Be a Missionary or Lay Missionary of the Sacred Heart (Tiếng Việt)
More than ever, what the world needs now are men and women who can be missionaries of God’s compassion, kindness, gentleness and healing love.
Whether you feel called to be a Religious (a priest or brother) or Lay Missionary, we invite you to join our congregation.
Through all of our actions and words, we seek to promote healthy relationships with self, others and God, to reach out to the isolated, marginalised and the poor, and to proclaim God’s love to the world.
Walk with us as we follow the Way of the Heart and ‘be on earth the Heart of God’.
Click here for a video on MSC Vocations
Fr Frank Dineen msc
Mobile: 0427 216 157
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Religious Sister, please check with our sister congregations. Together, the Missionaries Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and the Lay Missionaries of the three congregations make up the Chevalier Family, named after our Founder, Fr Jules Chevalier.
Additional Information
MSC are the initials for the Latin words, Missionarii Sacratissimi Cordis,which mean Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
Who are the MSC?
We are a group of priests and brothers trying to be and bring the message of God’s love to the world in the life we lead and the work we do. This love is something real and alive – not just a nice idea – the way Jesus makes it real and alive across the pages of the Gospel in the way he treats each person he meets.
Our way of life
Usually living as part of a group or community, we share our talents, time and resources together. Being part of a team means we’re not isolated but have others to support, encourage and challenge us. We live what’s known as religious life, which means a life marked by prayer (personally and as a community), ministries of service and the vows of obedience n fraternal charity, consecrated celibacy and evangelical poverty.
What do we do
Some other groups and orders were set up to do one particular job, like working in schools or with the sick. But we work wherever and however we’re needed.
As an MSC you could be working and ministering in many different ways.
You could be serving the people of a parish, teaching at university or school, sitting with the sick or their family as hospital chaplain, running a youth club, at development work in a mission country, guiding people through a retreat, lending a listening ear as a counsellor, helping people through the high of their wedding day or the low of a bereavement, and many other things in between.
Where do we work?
Being an MSC means working home or away. Active in 54 different countries, we are divided up into manageable areas called Provinces. Australia…
Our way of life as Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is focused first and foremost on living the religious life.
What that means is not always easy to put into words. How do you sum up what it means to be married, single, a parent in sentences when it takes a life-time to plumb the depths of the joys and struggles that are part and parcel of the human story?
Let’s put it this way: imagine religious life is an adventure!!! The one who draws us into this adventure and invites us to risk the trip is God – who made us, wants the best for us and assures us we won’t be let down. It is God’s guiding hand that keeps us keeping on, even when, and especially when, the future is uncertain.
A community life
No adventure is pursued alone – we need others to share it. Living religious life means being part of a community because people need people. Living with and working with other members of the religious order provides company, support, encouragement, challenge, somebody to be accountable to, a sense of belonging, a shared dream and a shared story.
There may be only two or three in the same house, there may be over ten in the community or a person could even live/work solo but be attached to a community nearby with whom special times and ties are shared and celebrated.
No adventure is pursued alone – we need others to share it.
Being part of one’s own family, circle of friends, the wider church and society all add to that sense of community. Nurturing these bonds of relationship is vitally important too!
Any adventure is focused on an aim or goal that drives us or spurs us on. For religious the heart is set clearly on living, expressing and pursing the Gospel values of justice, peace, truth, love, healing, forgiveness, and so forth.
Because all God’s people are called to do just that, what makes religious life distinctive is the values that lie behind our three vows: poverty, celibacy and obedience.
A vowed life
Much ink has been spilt on what these vows stand for. Writing or talking about them is useless unless we try to live them and allow them have hands, legs and a heart to put them into practice.
Simply put, poverty entails how will we manage in the world of things, possessions, money and time?
Obedience deals with the question of how we will live out our freedom, our choices, and our decisions.
Celibacy brings us into the area of how we will live out our God-given ability to relate, to be warm human beings and how we will celebrate that greatest of gifts – our sexuality.
MSC Priests
As members of the religious family called the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC), we live out our calling as brothers and priests. That means that while all of us live out our commitment to religious life, for some our ministerial commitment is as ordained priests.
As MSC, seeking to witness to the love and compassion of our God shown in the life and person of Jesus, what image or model of priesthood do we seek to follow? Indeed, there can only be one image or model – that of the Jesus of the Gospels.
Perhaps the picture of Jesus' priestly ministry that most clearly exemplifies priesthood is Jesus who kneels down and washes the feet of his disciples (Jn. 13:1-15).
