Pacific Islands Province, Professions and Foundation Day.
Today, Bro. Tadeo Camaitoga, MSC renewed his religious profession as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Bro Tadeo is a member of MSC Pacific Islands Province. He is in the Philipines for pastoral exposure at the MSC Cepagco and MSC Center for the Poor.
Celebrating double blessings today! On this special day, we honour the founding of the MSC Congregation and rejoice in the first profession of our devoted young MSCs.
Br. Bwari msc Kiribati, Br. Toatoa msc Kiribati
Br. Saulima msc Futuna, Br. Apiliato msc Futuna
And an Australian Province connection, these four men were directed by Dominic Gleeson this year in the 30 Day Retreat.