Current News

MSC leave their marks in unusual places. Fr Gilbert Buisson MSC and the seventh Station of the Cross, Narellan. When officiating recently at a wedding at Narellan, John Mulrooney saw the seventh Station of the Cross in the Chapel and sent a photo. The reference is to Fr. Gilbert Buisson…
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 22:29

2021 Provincial Conference opens

2021 Provincial Conference opens   Peter Hendriks has sent photos and Chris McPhee's opening address Welcome to the 2021 Provincial conference; our first since we had to cancel last year’s conference by order of a decree due to Covid19 lockdown... The Role of the Provincial Conference is: a) To review the…
Tributes to Bob Irwin MSC and his work in MSC Education (Some have to wait until they die for eulogies. Some have to wait for their causes for canonisation are introduced to have their virtues extolled. Now Bob does not have to wait.) Tribute by John Mulrooney MSC Bob Irwin …
Monday, 24 May 2021 22:27

News from around the MSC world

News from around the MSC world Carl Tranter MSC posts this news from MSC Venezuela. Handover of our parish of Saint Iñes in Maracaibo, Venezuela to the local Diocese. P. Jesus Sandoval new Parish Administrator appointed by Mr Archbishop Mons. José Luis Azuaje. The Liturgy was celebrated on the eve…
Sunday, 23 May 2021 22:46

Acknowledging Bernie McGrane MSC, 95.

Acknowledging Bernie Mc Grane MSC Today we congratulate Fr Bernie McGrane MSC on his 95th birthday, and remember his long ministry, principally in the mission of Eastern Papua, and for many decades of service. This year he is 69 years ordained. And, from the archives, celebration of his 94th last…
Back to the West Wing, Kensington. Celebration of 100 years. And back to the photo archives. Thanks to Roger Purcell MSC for story and photos. The community at Sacred Heart Monastery celebrated the 100 years of the blessing of the foundation stone in the West Wing of the Monastery on…
2021 MSC Education Annual General Meeting Staff Formation Network. It was great to be able to gather in person for our Education AGMs in Canberra this year.  At a dinner prior we were able to farewell a number of people who have contributed significantly to the MSC education community over…
St Ignatius Loyola, his conversion – wounded in battle, May 20 1521.   The beginning of half a millennium of his influence on the Church and beyond. St. Ignatius Loyola was born in 1491, one of 13 children of a family of minor nobility in northern Spain. As a young man…
What this Laudato Si' week can mean in today’s world We remember the days when we prayed ‘for the Holy Father’s intentions’. Of course, he still needs our prayers. But he also needs our appreciation and understanding of his intentions – and our acting on this. Laudato Si’ Week 2021,…
100 Years of the West Wing (no not that one in DC), but MSC Kensington Monastery, May 15th, 1921-2021 Our West Wing is having a centenary. Opened in 1921, it served as the scholasticate until 1939 when Croydon Monastery was opened.  Since then, home for those living at Kensington, a…
Michael Sims MSC, A Missionary’s Story By Ray Carroll (coach: Assumption College, Kilmore). The Northern Central and Whittlesea Review. While interviewing St Patrick’s parish priest Father Prakash recently, I also spoke to one of his friends briefly visiting. Father Michael Sims, a Brunswick boy, has spent more than 40 years…
May, Month of Mary, Featuring The Madonna of the Aborigines Aboriginal Madonna - Karel Kupka 1918-1993  Our Lady of the Aborigines In the 1950s, exiled Czech artist Karel Kupka, arrived in Arnhem Land. His Catholic faith was subtly remade as he studied the art of indigenous Australia. He brought together…
Thursday, 13 May 2021 22:25

MSC Parish Formation Weekend, Moonah.

MSC Parish Formation Weekend, Moonah. Report by Dominic Gleeson MSC. Members: Narita Perotta, South Australia, Marian England, Kippax ACT, Michael Hangan, Deacon Moonah. The weekend began on Friday evening with approximately 40 participants from the parish of Moonah-Lutana, and there was an equal representation of men and women, from all…
Multicultural Australian Catholics - Discovering the Melbourne Hungarian community. One of the features of multi-cultural Australia is the variety of communities around the nation who preserve many of the traditions of the country of origin, continually broadening horizons.  The Australian Catholic Church is also multi-cultural, Masses, gatherings and celebrations in…
Congratulations! New MSC Province, Province of the Pacific Islands   Here is the message from the Provincial Superior, Fr Tamati Sefo MSC, part of the Decree from Rome - and an explanation of the Province Logo. With thanks to Robati Tebauuea MSC, Suva, for the documents.   The message of the…
In case you missed this significant post. The posting for the First Friday had a limited number of visitors, not yet reaching 100 (an ordinary minimum number at the end of each day) – there was an important statement about our Superior General. We are highlighting it again (for the…
Sunday, 09 May 2021 22:12

In Memoriam, Cormac Nagle OFM.

