Sunday, 20 June 2021 22:23

Some unexpected updates from our Deputy.

Some unexpected updates from our Deputy.

Terry Naughton msc celebrated 55 years of Ordination yesterday. Congratulations Terry.

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When he was asked to sum up the past 55 years in one sentence! He referred to all the great MSC’s with whom he has lived and worked. As for some advice for others, he replied, “Stick with it!” His humour and welcoming nature are alive and well.

When Chris, one of his former novices went to visit, Liz Honeysett a former cook was there to visit as well. On Terry’s right is the one who used to feed him, on his left is the one he used to feed - spiritually.


Kimi Vunivesilevu msc PP of St John the Apostle, Kippax has just won many favours from St Francis. On his early morning walk this morning a dog ran up to him and tried to chew on his hand. It then followed him all the way back to the Parish. He drove him to the local Vet and because he (the dog) was microchipped they discovered his name was ‘Chief’ and his family have been looking for him.


Someone suggested the title of this story should be, ‘Dog Leads Stray Priest Home!’


And a glimpse of the Lay Council meeting earlier this year at Douglas Park.