Displaying items by tag: Laity of the Chevalier Family International

Laity of the Chevalier Family - Justice Laudato Deum, First Friday, November 2024

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And the Australian Province Laudato si Committee plan design



Published in Current News

Laity of the Chevalier Family: Members of the Council

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Today we post a photo of the official thank you to Chevalier College Australia for all the help they offered in the preparations for the Assembly of Laity. Mr Greg Miller, Principal of the College is receiving the official thank you plaque on behalf of the College and the staff who offered their expertise for us. Thank you. With Alison McKenzie, General Secretary.


Introduction to each of the Members of the Council


Our Spiritual Companion : Sr Merle Salazar FDNSC - Philippines

I am Sr Merle Salazar, fdnsc, a member of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. It is my honor and pleasure to be the Spiritual Companion of the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family for these coming years. I stand on the shoulders of a great MSC, Fr Hans Kwakman, who finished his service as Spiritual Companion to the IC last January.

I was at the 4th International Assembly in Cebu where I met a number of you in person and where we experienced very clearly that the Spirit is with us and is leading our Chevalier family. It is my wish and prayer that, walking together as companions on the journey, we may truly become more and more the Heart of God in the places and circumstances where we find ourselves. At the moment, I am based in Manila and my main mission is as Sabbatical Program Coordinator at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), a Jesuit-run institute that forms pastoral leaders and missionaries for a renewed Church. Together, let us make the Sacred Heart of Jesus everywhere loved, forever!


patriia guatmala

Patricia Antonieta Rivas Molina – Guatemala

I was born in the capital city of Guatemala. I am single by vocation. I studied and was also a professor at the Jesuit Catholic University of my country as a Public Accountant and Auditor. Years later, I also completed a degree in Theology at the same university. Since university until today I work in Public Accounting and Auditing.

  • Since my childhood my parents instilled in me the “devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus”, which would accompany me throughout my childhood and youth. In 1998, at the parish Lenten retreat, we were invited to belong to the first community of lay people, and the experience of deepening devotion to the formation of “the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus” began. I participated in the Spirituality courses organized by Cor América, in Minas Gerais, Brazil (2014); in Lima Peru (2023) and at the Third Assembly of the laity of the Chevalier Family in Sao Paulo, Brazil (2017).

In my lay community I took up formation after the first public promise. I am currently the coordinator of the National Council. I have coordinated the animation server team of the group of seniors, and the community of the neighbourhood to make the parish present in it, through the celebrations of the liturgical year.


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Aidan Johnson – Australia.

I am Aidan Johnson. I am married to Clare and I am a member of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. I completed my schooling at Chevalier College (MSC), Bowral and have remained heavily involved with the MSCs and the wider Chevalier Family. I have qualifications in forensic science, education and theology and I have been teaching science in Australian Catholic schools for over 10 years. My wife Clare and I are members of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. I established and continue to oversee Heartworks, MSC Young Adults Community and I manage the social media platforms for the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.


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Eve Jaike Morandante (Ainne), Philippines.

I am Eve Jaike “ainne” Morandante. I’m the eldest daughter in our family: I have two sisters, one brother, one niece, one brother in-law and a widower father. I studied Computer Science and work in Makati before my mother got sick that led me to go back home in Surigao.

Initially, I was attracted with the Chevalier Family Lay Associates because of Sacred Heart of Jesus and upon completing the Formation (sometimes one-on-one session with Sr. Betty, FDNSC) I became a fully member of the Chevalier Family in June 29, 2015. Until today, I’m trying to live out the Charism and Spirituality of the Heart of Fr. Jules Chevalier despite the challenges of everyday life. I was an Assistant Secretary in Surigao District in 2016 and District Secretary since 2017 up to this day and was able to attend various assemblies and meetings in local - national level.

Currently, I am the Parish Secretary of Virgen de la Paz y Buen Viaje in Bilang-Bilang, Surigao City since 2019, a Parish Formator, and PPC Secretary in 2017-2021. Aside being a Chevalier Associate, I’m also a Chevalier Partner in Mission with the DOLSH. Before the pandemic, I am actively present, volunteer, and participates the apostolate of the DOLSH Sister with the Badjao Community here in Surigao City since 2015 especially in teaching basic lessons to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

I believe through these; giving myself, my time and some talents, I was able to give back all the blessings I continuously received from our Almighty Father with the intercession of Our Lady of Sacred Heart. And I commit myself to serve as Chevalier Family Lay Associate in the local community, national, and international as temporary member to the Council of the of International Laity of the Chevalier Family.


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Petrus Sidarta Maringka – Indonesia.

