We have completed the first part of the MSC General Conference. These are held every two years in between General Chapters. The last one, two years ago, was in South Korea. This year was to be held in Brazil but we had to go on line because of the pandemic. There were 44 participants altogether, General Council and other members of General Administration, all the Provincials and Leaders of Unions. We hosted the Conference from here with Brett Adamson, Kenji Koda, and myself here in Australia and Ireneo Lee from South Korea, Michael Angelo Acera from the Philippines Tiago Donizete from Brazil. We were working in the background to make sure things kept running smoothly.
The Conference is divided into three sessions, three days in June (just completed) three days in August and five days in September. The sessions went very well. Chris Chaplin, along with Humberto Henriques from Brazil, who are both members of the General Council, were the facilitators.
Carl Tranter, Irish Provincial, writes Just a quick note to thank you both, and indeed all the hosting and preparatory team, for an excellent first session to the Conference. Despite the many challenges and constraints, it went really well and you have made the most of the available technology to facilitate good participation. I hope you feel satisfied with the first session. Inevitably there will be learnings, and things that can be improved, but as a start it was really excellent. Well done, and thanks for what I know has been a huge effort.
Behind the scene, Brett Adamson, Kenji Konda and Roy O'Neill
Watching in the background I was amazed at what can be achieved with the Zoom technology. Just like a face to face Conference, there was instantaneous translation in three languages – English, Spanish, French, - breakout rooms where participants went into their own language groups before returning to a plenary session. We go back for the session in August beginning on 4th.
Fr Roy John O’Neill MSC
Hosting Co-ordinator
2021 General Conference Missionaries of the Sacred Heart