Daramalan Residence to a Performing Arts Centre.
The future.
In1966, the MSC residence was full – 24 brothers and priests living there, plus to more in the flat in the Sharpe wing. Over 55 years and more, a big number of MSC had resided there plus many visitors. End of an era.
As most would know, the old Naughton Wing/Residence is coming down to be replaced with a new Performing Arts Centre.
The new building will comprise a multi-use foyer, performance space, drama and music classrooms, music tuition/practice rooms and a rehearsal space for bands, with the performance space holding about 200 people.
The new building will be sustainable and energy-efficient incorporating rooftop solar and water recycling and is expected to be completed by late 2022 in time for our 60th anniversary.
It was announced at Chevalier Day the Wing will be called the “Issoudun Wing” after the French town where Fr Jules Chevalier started the MSC order in 1854. The name pays honour to the Daramalan priests and brothers who vacated the site last year after living there for the last 57 years
Rita Daniels, outgoing principal, reflects on MSC vision for Australian education.
I have spent more than 32 years working at Daramalan – the last 12 as Principal - so this school covers a very significant proportion of my working life. It has been a wonderful journey – working with many outstanding people who have made a huge impact for good on the lives of thousands of young people by their care, their compassion, and their commitment which have been illustrated in many different ways. While many educational institutions promote themselves as excelling in single things such as academic or sporting achievements, languages or the performing arts, I know that Daramalan College has been, and I am sure will continue to be in the future, a place which welcomes all young people – the talented, the strugglers, the middle of the road students, the lost souls and those needing a great deal of help throughout their school journey. Keeping this school as being a place that welcomes everyone, not just the talented or gifted, at the centre of our thinking and of our work, is critical to us continuing to live out our core values and I take much comfort in knowing this is what we do day by day.