Tuesday, 14 January 2025 11:31

Acknowledging John Kelliher MSC, 75

Acknowledging John Kelliher MSC, 75


John Kelliher is from Sydney and celebrates his 75th birthday on January 15th.  He made his first profession on December 4th 1971, studied at the Sacred Heart Monasteries, Canberra and Croydon, his Bachelor Theology at the Yarra Theological Union, and ordained on August 21st 1976.

andre john

With Andre Claessens MSC on his visit to Darwin 2023

John has spent many years in the Northern Territory, beginning in 1977 at Santa Teresa, later at the Cathedral in Darwin. And, at present, he is parish priest of St Paul’s Nightcliff, in Darwin. Other appointments include parish priest at Erskineville, secretary to the Provincial, John Mulrooney at Treand House and Community Leader at Kensington Monastery.

one mass jk

John did the Siloam, Spiritual Direction program at Heart of Life in 1995 and sabbatical time at the Tantur Centre in Jerusalem.