Wednesday, 30 June 2021 22:23

NATSICC award to Leo Wearden MSC

NATSICC award to Leo Wearden MSC

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Letter from Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General of the Diocese of Darwin


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Celebrations (4 July),

I write to remind you that this Sunday is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday.  You can easily access a wealth of resources that will enable you to acknowledge and celebrate this annual event. The following paragraph is copied from the NATSICC mail-out:

”The COVID-19 Pandemic forced us to think differently about the ways in which we connect with each other. It also made clear our need to stay in touch and stay connected.  For NATSICC, the resulting shift in focus meant that, for this year’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Celebrations (4 July), we have been able to create multimedia components to complement our hard copy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday resources. For Parishes, Schools and organisations, the result is that we will be able to connect with you and your congregations like never before through video, music and imagery. Please see below and visit to access the resources.”

heal country

And Special Congratulations to

Brother Vince Roche CFC and

Father Leo Wearden MSC on their being recognized in a special way, namely as Winners of the non-Indigenous NATSICC Awards


Again I quote from the NATSICC mail-out:


“Br Vince Roche and Fr Leo Wearden In what seems to be award season in Wadeye, two much loved and respected men are the latest award winners from this remote Northern territory Community. Br Vince Roche and Fr Leo Wearden are both winners of the non Indigenous NATSICC Service to Community Award

vince roche

Vince Roche

Br Vince Roche has lived for almost 40 years in the remote communities of Wurrumiyanga on the Tiwi Islands but mostly at Wadeye (Port Keats). This year 2021 marks 40 years since the Christian Brothers began ministry at Wadeye. In many ways his constant and faithful service goes unnoticed but the people of Wadeye hold Vince in the highest esteem. He initially taught at the schools in the communities. He later moved into Adult Education programs. He has been a crucial contact person for families who have had their children attend boarding schools interstate such as Worowa Aboriginal College in Vic Vince is always available to the many people who knock on the door of his house and he inspires all of us with his consistent and quiet service of all who come his way. He is a trusted advisor to many and he continues to assist people with the challenges experienced in remote communities where his knowledge and experience with application forms for setting up bank accounts, mobile phones and tax payments and the demands from Government bureaucracies are treasured. The Church leaders at Wadeye have nominated Br Vince for this award.   

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Recent Photo portrait, John Walker MSC

Fr Leo Wearden

Fr Leo has been Parish Priest at Wadeye for around 15 years. Previously he was on Bathurst Island for 10 years. He is totally committed to making Jesus present in the Indigenous Communities of the Northern Territory. He is a kind, generous and respectful man, sensitive to the cultural needs of the people, and humbly walks with them in times happy and sad. He has been invited by Traditional Elders to say Mass and bless the candidates for cultural ceremonies. This is an indication of the high esteem in which he is held by the community. He will often be invited to say a home Mass on occasions of bereavement and anniversaries. Father willingly celebrates Mass on homelands, at the local school on special Feast Days. He has learned the local language, and leads prayers and sings in Murrinhpatha. During a recent period of ill health, the people missed him greatly and greeted his return with banners and songs of welcome.”

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