Current News

MSC Melbourne Community, moving to year’s end The community gathered last Friday for the last meeting for 2024.  Most of us will be gathering for the special Blessed and Gifted retreat next month at the Community of the Holy Name Spirituality Centre in the Melbourne suburb of Cheltenham (a community…
MSC Education tradition, Daramalan Alumni, 4 Music Stories Over the years, the Daramalan Alumni Facebook page chronicles some of the ex-student achievements.  We have posted quite a number of these stories – a tribute to the MSC spirit in education. Alison Ware, nee Rayner (1981), Creative Arts Therapist and a…
A significant Australian who taught at Downlands College, poet Bruce Dawe Donald Bruce Dawe AO (15 February 1930 – 1 April 2020) was an Australian poet and academic. Some critics consider him one of the most influential Australian poets of all time. Dawe received numerous poetry awards in Australia and…
2024, YTU and future Canon Lawyers, end of the year’s studies. Our MSC students have just completed their academic year at YTU, and now they’re preparing to set out for their pastoral placements in various communities. All the best to them as they bring their learning and passion to serve…
Roger Purcell MSC, Movement for a Better World, new book                                    The History of the Movement for a Better World in                          Papua New Guinea 1975-2020                                                    Roger Purcell MSC During his many years in PNG, Roger worked extensively with the Movement for a Better World. “We want to…
Our Parishes Formation Team support visit to Randwick Dominic Gleeson writes: "On the weekend of 8-10 November the MSC Parishes Formation Team, (Dominic Gleeson, msc, Marian England, Dcn Michael Hangan) visited Sacred Heart Parish as a support visit to the MSC parish team, (Pat Mara,msc, Bill Brady, msc, Michael Nithan,msc,…
Some Significant November Days for the Chevalier Family 2024   So many of this month’s dates concern MSC mission foundations. And, the beginning of the Novena to Our Lady for the founding of the congregation, November 30th   1 November, 1880 Abbe Rene-Marie Lannuzel celebrates the first Mass in the…
Thursday, 07 November 2024 22:06

Acknowledging Tony Arthur MSC, 85

Acknowledging Tony Arthur MSC, 85 The second 85th birthday in the province in one week. Tony Arthur came from Sydney but did the last two years of his secondary studies at Chevalier  College. After a year in the apostolic school at Douglas Park, he made his novitiate and was professed…
Wednesday, 06 November 2024 22:56

MSC worldwide

MSC worldwide Superior General, Abzalon visits MSC in Mozambique New Provincials Korea India And November 6th is the day of the Spanish Martyrs, Canet del Mar                                        
Tuesday, 05 November 2024 21:54

A Downlands College Occasion

A Downlands College Occasion Fr Vince Carroll – DPSA past President, Bishop Ken Howell - DPSA Patron, Mrs Terrie Wendland – DPSA Vice President, Fr Will Brennan - recently ordained past student, Mr Dan Houghton – DPSA President, Deacon Andrew O’Brien – past student and Past captain ’76, Fr Stephen…
Daramalan College, from Residence to Issoudun Centre The site of the former MSC Residence now holds the Issoudun Performing Arts Centre. In the mid-1960s, 24 brothers and priests lived in the Residence, plus two or three in a unit in the Sharpe wing. Quite a number of MSC lived in…
Sunday, 03 November 2024 22:21

Acknowledging Terry Naughton MSC, 85

Acknowledging Terry Naughton MSC, 85 Once again, a tribute to a confrere who turned 85, yesterday, November 3. Terry is a Queenslander, from Warwick. He made his novitiate in 1958 at Douglas Park but received a diagnosis during that year that he suffered from diabetes. This meant a brief interruption…
MSC Australian Province History, new book available Word to Images to Digital Communications, Media. MSC Australia is the title of  this book, an e-book. It will be uploaded on the Province website next year.  But, if you would like to receive a copy in PDF for yourself or for anyone…
Laity of the Chevalier Family - Justice Laudato Deum, First Friday, November 2024   And the Australian Province Laudato si Committee plan design  
Laity of the Chevalier Family, Southern California A word of appreciation to Southern California for their interest in our Australian Province website and Facebook page. For their frequent visits, clicking like and love And for sharing posts with their Facebook page followers And thanks to members of the Gmeiner family…
Wednesday, 30 October 2024 09:22

