Tuesday, 05 January 2021 22:17

MSC Magazine, To be on earth the Heart of God, Summer 2020

MSC Magazine, Be on earth the Heart of God, Summer 2020

Abzalon and vegemite Copy

You’re right, that isn’t a photo of the cover of the Magazine (in fact, photo below; it is accessible on the Home Page of the site and under ‘Current News’ or link here; hard copies from Treand House, 1a Waltham St Coogee, 2034.

However, it seemed an eye-catching illustration for a story (not yet in the MSC Magazine);



Our Superior General, Abzalon, has visited Australia, but here he is seen in an inculturating experience, eating Vegemite. It is a savory-tasting spread, long beloved by Australians from schoolhood days, popular on sandwiches. (Some Americans who have ventured on this inculturation have asked whether it is a medicine.)

For further information: from Wikipedia, where the subtitle is ‘Food’:

Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɪmaɪt/ VEJ-i-myte) is a thick, dark brown Australian food spread made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives. It was developed by Cyril Callister in Melbourne, Victoria in 1922.

MSC Magazine 2020 Issue 04 Summer 200 width