Monday, 29 January 2024 22:12

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 6,7,8.

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 6,7,8.

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Day 6: The day started with beautiful contemplative prayer sessions from the European delegates.

Next, Fr Hans Kwakman MSC, the current Spiritual Companion of the Laity of the Chevalier Family, provided a deep theological analysis of Laudato Si, Laudate Deum, and Fratelli Tutti in the context of Spirituality of the Heart.

A presentation by Aidan Johnson from Australia followed and gave us practical ways to respond to Laudato Si as individuals, communities, and National Councils - advocate, educate, and celebrate. Everyone left feeling motivated to act in caring for our common home.

lay 6 women weave

We had a seed planting ceremony, symbolic of the idea that ‘from little things, big things grow’. Our actions, no matter how small, have an impact and our collective efforts have a big impact. Each country then made a clear and concrete commitment as to what they would do when they returned home.

The Europeans provided an inspiring Eucharist, where the lay stood alongside the professed in celebrating the mass.

lay 6 mass

The evening ended with a great evening showcasing the many cultures and talents of the Chevalier Family. The joy, laughter, and spirit of family was uplifting.


Day 7: The delegates enjoyed an immersive contemplative prayer, led by the Oceania delegates, outside in the retreat centre gardens.

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A keynote address from Alison McKenzie focussed on the organisational aspects of the Laity of the Chevalier Family, forming the lay within their countries, and the role of Spiritual Companions in accompanying the laity. Each country discussed their local context and came up with practical next steps for organising their laity.

lay 8 unternaational

Next, we had a collaborative Eucharist led by the Oceania delegates, with the different country languages, symbols, music, and dances incorporated into the liturgy. The lay were empowered to full participation in the celebrations from a circular seating arrangement to a homily by Australian lay delegate Clare Johnson that challenged us to embrace growth and transformation.

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The draft of the From The Heart of Us book was launched honouring the ‘religious who assisted in the emergence and development of the lay Chevalier Family movement’.

The evening finished with a celebration of Jules Chevalier’s 200th birthday anniversary and a special Zoom guest appearance by Fr Hans Kwakman and a French delegate with connections to Issoudun. A giant cake was cut!

lay 7 cake

Day 8: The day started with a contemplative rosary from the Americas and then a thought-provoking opening prayer from Namibia.

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The keynote speaker was Rita Clueren from Belgium on ‘The journey of the heart always leads to a journey to the world’. A very inspiring lecture that directed us toward those who are not seen and not heard, such as the homeless. It was a call to open our eyes and live the mission of a ministry of presence.

lay offerotry

We discussed the revised ‘General Guiding Principles and Organisational Directions of the Laity of the Chevalier Family’. Lively discussions were had on the Guiding Principles section and clarifications were made, before the voting commenced. The alterations agreed to will be presented in the minutes. The Organisation section review was a presentation of suggestions and remarks to the International Council for consideration and possible later incorporation into the document. Then onto the Finance section! Alison McKenzie provided an overview of the last 7 years - what money came in and where it went. Then there was a discussion about each country making a financial commitment to support the International Council. The final vote agreed that each country would contribute a minimum of US$100 annually in June, with countries able to give more if they are able. At last we have an official arrangement! Another step forward!

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The Indonesian delegation celebrated the Eucharist with beautiful songs and singing.

lay 8 drama

The night closed with an outdoor party (fiesta time!). Dinner was excellently prepared and tasty. A thank you to the catering staff who have been feeding us! There was traditional Filipino music and dancing, and the inevitable playing of ‘I love Cebu!’ to get the crowd on their feet and dancing into the night. It was a glorious way to almost end the conference. It's hard to believe tomorrow is the last day!

lay 7 common home 

It has been such a privilege and incredible experience participating in the General Assembly for the International Laity of the Chevalier Family with 140 members from 25 different countries. The gathering was in Cebu, Philippines and the theme of our Assembly was ‘One in Heart in Caring for our Commin Home’. We will return home with new friends and a furm resolve to try and do our best in our own small way to care for our damaged planet and each other.