Letter from Vietnam… Uncle Bob

Letter from Vietnam… Uncle Bob I hope you are all doing okay down there in UC, the Vietnamese word for Australia. It is nearly the end of October so I thought I had better write you a quick note before we get to November's All Souls and All Saints Days…
Moacir Goulart de Figuredo MSC – Provincial to Bishop   From Abzalon:The Spirit, through the Church, once again turns his gaze on our humble and vulnerable Congregation. The Pope has chosen and appointed Fr. Moacir Goulart de Figueredo, MSC (Curitiba—Brazil), with Episcopal dignity, as the Apostolic Vicar of San Miguel…
Sunday, 27 October 2024 23:03

Tess Ward OLSH, farewell from Wadeye

Tess Ward OLSH, farewell from Wadeye   Tess has spent many years at Wadeye, has worked in Timor Leste and has served as Provincial of the Australian Province.   From the Diocese of Darwin Today, we bid a heartfelt farewell to Sr Tess Ward, a woman whose life has been…
He Loved Us, Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Heart Spirituality The Coronavirus Jesus Pope Francis released a new encyclical Dilexit Nos  (“He Loved Us”) on Thursday, calling for a renewed understanding of devotion to the Sacred Heart in the modern era and its many pressing challenges.   It is almost 70 years…
Friday, 25 October 2024 08:05

Our Novices making their 30 Day Retreat

Our Novices making their 30 Day Retreat Our novices, Long and Nang, are at St Mary's Towers this month for their 30 Day Retreat.   An invitation to support them in prayer during it final week. Thanks to the MSV Vocations Australia Facebook for the photos.                                            
Wednesday, 23 October 2024 22:33

Around the MSC world

Around the MSC world Indonesia, see below   The French Union novitiate.  From Jonas Hassan Mouchi MSC (who studied in Sydney 7 years ago).  He writes: You might have heard that our union noviciate has been transferred on the other side of Congo river in Congo Brazzaville country. We started…
Wireless Priest: Archibald Shaw and the Maritime Wireless Telegraph Company   A strange episode in the early history of the province, Archibald Shaw, the first ordained priest of the province. For further information, Google the entry on Fr Shaw by J.F. McMahon for the Australian Dictionary of Biography and his…
Some post scripts to Jules Chevalier's anniversary/ time differences From The MSC General House     From our Vietnamese Community                                                             
Monday, 21 October 2024 07:44

Jules Chevalier Anniversary, 117 Years

Jules Chevalier Anniversary, 117 Years   This year we have celebrated 200 years since the birth of Jules Chevalier, 1824. We will celebrate on December 8 170 years of the foundation of the Society, 1854. Today we remember the anniversary of Jules Chevalier’s death, 1907. Fr Piperon’s account: Towards midday…
Some Significant October Days for the Chevalier Family. 2024 Many of the significant October days are part of the life of Jules Chevalier, not only the anniversary of his death, October 21st but other days: his vision of the role of the laity in the MSC, his resignation, his anointing.…
MSC Pacific Islands Province – ministry abroad Welcome to 3 MSC from Fiji – On Monday October 7, 2024, we Missionaries of the Sacred Heart USA welcomed “three kings” to our community in Center Valley, Pennsylvania. They are Dulunaqio Gaberiele, Tawaia Taaia and Kauvaetupu (Lomano) Maleselino from the MSC province…
2024 Annual Gathering of the Australian Laity of the Chevalier Family at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, 20-22 September Theme: One in Heart, in Caring for our Common Home   St Mary’s Towers in spring was once again the beautiful setting for the LCF annual gathering. While two participants attended…
MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell MSC on the move This year has been a year of travel for the work of the Mission Office to meet with our overseas people, especially the National Directors. To visit projects and the recipients, and to see potential projects. In all places there are…
Memorials of two of our recent deceased confreres   Arthur Stidwill MSC Arthur supplied in Lismore Diocese, the parish of Casino, A tribute to him by Fr Peter Slack, Naturally, I am sad but it is a strange sadness. Sad for myself that I will not see Arthur again, but…
Sunday, 13 October 2024 22:54

Downlands College, MSC Education today

Downlands College, MSC Education today Downlands Performing Arts PROMS on Saturday 19 October, starting at 5pm on the Downlands Front Lawn. This free event is open to all Downlands families, friends, and the local community. Come and be dazzled by our talented performing arts students as they showcase their passion,…
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