Tuesday, 29 June 2021 22:29

Congratulations: 60 years ordained

Congratulations:  60 years ordained

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The ordination group of 1961 has its 60th anniversary of ordination. Adrian Meaney and Kevin Barr have died.  Brian Taylor celebrates in Japan, Russell Andersen in Eastern Papua, Paul Castley in Kew, covid preventing him joining Patrick Sharpe and Michael Fallon at Kensington.


This photo shows the group in 1961 on the steps of Croydon Monastery Chapel.


We salute each of this group and acknowledge their extraordinary ministries: almost 60 years in Japan, almost 60 years in Eastern Papua, substantial time in the Northern Territory, New Guinea, Fiji, schools – Daramalan, Chevalier and Monivae in the 1960s, involvement in art and chaplaincy, Clinical Pastoral Education, Supervision and Spirituality, University Chaplaincy, books and commentary on Scripture and Theology. And, of course, the establishment and the extraordinary international expansion of the MSC Mission Office (watched over now by Adrian from Heaven).

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Celebrations at Kensington, photos courtesy of John Walker MSC. (Presence limited by Sydney’s lockdown.)

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Meanwhile at Amici restaurant on Burke Rd, Camberwell Junction. Paul and the Kew community, (Melbourne not in lockdown!)
