Current News
Sunday, 25 October 2020 22:41
Chevalier Day 2020 at Daramalan College
Chevalier Day 2020 at Daramalan College On Wednesday 21 October Daramalan College celebrated Chevalier Day with a small number of special visitors to mark the occasion. These included Fr Chris McPhee, Fr Jim Littleton, Fr Bob Irwin, Br Barry Smith, Alison McKenzie and Mark McGinnity. The College Chaplain, Fr Kimi…
Friday, 23 October 2020 22:37
MSC Brothers’ Call and Life
MSC Brothers’ Call and Life As mentioned yesterday, we have been focusing on posts on MSC Brothers. We continue this weekend. MSC Brothers by Warren Perrotto MSC A Brother is a “man committed to living the Consecrated Life in response to a call from God.” (Religious Brothers Conference)…
Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:24
Tribute to Colin Sinclair MSC
Tribute to Colin Sinclair MSC With Jos Beelen's 95th birthday and yesterday's story on the Australian Brothers at the General House, we have been focusing on our Brothers. Which continues today. From all the members of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in the MSC Pacific Union. (From the…
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 22:23
Australian MSC Brothers at the General House
Australian MSC Brothers at the General House Recently, we posted a list of postwar students who were sent to Rome. From 1950, a number of Brothers from the Australian Province were stationed at the Generalate, Via Asmara. Here is the list: David Smith, later ordained. From 1950. Charles Lang. …
Tuesday, 20 October 2020 22:28
Jules Chevalier Day, 113th anniversary of his death.
Jules Chevalier Day, 113th anniversary of his death. We are thankful for the heritage from Jules Chevalier A devotion that led to a Heart Spirituality. An appreciation of Mary, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Brothers and priests, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Sisters, Daughters of Our Lady of the…
Monday, 19 October 2020 22:05
Papal Honour for Bill Griffiths as a Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great.
Papal Honour for Bill Griffiths as a Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great. From Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Diocese of Darwin. Many would remember Bill Griffiths, our Director of Catholic Education (before Michael Avery). He was “Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Darwin…
Sunday, 18 October 2020 22:28
Australian Province Appointments for 2021.
Australian Province Appointments for 2021. The Provincial Council met Wednesday and Thursday and made the following Decisions were made: Appointments for 2021. Steve Dives will retire from the role of Deputy Provincial and, after nine years, from the Provincial Council. He is appointed to Kensington Monastery – but not to…
Friday, 16 October 2020 23:17
Mary MacKillop, 10 years anniversary of her Canonisation.
Mary MacKillop, 10 years anniversary of her Canonisation. The Sisters of Saint Joseph will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the canonisation of St Mary MacKillop this weekend with commemorative prayers, videos and a global vigil in her honour. The MSC have long admired the Sisters of St Joseph and their…
Thursday, 15 October 2020 22:20
Acknowledging Brother Jos Beelen MSC, 95.
Acknowledging Brother Jos Beelen MSC, 95. Sunday, October 18rh sees the birthday of our confrere Brother Jos Beelen. He turns 95. Jos was born in Holland and grew up there, including during the war years. He and some of his family migrated to Australia. He joined the Missionaries of the…
Wednesday, 14 October 2020 22:12
And more martyrs and beatifications: Martyrs of Quiche, Guatamala.
And more martyrs and beatifications: Martyrs of Quiche, Guatamala. Not quite the expected iconography! Previously (last April) there was a notification about the beatification of our MSC Martyrs and 7 indigenous laity from Quiché (Guatemala). The beatification was confirmed for December 4, 2020. However, this week there was a Facebook…
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 22:16
MSC Covid-19 deaths in Europe.
MSC Covid-19 deaths in Europe. In the media recently, families have written tributes to members of their family who have succumbed to covid-19. We have already honoured our three US confreres who have died: George Farkas, aged 88 Joseph Tesar, aged 87 John Paul, aged 87. And from Central…
Monday, 12 October 2020 22:16
Message from Abzalon, Superior General. Beatifications. Latin America.
Message from Abzalon, Superior General. Beatifications. Latin America. Two more candidates. Sanctity is not competitive!! NEXT BEATOS ADOLESCENTS, CENTRAL AMERICA MARTYRS 2 days after the Beatification of young Carlo Acutis. Did you know that in Central America we have 2 teenagers who will also be beatified? Here's a brief review…
Sunday, 11 October 2020 23:12
Invitation. 2 forthcoming Webinars.
Invitation. 2 forthcoming Webinars. 1. An invitation from Chevalier Institute. Zoom Meeting ID 872 5413 6694 2. Claude Mostowik MSC, MSC Justice and Peace, has sent this invitation. Dear friends and colleagues, Palestine: A Turning Point? A Public Forum with Dr Chandra Muzaffar Sunday 18 October 2.00…
Friday, 09 October 2020 23:20
From the letter to the province, Alison McKenzie.
From the letter to the province, Alison McKenzie. The full letter appears in the recent issue of the MSC Magazine (which also appears on the website home page). After her initial reminiscence, Alison makes three points about the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, highlighting Heart Spirituality – and some wise…
Thursday, 08 October 2020 22:20
Saturday October 10th 2020, a beatification by Pope Francis in Assisi, Carlo Acutis.
Saturday October 10th 2020, a beatification by Pope Francis in Assisi, Carlo Acutis. In the 21st century, what is the story, what is the image of a contemporary saint? Carlo Acutis (3 May 1991 - 12 October 2006) was an Italian Roman Catholic teenager. He was best known for…
Wednesday, 07 October 2020 22:13
And now a welcome. Bridget Hawthorne, new Assistant to the Provincial.
