Monday, 19 June 2023 22:34

MSC Formation meeting, Rome, report from Kimi Vunivesilevu MSC

MSC Formation meeting, Rome, report from Kimi Vunivesilevu MSC

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Report to THE MSC Provincial Council and Formation Committee on THE Initial Formation Accompaniment Process

(IFAP) Gathering, (Monte Cucco, Rome, 15th - 22nd May 2023)



The Initial Formation Accompaniment Process (IFAP) gathering in Monte Cucco (Rome) was the culmination of a five-year consultation process initiated by the General Administration. A process that included private interviews with formators and formandi across provinces and unions, the recommendations from formator gatherings at the regional meetings of APIA (Asia and Oceania), PEC (Europe), CA (Americas) and AFMSC (Africa), and the recommendations from the International Meeting of Novice Masters held in Rome from 28th October to 03 November, 2022.

The objective was to bring together the recommendations from the consultation process and to produce an updated formation document that revisions and updates the current Valladolid formation document.

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  1. Process

The five-year consultation process utilised Theory U which was developed by Otto Scharmer (MIT, Boston). One of the bases of this theory is that problems cannot be solved and challenges cannot be addressed using past experience. What is needed is a more holistic view that considers the system as a whole. A phrase used often throughout the consultation process ‘is moving from ego to eco’. In other words, to think congregation and consider relationships and connections between each entity, rather than just what is best for my own province, region, or union. An inner awareness of the whole.

The gathering at Monte Cucco (Rome) was facilitated by Chris Chaplin MSC and Humberto Henriques MSC. There were twenty-eight participants with all but three, currently working in formation in their respective province or union.

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The facilitation process had two phases.

In the first phase, Chris led the group through the four movements of the Spirituality of the Heart. A journey from Encounter, to Intimacy, to Conversion, and leading us into Mission. This first phase involved reflecting and situating our own formation journey within those four movements. It helped participants recognise and appreciate how accessible the Spirituality of the Heart is as part of our own formation journey. The four movements of our spirituality when followed through, also contain within it, the transformation necessary for formation as MSC.

Looking at the structure of our current formation process, the group situated the movement of Encounter with the Aspirancy. Whether aspirancy is in-community or external, aspirancy formation consists of a period in which the candidates will live the stage of encounter: encounter with God, with the MSC, and with themselves.

The Pre-novitiate is a time of Intimacy. The pre-novitiate should help the candidate experience intimacy with Christ by facilitating human and spiritual growth, while allowing the community to assess the motives and readiness of the candidate for religious life.

The Novitiate is a time of initiation into the life, spirit, and mission of the Society. Fundamentally, the novitiate process has to deepen the formandi's intimacy with the heart of Jesus. An intimacy that leads to Conversion and a decision for vows as MSC.

The Post-Novitiate focuses more on Mission. It is a time of deeper appreciation of, and growth in, the human, spiritual, intellectual, communal, and pastoral dimensions, and to deepen the sense of MSC belonging.

While a broader view of the formation process seems to emphasise one movement of the Spirituality of the Heart in each stage of formation, the experience of the facilitators and of the group was that, we can experience all four movements in each stage of formation. Also each person’s starting point can be different, but it all ends with mission.

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The second phase of the gathering facilitated by both Chris and Humberto utilised the process of communal discernment. This process guided our reflection on each stage of formation as outlined in the Valladolid document and our reflections on the recommended updates arising from the consultation process.

  1. Outcome

It was evident that not all recommendations from the consultation process belonged in the formation document. Some contained issues to be addressed at the Province or Union levels or by the General Administration.

With regards to the formation document, there was consensus that the categories of formation in each stage of formation as presented in the Valladolid document were holistic and still valid (i.e., human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral, communal and formation in MSC life).   To use a construction analogy, the new formation document is not a tear-down rebuild. It is more, an extensive renovation that keeps the basic structure, while reinforcing what is there with our Spirituality of the Heart and updating it to meet present and future needs.

In summary, the new formation document includes:

  • an introduction to the four movements of the Spirituality of the Heart that underpins our formation as MSC.
  • the inclusion of Aspirancy as the first stage of formation.
  • the updating terms/language in Valladolid document that will be carried forward into the new formation document.
  • the addition of sections/guidelines on Monitoring and Evaluation of Formandi, New Technology and the Digital World, Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Adults, Clericalism and MSC Identity, and JPIC.
  • the addition of new items in glossary section.

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  1. Conclusion

The final discernment session was to name the new document. While suggestions were made to name the document Monte Cucco (like the Valladolid document), Ego to Eco, or a few other descriptive and wordy titles, the majority voted for the simple title Heart Formation. A title that contains our spirituality and describes our formation process. A title that also indicates that the document contains the four movements of the Spirituality of the Heart which can be adapted and developed for the formation of the laity and others in our spirituality.    

The Heart Formation document produced at Monte Cucco will be handed to a redaction committee, with the final document to be presented at the 26th MSC General Chapter (2023) at Centro Ad Gentes in Nemi, Italy.