On the night before Jesus died for us, when he could have had the world at his feet, he chooses, instead, to kneel at the feet of the world in this most humble gesture of service and giving.
"I have given you an example to follow," says Jesus, "so that what I have done for you, you should also do" (Jn.13:15).
Living out our calling as MSC priests can be illustrated by looking at the priestly calling as outlined in the prayers and liturgy form the rite of Ordination and from some practical examples of MSC ministry.
Preacher and Teacher of God's Word:
The first task of priests is to preach the Gospel of Christ, or as the prayer of the ordination ceremony puts it: "Meditate on the law of God, believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach."
This does not refer simply to the homily at Mass but to all the work of a Missionary of the Sacred Heart. So for our men in Venezuela or South Africa it means promoting justice for the poorest and neediest people, so that they do not get left out or left behind. For in the Gospel these people are at the centre of all Jesus preaches and does. Likewise for an MSC working as a prison chaplain or helping a person with an addiction to drugs, gambling or alcohol it means treating each person with a deep respect and concern for their brokenness and pain.
Celebrating the Mysteries of Christ:
At ordination a priest is formally called to "celebrate the mysteries of Christ . . . for the glory of God and the sanctification of Christ's people."
Our God is a God who draws near to us, to help, heal, listen and love us. It is a humbling privilege as an MSC priest to celebrate the Eucharist with the parish community, to baptise a new-born baby, to journey with a couple committing themselves to married life, to be in the presence of the sick and dying through the sacrament of anointing, and to witness to God's forgiving love in the sacrament of reconciliation. In the highs and lows of life, and in every moment in between an MSC priest tries to be an instrument of God's compassion in the world.
Following the Example of the Good Shepherd:
On ordination day each priest hears the words, "Always remember the example of the Good Shepherd who came not to be served but to serve, and to seek out and rescue those who were lost."
This is lived out in everyday situations of being available to listen to a worried student as a school chaplain, giving time to walk with the person trying to find their way to God during a retreat or comforting the family who are burying their mother.
With and For the People of God:
In a world where people can so often be divided, alienated, alone and lonely there is a huge need for working together and building up a real sense of community.
For a priest to look for special treatment or expect to be in control is often referred to as "clericalism" and is a long way from the example of Jesus. Instead, each priest is called to, "Remember that you are chosen from among God's people and appointed to act for them . . ."
Our life and ministry as Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is done in collaboration with those we seek to serve, recognising, celebrating and combining the gifts and talents of all God's people.
MSC Brothers
The Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) is an apostolic religious community comprised of priests and brothers in which we share with one another who we are, what we have and what we do. And, like all MSC, MSC brothers take vows of obedience, celibacy and poverty.
Since our fundamental vocation is to be a Missionary of the Sacred Heart; "to be on earth the Heart of God", MSC brothers are free to respond in a variety of practical ways to serve the Church and the Society according to their individual gifts, talents and personality.
Following the novitiate, in which all are afforded a solid spiritual formation to discern the call to religious life, MSC brothers have the opportunity to pursue theological studies, as well as secular professional qualifications, in preparation for mission.
This mission, derived from the spirit that we share from our Founder Jules Chevalier, is expressed primarily in the way we try to relate to people – with love, kindness and compassion. In essence, we attempt to express what being a brother means from the inside; a clear sense of reaching out and 'brothering' to others in need.
"We want to be like Jesus who loved with a human heart; we want to love through him and with him and to proclaim his love to the world" (CS 10).
In Matthew's gospel we have a scene outside Jericho where two blind men are sitting by the road. They hear that Jesus is passing by, and they cry out, "Son of David! Have mercy on us!" Jesus stops and calls to them, "What do you want me to do for you?" (Mt 20:29-32). Here is a simple yet significant question that exemplifies the heart of the MSC brother. Simple, because it directly seeks to uncover the immediate situation to be addressed. Significant, because it conveys no conditions, only a desire to serve.
In our Society today, MSC brothers are engaged in farming, finance, media production, music, nursing, spiritual direction, teaching, adult faith formation, catechesis, counselling, cooking, social justice, prison and hospital chaplaincy to name but some of our ways of serving. However, we are defined not so much by what we do, but by who we are by witnessing to the presence of a compassionate God in our lives, and in our world.
Our way of life was born from the ardent desire to reproduce the apostolic ideal in which "the company of those who believed was of one heart and one soul, ... had everything in common, [and] devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers" (Acts 4:35, 2:42).
