Joane Sigarara MSC, returns from the US province to the Pacific Islands Province
From Warren Perrotto MSC im the February 2023 of the SHV Diary (Sacred Heart Villa, Center Valley):
Congratulations to Fr. Ioane Sigarara, MSC, on his appointment as the new Vicar for Caritas Fiji. The position was given to Ioane by the Most Rev. Peter Loy Chung, Archbishop of Fiji. Caritas is a Catholic charity organization committed to developing a compassionate and ecologically just society centered on Christ. It performs services of charity for poor victims of social and ecological injustices. Their service includes reacting to emergencies, such as caring for survivors of disasters. In addition, it strengthens and enhances the performance of pastoral leaders.
Joane Sigarara, from the Pacific Union in the past, spent some time at St Paul’s Seminary at Kensington.
We delved into the website archives and found various posts about Joane.
The Reverend Ioane Sigarara of Saint Anthony Catholic Church in Hillsdale, once a Fijian military man, will enter the United States Navy in January to serve as a chaplain.
Ioane grew up in Fiji-the islands where there are only two seasons: cool and dry or warm and wet. Ioane said he would describe Fiji as the place where fish and octopus are eaten raw for increased flavour, electricity is almost non-existent and "running water" is the creek out back.
Another unique characteristic of the Fiji Islands is the love of rugby that they inherited from British colonisation. Ioane said he played quite a bit growing up, and when he came to Hillsdale in 2007, he visited the college rugby club practice to provide insight into how to better their rugby game.
Ioane's passion was not limited to this sport, however. He said the Catholic community in Fiji is very strong, and even as a young boy, Ioane said he desired to become a priest.
Looking back, 2020. Today our military chaplain, Fr Ioane Sigarara, MSC retired from active military. He served our military well in many places. May he be blessed in the next part of his life journey. I'm sure he leaves behind many friends who had their lives enriched through his friendship and service.
Looking further back: From the website, 15th December, 2011.
During Mass on December 8, 2011 (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception), Fr. Ioane Sigarara, MSC was sworn in as an officer (captain) in the US Army. Fr. Ioane is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart from Fiji who has been living and working in the United States for several years. He previously served as pastor to St. Anthony Parish in Hillsdale, MI and, more recently, has been working at St. Charles and St. Helena Parish Church in Clio, MI. Major Don Michael, who is also a deacon at St. Anthony, served as the witnessing officer. Fr. Ioane will be serving as an Army Chaplain. Now that he has been sworn in, his next step is to attend 12 weeks of officer training school. Congratulations Fr. Ioane and may God bless you in this new ministry. From the US MSC site. |