Friday, 25 June 2021 23:51

Midwinter visit to some MSC Parishes – a variety of activities

Midwinter visit to some MSC Parishes – a variety of activities

rand north peter anthony 2

Peter Anthony at North Randwick

john kelliher darwin

John Kelliher at St Paul’s Nightcliff


Terry Bowman, Kensington, with OLSH Provincial, Philippa Murphy.

kippax mark short and cp

Ecumenism at Kippax, Anglican Mark Short, Catholic Christopher Prowse

Come to Moonah, St Therese.

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Participating from the Crying Room at St Thomas, Blackburn, Photo Trieu Nguyen.

And now, for something completely different! OLSH, Henley Beach.

henley cafe

LOVE IN A BAG  (A regular request but a variety of products)

The collectible items this weekend are TEA, COFFEE or MILO.

Please bring them on the weekend and place in the tubs at the back of the Church.

Thank you