And now a welcome. Bridget Hawthorne, new Assistant to the Provincial. Bridget writes: I have just recently joined you all, as Assistant to Chris McPhee here in Coogee. I come after 5 and a half years working at St Ignatius’ College, Riverview. I have a long history and family connections…
Tuesday, 06 October 2020 22:18
Irish MSC, 70 years in South Africa
Irish MSC, 70 years in South Africa On July 6th, 1950, the first group of MSCs arrived in Northern Transvaal, working in an area now recognised as the Limpopo Province. Here, they immediately took responsibility for mission areas in Louis Trichardt (today known as Makhado) and Messia (now known…
Sunday, 04 October 2020 22:22
Meet Fr Bill Brady MSC
Meet Fr Bill Brady msc Today’s MSC Update reminded us that 4th October is Bill Brady’s 75th birthday. On December 13th, he will be 45 years ordained. He has just experienced some surgery and is recovering. This article first appeared earlier this year in the OLSH Randwick Parish Bulletin…
Friday, 02 October 2020 23:39
Rochus Tatamai MSC, Installation, Rabaul – report, homily, photos.
Rochus Tatamai MSC, Installation, Rabaul – report, homily, photos. The ceremony of Installation of the 8th Archbishop of Rabaul, Abp Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC, was a great gathering of well over hundreds of priests, nuns, the Apostolic Nuncio, Sir John Cardinal Ribat, 15 archbishops and bishops, as well as many,…
Thursday, 01 October 2020 22:24
Chevalier Family; Justice and Peace and First Friday intentions
Chevalier Family; Justice and Peace and First Friday intentions The focus for October is Peace – and the challenge to us in our daily lives of commitment to non-violence and remembering those who lived (and died) for non-violence.
Wednesday, 30 September 2020 22:21
Beginning our eighth covid lockdown month, October. Some mind-alerting moments.
Beginning our eighth covid lockdown month, October. Some mind-alerting moments. Some months ago, this cartoon appeared – 'The Official Mascot for 2020' reminding us of how clever anagrams can be. For example: Take Chris McPhee, for instance. Monkeying with the letters we get: Chimps cheer or Chimp cheers! This set…
Tuesday, 29 September 2020 22:20
Some significant October days for the Chevalier Family, 2020
Some significant October days for the Chevalier Family, 2020 Many of the significant October days are part of the life of Jules Chevalier, not only the anniversary of his death, October 21st but other days: his vision of the role of the laity in the MSC, his resignation, his anointing.…
Monday, 28 September 2020 22:39
Acknowledging Paul Castley MSC, 85
Acknowledging Paul Castley MSC, 85 Paul at a Chapter 2016 Eucharist Paul Castley is a Queenslander, Townsville and Brisbane. He made his first profession, February 26th 1955. His studies were at Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon. He was ordained in St Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane, June 29th 1961. After a year in…
Sunday, 27 September 2020 22:32
Rochus Tatamai tp be installed as Archbishop of Rabaul.
Rochus Tatamai tp be installed as Archbishop of Rabaul. Tuesday, September 28th, will see the installation ceremony in Rabaul. The German MSC were the initial missionaries in New Britain – and provided the early bishops, including Bishop Leo Scharmach who was imprisoned with MSC, OLSH, MSC Sisters in Ramale Valley…
Friday, 25 September 2020 22:44
World Day of Migrants and Refugees, September 27th
World Day of Migrants and Refugees, September 27th. The last Sunday of September of every year is World Day of Migrants and Refugees. For 2020, Pope Francis has chosen the theme “Forced like Jesus Christ to flee”, with a focus on the need for the pastoral care of internally displaced…
Thursday, 24 September 2020 22:15
Paul Stenhouse MSC: A Book of Tributes.
Paul Stenhouse MSC: A Book of Tributes. Australian Scholarly Publishers are about to release a book of tributes to Paul Stenhouse. It is called, Paul Stenhouse, a Distinguished and Distinctive Missionary of the Sacred Heart. It can be ordered from the publishers, details below. The range of tributes can be…
Wednesday, 23 September 2020 22:38
John Graham MSC: A True Missionary of the Sacred Heart by Priyo Susanto msc
John Graham MSC: A True Missionary of the Sacred Heart by Priyo Susanto msc Earlier in the year John celebrated 50 years of priesthood. This weekend he celebrates his 82nd birthday. This article by the MSC community leader in Japan appeared in the MSC Magazine. This year John Graham…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 22:12
Mark Hanns MSC, Ordination, Silver Jubilee
Mark Hanns MSC, Ordination, Silver Jubilee Congratulations today to Mark Hanns MSC, 25 years of Priesthood. Cover of an Adelaide booklet on the Mass Mark was a foundation member of the Formation House, Navarre, Drummoyne, in 1986. He was a ‘late vocation’, a Certified Electrician. He made his first profession,…
Monday, 21 September 2020 22:17
A Letter from Henley Beach Parish: Noel Mansfield MSC
A Letter from Henley Beach Parish: Noel Mansfield MSC. First, a reminder that the week of celebrations of MSC in Adelaide is under way. Tomorrow sees the special Mass with Archbishop Patrick O’Regan. There are further events for the rest of the week. Noel has also sent some photos with…
Monday, 21 September 2020 17:15
Abzalon at 50
Abzalon at 50. Congratulations to Abzalon on his 50th birthday. Work in Guatamala, in Central America; Provincial and now Superior General – beginning his fourth year. Providentially, before the 2020 coronavirus lockdowns, Abzalon was able to visit many provinces and meet a good number of MSC and Chevalier Family.