Acknowledging Paul Brennan MSC, 85.
Paul was born on January 12th 1936. He came from southern NSW. He did his secondary studies at Chevalier College, Captain of the School, 1953, as well as Dux of the College (and winning the Cooper Scholarship for his Honours Greek results in the Leaving Certificate).
After a year at Sydney University, he entered the novitiate at Douglas Park in 1955, making his first profession on February 26th 1956. After studies at Croydon Monastery, he was ordained in Sydney on 21st July, 1962.
Paul’s ministry was principally in MSC education. While stationed at Monivae, he became the religious superior of the community. In the late 1990s, he spent some time at the General House, working in the library and archives.
In more recent years, he has been at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, involved in retreat work as well as parish supply.