30th Anniversary of the Beatification of Peter to Rot, 17th January 1995
On the occasion of this anniversary, Archbishop Rochus Tatamai MSC of Rabaul, himself a relative, posted these pictures of paintings and stained glass of Peter To Rot.
From Pope John Paul II’s Homily, SirJohn Guise Stadium on the day:
On the day of his death, Blessed Peter asked his wife to bring him his catechist’s crucifix. It accompanied him to the end. Condemned without trial, he suffered his martyrdom calmly. Following in the footsteps of his Master, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (Jn.1: 29), he too was "led like a lamb to the slaughter" (Cf. Is. 53: 7).
And yet this "grain of wheat" which fell silently into the earth (Cf. Jn. 12: 24) has produced a harvest of blessings for the Church in Papua New Guinea!