My name is Petrus Sidarta Maringka from Indonesia. I am married to my beautiful wife Shirley Mohidi, and we have three children, Findley, Fidela, and Florian. I am working as a dentist and have my practice in Jakarta. I am a passionate and driven individual with a keen curiosity for learning and exploring new ideas. I mastered organizational skills, thrive on challenges, and am always eager to push the boundaries of my knowledge and abilities. Whether it is through creative endeavors or problem-solving in my professional or religious life, I strive to bring enthusiasm, empathy, and a positive attitude to everything I do. I value integrity, authenticity, and continuous personal growth, and I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me.

I grew up in the MSC parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Jakarta. Therefore, since childhood, many MSC priests influenced me a lot with their way of life and thinking as I became their altar boy. Their motto “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere” is also very familiar to me. I have accompanied a community namely “New Heart Community” for single Catholic young adults since 2007 and this community used to be under the MSC lay movement. Along with my presence with this community, I also went to many places in Indonesia, visited some Parishes or Dioceses outside Jakarta, and gave motivational and personality workshops to lay people. In July 2022, I was elected as National Vice Chair of the Laity of the Chevalier Family for a three-year tenure and this is for the first time that Indonesia has its own National Board.


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Dorothy Pion – Papua New Guinea.

I'm Dorothy Pion from Papua New Guinea (PNG). Since 2012, I have been actively involved as an MSC Lay Associate, serving as the Coordinator from 2015 to 2021. I am delighted to be part of the Chevalier Family as a Laity. My life is blessed with my marriage to Nicholas Pion, and together, we cherish our four wonderful children.

Professionally, I work with the Geological Survey of PNG, a division of the Mineral Resources Authority Papua New Guinea, where I hold the position of Senior Cartographer. In this role, I engage in map-making and work extensively with GIS and geological data.

Within the community of St Charles Lwanga Parish in Gerehu, Port Moresby, I actively participate in the Parish Pastoral Council, where I serve as the treasurer. Additionally, my husband and I are committed to facilitating Pre-Cana classes for couples preparing for marriage. I also dedicate my time as a Sunday School Teacher, contributing to the spiritual education of our parish community whenever I am in attendance.


                                                               laity internat council

Published in Current News
Monday, 05 February 2024 22:33

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Final Report

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Final Report

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Day 9: The last day of the Assembly is here! We started with a peaceful meditation prayer from the USA and then we sang and danced the Assembly song with gusto for the last time. We came so far from the tentative beginning!

The Assembly Reflecting Team was asked to read the Assembly Statement. Excellent! The right words and the right spirit - it was approved by all.

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Then Alison McKenzie thanked the outgoing International Council and assistant team for the hard work and support. The new International Council was introduced: Dorothy Pion (PNG), Aidan Johnson (Australia), Petrus Maringka (Indonesia), and Patricia Rivas (Guatemala) who will serve for six years, and Aiyne Morandonte (Philippines) in a one-year appointment to rotating position. As for the Regional Coordinators, Olguita Garcia Ocompo (Peru) for Central and South America, Raphael Kowih (PNG) for Papua New Guinea, and Jos Vriesema (Netherlands) for Europe. Alison reminded us of two metaphors emerging from the Assembly: 1. ‘Like a bridge over troubled waters’ the outgoing International Council created the basic structures to support the Lay Chevalier Family which will be strengthen by the new one. 2. ‘From little things, big things grow’. Like the seeds we planted earlier that were already growing, Alison asks us to sow seeds in our groups and let them grow and to foster the bonds of connection that have emerged.

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A brief financial report for the Philippines Assembly was presented by Father Bong, with the final report to come later.

Time for a big ‘thank you’!

Philippines Organising Committee: Deborah Mellijor (Philippines Organising Committee Chair), Father Bong msc (Spiritual Companion), Juan Tero (Philippines National Council Chair), Victoria Ballios (Liturgy Committee Chair), Beinvenida Usog (Finance Committee Chair), Alice Doce (Registration Committee Chair), Ermentia Pogado (Food Committee Chair), Nicanor Calumbia and Pepita Dayonot (Transportation Committee), and Rochelle Silfavan Jessa (Accommodation Committee Chair).

International Council: Sr Merle Salasar fdnsc (Spiritual Companion), Doris Machado (Deputy), Rita Cleuren, and Peter Cheong.

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Worked Closely with International Council: Maria Olimpia Klose (Translator), Hannie Jansen (Minutes and Secretariat), Olguita Garcia Ocampo (Regional Coordinator), Fr Richard (Translator), Therese Poulton (Written translator, 6 years), Ana San Martin (Written translator, 5 years), Enrique Barrel (Absent but named, Written translator, 2 years), Patricia Rivas (Written translator), and Aidan and Clare Johnson (IT Gurus).

last day group

Assembly Translators: Sr Yen, Fr Francis, Fr Joni, Shirley Mohidi, Sr Angela, Sr Luz, Therese Poulton, Anne Gael, Fr Richard, and Sr Faustina.

