Wednesday, 21 June 2023 22:21

Congratulations, Daniel Magadia MSC, Clinical Pastoral Education, Graduation

Congratulations, Daniel Magadia MSC, Clinical Pastoral Education, Graduation

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Clinical Pastoral Education is part of MSC formation, learning in action. Daniel has graduated from the CPE Programme in Royal Melbourne Hospital.

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Daniel, in his graduation, took the chance to share how MSC Charism has formed him in his ministry, and his study in Royal Melbourne Hospital.

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Throughout the CPE journey, Daniel has had diverse encounters, and profound experiences of connections with individuals and their stories. This has equipped him with more skills and ability to embark on the next chapter of his MSC journey, as he continues to be a source of love, compassion and strength to those who need spiritual well-being.

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Featuring Daniel's own creative icon and mandala.

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