Tuesday, 30 January 2024 22:13

A note from Pat Austin MSC, Parish Supply.

A note from Pat Austen MSC, Parish Supply.

Pat Austin Copy

Pat has written from Balranald Parish, Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes, where he is currently on Parish supply. In fact, he has spent several years there in recent times.


We can see the vast size of the diocese

In the early 1900s the first MSC priests ordained had as ministry parish supply all over Australia as well as the conducting of Parish missions, especially before we took on parishes and our first college, Downlands, in 1931.


Balranald Church

It has been a ministry, especially for those in their later years, so a tribute to Pat who soon turns 84.

Pat has noted several MSC worked in the Wilcannia-Forbes diocese. We have done some Internet searching and will have some more information next week on this site.