The Cliffs, Shoreham, 2023
Shoreham, The Cliffs, is still vividly alive in the memories of those in formation at Croydon from 1940 to 1982. From 199, Brian Gallagher improved and developed it for retreats and time away for people.
In 2020, Brian moved to Blackburn with Claire and Artie Shearman taking over The Cliffs as a Retreat Centre – except that 2020 was the covid non-gathering year. At the beginning of 2021, visitors went to Shoreham to celebrate and bless the ministry.
Brian blessing Claire and Artie.
From the website for The Cliffs
Contact us:
The Cliffs, 34 Prout Webb Road, Shoreham 3916 Victoria, Australia
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Phone: +61 (03) 5989 8777
Mobile: +61 (0)438 530602