Formation Process for the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
There are three stages of formation:
Stage 1: Pre-Novitiate
This stage begins towards the end of January and finishes in late October.
The Pre-Novitiate Formation House is in Blackburn, Victoria and falls within the Catholic Parish of St Thomas the Apostle, Blackburn.
What does it involve?
It is firstly an experience of community life with the MSC’s. Regular community activities such as prayer and meals are shared together.
It also involves:
- An initial five day retreat
- Pastoral placement on a regular basis
- Meeting a wide variety of other MSC’s, visiting a variety of ministry settings and places
- Studies of MSC Australia and nearby countries where MSC are involved.
- Input on the origins of the MSC Order and religious life in general
- Introduction to Heart Spirituality – the Spirituality of Jesus
- Learning different models of prayer
- Introduction to Spirituality and Sexuality
- A growing appreciation of Professional Standards in the Catholic Church today
- An introduction to the Yarra Theological Union including the Heart of Life Spirituality Centre
- Preparation for the transition to the Novitiate
Stage 2: Novitiate
The Novitiate begins on the first Friday of November. It is situated in St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, NSW. The program runs for 13 months and therefore finishes in mid-December the following year. This is a quieter time of prayer by the novice with deep discerning of God’s presence and relationship.
It involves:
- An initial 10 day retreat
- An ongoing reflection on the MSC Constitutions of Life, Spirit and Mission
- A deepening appreciation and commitment to the vows of Obedience in Fraternal Charity, Consecrated Celibacy and Evangelical Poverty
- Experiencing a Thirty Day Retreat based on the Ignatian Exercises
- An intense Pastoral exposure following the retreat to put one’s desires into action
- A wilderness experience to deepen one’s love of God’s creativity (flora and fauna), and to appreciate more deeply one’s own ability to be in that environment.
At the end of the Novitiate the novice takes temporary vows, for one, two or three years.
Stage 3: Studies
Theological studies are undertaken at Yarra Theological Union (YTU) in Box Hill, Melbourne.
- Students whether clerical or brothers take up regular sessions of pastoral work. This may be in Blackburn Parish or other settings keeping in mind the mission of the MSC Society.
- During this time students will be prepared to make commitment as MSC’s for their lifetime.
- the theological input will pursue studies up to degree level or diploma as discerned.
For clerical students:
At the conclusion of undergraduate studies (normally 3 Years) the students will continue with Master of Theological Studies to assist them gain the expertise for priesthood (2 years).
- When all studies are completed the students are ready to be ordained to the Diaconate. Following this ceremony they take up pastoral settings fulltime (usually a Parish for about six months).
- Then in conjunction with the Church and its approval the deacon may be ordained priest.
For Brothers:
Following theological studies each candidate will undertake professional studies or trade in a ministerial field.
- A decision such as this is done taking into account their abilities and desires.
- This could take another two to three years to complete these requirements.
Join Us - Vietnamese
Hãy trở nên một Thừa Sai hoặc một giáo dân giữa đời của Dòng Thừa Sai Thánh Tâm.
Hơn bất cứ bao giờ, ngày nay thế giới rất cần những người nam nữ trở thành những thừa sai của lòng thương cảm, sự dịu hiền, nhân hậu và tình yêu chữa lành của Thiên Chúa.
Dù bạn cảm nhận được mời gọi để trở nên Tu sĩ (giáo sĩ hay trợ sĩ) hoặc thừa sai giáo dân, chúng tôi mời bạn hãy gia nhập hội dòng chúng tôi.
Bằng chính lời nói và hành động, chúng tôi tìm kiếm thăng tiến những tương quan lành mạnh với cá nhân, tha nhân và Thiên Chúa, để vươn ra với những ai cô thế, cô thân, và nghèo khổ, đồng thời loan báo tình yêu Thiên Chúa cho thế giới.
Hãy cùng đi với chúng tôi trên Con Đường của Thánh Tâm Chúa và “hãy là Trái Tim của Chúa trên thế gian này.”
Liên hệ
Cha Phạm Ngọc Minh, MSC.
Số điện thoại: 0707811007
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
hoặc This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nếu ai đó muốn trở thành nữ tu bạn cũng có thể liên hệ với Hội Dòng Nữ của chúng tôi. Cùng với chúng tôi, còn có hai Dòng nữ sống linh đạo của cha Sáng Lập Jules Chevalier hợp thành Gia đình Chevalier:
- Dòng Nữ Thừa Sai Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu (MSC Sister)
- Dòng Con Đức Mẹ Thánh Tâm (OLSH)