques Each morning at the Chapter, we prayed, St Joseph, Our Patron, Pray for us. Jules Chevalier bequeathed Heart Spirituality, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and a devotion to St Joseph to the Chevalier Family – Model and Patron of…
Saturday, 29 April 2023 22:43
Weekend Chapter Photos, Part 2: Who’s who at the microphone.
Weekend Chapter Photos, Part 2: Who’s who at the microphone. Packing up There were others who spoke - in alphabetical order - but there were some who spoke, shall we say, ‘not infrequently’. Russell Andersen - second senior at the Chapter, professed 1955 Tim Brennan Paul Browne Brian Cahill Vince…
Friday, 28 April 2023 22:10
Weekend Chapter Photos, Part I. Who was there ?
Weekend Chapter Photos, Part I. Who was there ? An opportunity to check out the delegates and the Chapter chapel, the foyer, the grounds – and some candid camera shots. And a relaxing moment or two. And the symbolic tree, now planted as a memento at St Mary's Towers…
Thursday, 27 April 2023 21:55
At the Chapter 2023 from overseas
At the Chapter 2023 from overseas From the General Administration, Andre Claessens, from Japan Bern and Rey, and our confreres from Vietnam (and Tim Brennan). An initial note of appreciation for the presence of Andre Claessens MSC from the General Administration, participating, leading liturgy, the Chapter Dinner speaker……
Thursday, 27 April 2023 11:43
Stephen Hackett election, Cathnews Report
Stephen Hackett election, Cathnews Report General secretary elected provincial, to leave Bishops Conference Fr Stephen Hackett MSC has been elected provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia, and will conclude him time as general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in July. Fr Hackett’s ministerial…
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 23:07
RIP, Brian Johnstone CSsR
RIP, Brian Johnstone CSsR Those of us who were students at the Yarra Theological Union or who were on the faculty remember Brian Johnstone as a fine lecturer and a good colleague From the YTU: We are saddened by the death of Emeritus Professor Fr Brian Johnstone CSsR. Brian…
Tuesday, 25 April 2023 22:11
Our own MSC link with the sinking and discovery of the Montevideo Maru.
Our own MSC link with the sinking and discovery of the Montevideo Maru Br Clifford Brennan and Fr David McCullagh were among the 1054 Australians who died in this disaster. We have a gravestone at St Mary’s Towers, but no grave. Now we know where it is. Here are some…
Monday, 24 April 2023 21:08
Chapter Yes. We have brought our Chapter work to a close... And behind the scenes
Chapter Yes. We have brought our Chapter work to a close... And behind the scenes A Deo Gratias that we have finished the 2023 MSC Chapter (and a day early!). If you can't wait to see the group photo, it is right at the end! We were 65 voting…
Sunday, 23 April 2023 23:01
Chapter, Days 6/7 … Discussion. Ballots, ballots. Getting there
Chapter, Days 6/7 … Discussion. Ballots, ballots. Getting there Most of these days in discussion groups on the key documents of the Chapter. They will be voted on tomorrow. Graham Neist FMS, Chapter facilitator The other highlight was elections. We posted the news of Stephen Hackett’s election as Provincial yesterday.…
Saturday, 22 April 2023 23:14
MSC Chapter, Provincial Superior elected, Stephen Hackett MSC.
MSC Chapter, Provincial Superior elected, Stephen Hackett MSC. Fr Stephen Hackett was elected on the first ballot. He will succeed Fr Chris McPhee on July 1st. Stephen was educated in sseveral primary schools, including Our Lady of the Rosary, Watson, at Braddon and Doncaster East, Secondary at Whitefriars, Monivae College,…
Saturday, 22 April 2023 07:26
The Chapter, Day 5, Praying, Reflecting, Provincial Nominations, Mass, Chapter Dinner
The Chapter, Day 5, Praying, Reflecting, Provincial Nominations, Mass, Chapter Dinner During the morning prayer, Danh offered a beautiful reflection on a seemingly dead branch, watering it and it giving bloom to a beautiful flower. (The video version is available, Google, Heart of Life Facebook.) The sessions were of discussion.…
Friday, 21 April 2023 01:28
Day 3 and 4: MSC Australia Province Chapter, Photos and names.
