RIP. Leonardo ‘Bogey’ Cabrera MSC, Philippines
News from MSC Generalate
We sadly inform the passing of our dear confrere, our former provincial superior, Fr. Leonardo "Bogey" Cabrera, MSC. Early this morning, at around 8:17, Fr. Bogey breathed his last.
Fr. Bogey, MSC offered his life as a religious MSC on June 2, 1991, and was ordained as an MSC priest on May 16. 1997.
Fr. Bogey was a dedicated missionary and passionate leader. He had been assigned to the different ministries and missions of the congregation. He was a parish priest. He was also involved in vocation recruitment and the formation of future MSCs.
Remarkably, he was a hardworking and passionate leader. He had worked in the administrative ministries of the MSC Philippine Province. He was a provincial bursar. In the last years of his active ministries, he served as the Provincial Superior of the MSC Philippines.
His health-related battle was not unknown to us. This might have gained him strength, but this also gave us inspiration.
We thank Fr. Bogey for his selfless service to God and to His people. We pray for his eternal rest! Rest in the loving Heart of God, padre!
Salamat padre! Pray for us!