In Memoriam, Cormac Nagle OFM. Cormac Nagle, who died suddenly on May 4th, was a strong Franciscan presence in Australia, Lecturer, Provincial and in his ministry on the OFM General Council. Many MSC of a certain vintage have memories of him, working with him on the Yarra Theological Union, and…
Heart of Life Open Day at the new venue, Malvern. Paul Beirne, Director, Brian Gallagher, Founder Around 40 people, staff, present and past students, friends (plus ten or more, even from the Philippines, participating by Zoom) gathered at the new premises for Heart of Life, the Brigidine centre, Kildara (adjacent…
First Friday, May 2021, Chevalier Family intention – and a challenging critique from Quiche   The Justice and Peace poster highlights awareness, action (with Pope Francis urging on the Curia) and prayer. The following challenge comes from a critique of the Beatification ceremony on April 23rd – but an affirmation…
Steve Dives MSC, from Deputy at Treand House to Community Leader, Kensington In case you missed this from the MSC Magazine, here it is for cyberspace security THANKYOU and FAREWELL By Meta Jackman, Professional Standards and Safeguarding Office, Treand House   When Fr Steve Dives announced his decision to step-down…
NT Tales: A Fishing trip, a Bishop and a Thief         You never know what might arrive in the Inbox. You might like this one. Peter Carroll MSC - it's his story! Malcolm Fyfe writes: Recently I was asked about an event that took place in 1983. Father Tom English and…
2021 update booklet on Deceased MSC confreres by Jim Littleton MSC For almost 30 years, Jim Littleton has been doing a service to the province in publishing obituaries and photos of our deceased confreres. In this present book, there are 16 entries, brothers and priests who have died since 2018…
SOME SIGNIFICANT MAY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY 2021 A reminder, May 6th, that the Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Randwick was opened in 1888, only a few years after the arrival of the first MSC in Sydney. The parish in those days extended to Botany.…
The Beatification of the Quiche Martyrs, Photos, comment by Pope Francis Words from Pope Francis at Ángelus today (25.04.2021) Last Friday in Santa Cruz de Quiché, Guatemala, Jose Maria Gran Cirera and nine fellow martyrs were beatified: three priests and seven laymen belonging to the Congregation of the Sacred Heart…
St Joseph – Man of Dreams  - Tomorrow, May 1st, is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker in the Year of St Joseph. Mt 1:20, Mt 2:13, 19, 22     Stephen Hackett MSC, Secretary of the Australian Bishops Conference sent this commissioned article – written by Michelle Vass. Director…
IN MEMORIAM FR. JOSE ISAGANI “JAKE” SALAMANCA PASCUAL, MSC   Jose Pascual was one of the MSC Filippino students who came to Croydon in the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s for their theological studies.  Many of us remember them well – and how they opened up to us cultures…
New Book, No Greater Love, Brian Gallagher MSC   From the Coventry Press Flyer   No Greater Love The Human Experience of God This book is a companion book to Brian Gallagher’s earlier work God’s Foolishness. The author reflects on the lives and teachings of a number of other ‘prophets’…
Sue Richardson PBVM, former director of Heart of Life, returning to Lismore. End of an era, so to speak. We invited Sue to write some words about this change for her. GOODBYE MELBOURNE Time for me to say goodbye to Melbourne after 41 years!  That is with the exception of…
Sunday, 25 April 2021 22:22

Rest in Peace, Anne Margaret Dalton MSC

Rest in Peace, Anne Margaret Dalton MSC Anne Margaret Dalton was buried from Holy Redeemer Church, Surrey Hills, on Friday April 23rd.  She was born in 1931 (and would have been 90 in July). She was third in 14 children. Her older brother, Bill, was for some time an MSC…
Anzac Day, an Australian MSC tribute, Fr James Gilbert MSC, Battle of Fromelles, 1916 Each Anzac Day, Lest We Forget – and a tribute to MSC war chaplains.  (For past memorials, go to the search engine and type in Anzac Day.) Documentation from the Australian War Memorial website. And photos…
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