Technology Support: Sir Jorlan and the team from St Alphonsos.

Religious Who Supported Us: Sr Fabilene fdnsc, Sr Deborah msc, and Fr Abzalon msc (Tri-Generalate Representatives), Fr Edwin msc, Sr Ruth fdnsc, and Sr Carol msc (Regional Leaders).

General-Secretary: Alison McKenzie.

last day assembly

We finished with a signing ceremony that acknowledged each participating country and their commitment to the International Laity of the Chevalier Family, and a celebratory mass that included the commissioning of the new International Council and a commitment prayer said by each delegate. We were reminded by Fr Absalon MSC that we are the message because ‘If you are not the message, what is the message?’ and ‘Be the change you want to see’.


Lastly, Alison officially closed the Assembly, and it was time for joyful, loving hugs and farewells to people who turned into family. What an extraordinary experience it has been!

Published in Current News
Monday, 29 January 2024 22:12

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 6,7,8.

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 6,7,8.

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Day 6: The day started with beautiful contemplative prayer sessions from the European delegates.

Next, Fr Hans Kwakman MSC, the current Spiritual Companion of the Laity of the Chevalier Family, provided a deep theological analysis of Laudato Si, Laudate Deum, and Fratelli Tutti in the context of Spirituality of the Heart.

A presentation by Aidan Johnson from Australia followed and gave us practical ways to respond to Laudato Si as individuals, communities, and National Councils - advocate, educate, and celebrate. Everyone left feeling motivated to act in caring for our common home.

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We had a seed planting ceremony, symbolic of the idea that ‘from little things, big things grow’. Our actions, no matter how small, have an impact and our collective efforts have a big impact. Each country then made a clear and concrete commitment as to what they would do when they returned home.

The Europeans provided an inspiring Eucharist, where the lay stood alongside the professed in celebrating the mass.

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The evening ended with a great evening showcasing the many cultures and talents of the Chevalier Family. The joy, laughter, and spirit of family was uplifting.


Day 7: The delegates enjoyed an immersive contemplative prayer, led by the Oceania delegates, outside in the retreat centre gardens.

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A keynote address from Alison McKenzie focussed on the organisational aspects of the Laity of the Chevalier Family, forming the lay within their countries, and the role of Spiritual Companions in accompanying the laity. Each country discussed their local context and came up with practical next steps for organising their laity.

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Next, we had a collaborative Eucharist led by the Oceania delegates, with the different country languages, symbols, music, and dances incorporated into the liturgy. The lay were empowered to full participation in the celebrations from a circular seating arrangement to a homily by Australian lay delegate Clare Johnson that challenged us to embrace growth and transformation.

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The draft of the From The Heart of Us book was launched honouring the ‘religious who assisted in the emergence and development of the lay Chevalier Family movement’.

The evening finished with a celebration of Jules Chevalier’s 200th birthday anniversary and a special Zoom guest appearance by Fr Hans Kwakman and a French delegate with connections to Issoudun. A giant cake was cut!

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Day 8: The day started with a contemplative rosary from the Americas and then a thought-provoking opening prayer from Namibia.

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The keynote speaker was Rita Clueren from Belgium on ‘The journey of the heart always leads to a journey to the world’. A very inspiring lecture that directed us toward those who are not seen and not heard, such as the homeless. It was a call to open our eyes and live the mission of a ministry of presence.

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We discussed the revised ‘General Guiding Principles and Organisational Directions of the Laity of the Chevalier Family’. Lively discussions were had on the Guiding Principles section and clarifications were made, before the voting commenced. The alterations agreed to will be presented in the minutes. The Organisation section review was a presentation of suggestions and remarks to the International Council for consideration and possible later incorporation into the document. Then onto the Finance section! Alison McKenzie provided an overview of the last 7 years - what money came in and where it went. Then there was a discussion about each country making a financial commitment to support the International Council. The final vote agreed that each country would contribute a minimum of US$100 annually in June, with countries able to give more if they are able. At last we have an official arrangement! Another step forward!

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The Indonesian delegation celebrated the Eucharist with beautiful songs and singing.

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The night closed with an outdoor party (fiesta time!). Dinner was excellently prepared and tasty. A thank you to the catering staff who have been feeding us! There was traditional Filipino music and dancing, and the inevitable playing of ‘I love Cebu!’ to get the crowd on their feet and dancing into the night. It was a glorious way to almost end the conference. It's hard to believe tomorrow is the last day!