Day 3 and 4: MSC Australia Province Chapter, Photos and names. Photo thanks, Day 3, our MSC Blackburn team, Trieu, Nang and Hoa. Day 4, a special thanks to our confrere from Japan, Rey. A day of reports that form part of the Provincial’s Report, John Mulrooney chair, …
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 21:12
John Conroy MSC Funeral Mass
John Conroy MSC Funeral Mass Monday evening saw the recalling of memories of John in the Monastery Chapel. The requiem Mass was celebrated in the Chapel on Tuesday morning. Peter Hearn presided, assisted by Greg McEnnally MSC, chaplain at The Little Sisters of the Poor where John was cared for…
Tuesday, 18 April 2023 22:58
MSC Chapter Speakers and Photos
MSC Chapter Speakers and Photos Al fresci refreshing body and soul Day 2: Beginning the presentation of the Province report, Chris McPhee introducing the Heart Spirituality themes. We prayed and reflected – including Bob Irwin recounting his story. The head of the company which prepared the draft of a plan…
Monday, 17 April 2023 23:21
Opening of the 2023 MSC Australian Province Chapter
Opening of the 2023 MSC Australian Province Chapter We arrived. We received our name tags and keys. We shared a drink. We shared a meal. At the opening ceremony, all delegates gathered in the Chapel. There was a roll call, asking if each was present, replying, ‘Yes, I am here.’…
Sunday, 16 April 2023 19:51
Preparations for the Chapter opening tonight.
Preparations for the Chapter opening tonight. Our students met with the visitors from Vietnam at Douglas Park Our MSC men explored ministries in Australia. On the second day and on the third day, our men visited Chevalier School, the OLSH Sisters Convent, Caves in Goulburn, and different spots in Blue…
Friday, 14 April 2023 21:36
An alert, Jesus in our consciousness after Lent, Holy Week, and in the light of Easter
An alert, Jesus in our consciousness after Lent, Holy Week, and in the light of Easter Kanisas Fellowship You may enjoy these thoughts (and challenges) Kris Rizzotto has an extensive website worth looking at, – and a Facebook page link with many religious and humorous reflections. including the following.…
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:55
Migration to St Mary’s Towers, Frank Dineen MSC (with red car)
Migration to St Mary’s Towers, Frank Dineen MSC (with red car) Peter Hendriks writes: We say farewell to Frank, who will be part of the St Mary’s Towers Community DP. He has had his sights on joining DP for a couple of years, and now it has become a…
Wednesday, 12 April 2023 21:25
Our MSC Sisters’ Jubilee Celebrations
Our MSC Sisters’ Jubilee Celebrations The Sisters celebrate their Foundation Day on the Feast of the Annunciation – and this year some jubilees Mary Drum, Provincial, a welcome Renewal of vows Phil Malone, presider Joan Fisher responds Jubilarians cutting cake – Carmel Butler and Tess Veenker (50 years), Joan…
Tuesday, 11 April 2023 22:27
Gathering at St Mary’s Towers
Gathering at St Mary’s Towers Our Vietnamese brothers have arrived for the Chapter and are spending a few days at DP with some of the more recently-ish Australian finally professed. With thanks to Trieu Nguyen MSC for the photos. With the arrival of MSCs from different places for the…
Monday, 10 April 2023 10:38
RIP John Conroy MSC
RIP John Conroy MSC John Conroy died yesterday at 11:00 pm. Greg McEnnally and the sisters were with him. Greg and the sisters have provided Greg with wonderful spiritual and pastoral care throughout his time at the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home and more so in John’s last…
Sunday, 09 April 2023 23:21
The Easter holiday.
The Easter holiday. We have lived through Lent, shared his sufferings and now experience the joy of the Resurrection. Today is a holiday, so what better than some humour!! For those who are not so keen on puns, blame can be laid with Jim Miller MSC of the US province…
Saturday, 08 April 2023 09:10
An Easter Reflection
An Easter Reflection Free Bibleimages Some days, and especially through the pandemic, some of us may have felt that life is not worth it, that all seems to be dark. Even for us then, with all our theological studies, our first question may have been, ‘Is God for me?’ ‘Can…
Friday, 07 April 2023 17:05
RIP Peter Hoy
RIP Peter Hoy Peter Hoy, who shared many years with us as a confrere, died in Geelong this week. Peter was ordained in 1957 and was sent to Rome for further studies. He specialised in Church History and returned to teach in Canberra and Croydon. He acted as editor of…
Wednesday, 05 April 2023 22:34
A Holy Week reflection in word and image
A Holy Week reflection in word and image The last word that came from Jesus on the cross was, “Tetelestai!”. Patrick O’Carrigan MSC explains it is the Greek word that a winner shouts in an Olympic contest. We present one of his Crucifixion pictures and one of the 12th Station…