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It has been such a privilege and incredible experience participating in the General Assembly for the International Laity of the Chevalier Family with 140 members from 25 different countries. The gathering was in Cebu, Philippines and the theme of our Assembly was ‘One in Heart in Caring for our Commin Home’. We will return home with new friends and a furm resolve to try and do our best in our own small way to care for our damaged planet and each other.

Published in Current News
Friday, 26 January 2024 22:46

Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 4 and 5

Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 4 and 5

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Re-election of Alison McKenzie, Secretary General


Day 4: The day started with the morning prayer, prepared by the Korean delegation.

lay 4 korea prayer

The keynote speaker of the day was Boni Dano. His lecture entailed why choose the Spirituality of the Heart? It is life giving. It inspires us in our way of life. It opens our hearts to healing the ills of the world. In humility we can truly live.

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 Live HEARTILY - Humility, Empathy, Active Participation, Reconciliation, Trust in God, Interconnectedness, Love, and Yearnings. A delegate said in A problem can be a gift if we see it as an opportunity for growth. Something we can build on and be transformed by.

lay 4 prayer

After the coffee break there was sharing from the regions: Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. So interesting, but also moving to see how these different lay groups experience and live Spirituality of the Heart.

lay 4 altar group

After lunch we continued with spiritual sharing - reflect, share, listen, and discern. A very inspirational exercise!

The Korean delegates prepared a beautiful mass with music, including traditional Korean drums.

lay 4 altar

After dinner, the voting procedure started. With the majority of votes, Alison McKenzie was re-elected for the coming six years. Her acceptance speech was very moving and inspiring. A new era awaits!


Day 5: An early breakfast today as we went on pilgrimage to the basilica of Senor Santo Nino.

lay santo nno

The basilica is based near where Ferdinand Magellan planted a cross in 1521. The image of Santa Nino was found by an expedition in a house near the present site. We visited the museum, which has gifts and donations from people who wanted to thank Santa Nino for his intercessions. The collection varies from clothing to rosaries and silverware and so much more - Incredible! The basilica reminded me of colonial times.

lay 5 apse big

A very large but beautiful building where you can feast your eyes on the stained glass windows (which I love), the main altar, and the vastness of the inside of the building. Here we celebrated mass, with Father Absalon, the MSC Superior-General presiding. It was heartwarming to hear him speaking about the laity - he introduced us to the other pilgrims who also attended the mass and explained briefly our spirituality.

lay 5 pilgrimms

Then we went to the mall where we had an excellent buffet lunch with food choices from all over the world.

lay 5 food

Then… shopping! For many a must, for others a burden. The big and well-equipped shops were nice to see, yet at the same time we reflected on the poverty just outside the shopping centre.

lay 5 shopping

We headed back to the retreat house for dinner and a much needed free evening.

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Re-election of Alison McKenzie, Secretary General




Day 4: The day started with the morning prayer, prepared by the Korean delegation.


The keynote speaker of the day was Boni Dano. His lecture entailed why choose the Spirituality of the Heart? It is life giving. It inspires us in our way of life. It opens our hearts to healing the ills of the world. In humility we can truly live.


 Live HEARTILY - Humility, Empathy, Active Participation, Reconciliation, Trust in God, Interconnectedness, Love, and Yearnings. A delegate said in A problem can be a gift if we see it as an opportunity for growth. Something we can build on and be transformed by.


After the coffee break there was sharing from the regions: Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. So interesting, but also moving to see how these different lay groups experience and live Spirituality of the Heart.


After lunch we continued with spiritual sharing - reflect, share, listen, and discern. A very inspirational exercise!

The Korean delegates prepared a beautiful mass with music, including traditional Korean drums.


After dinner, the voting procedure started. With the majority of votes, Alison McKenzie was re-elected for the coming six years. Her acceptance speech was very moving and inspiring. A new era awaits!


Day 5: An early breakfast today as we went on pilgrimage to the basilica of Senor Santo Nino.


The basilica is based near where Ferdinand Magellan planted a cross in 1521. The image of Santa Nino was found by an expedition in a house near the present site. We visited the museum, which has gifts and donations from people who wanted to thank Santa Nino for his intercessions. The collection varies from clothing to rosaries and silverware and so much more - Incredible! The basilica reminded me of colonial times.


A very large but beautiful building where you can feast your eyes on the stained glass windows (which I love), the main altar, and the vastness of the inside of the building. Here we celebrated mass, with Father Absalon, the MSC Superior-General presiding. It was heartwarming to hear him speaking about the laity - he introduced us to the other pilgrims who also attended the mass and explained briefly our spirituality.


Then we went to the mall where we had an excellent buffet lunch with food choices from all over the world.


Then… shopping! For many a must, for others a burden. The big and well-equipped shops were nice to see, yet at the same time we reflected on the poverty just outside the shopping centre.


We headed back to the retreat house for dinner and a much needed free evening.



Published in Current News