Displaying items by tag: Alison McKenzie

Transition at Heart of Life, Interim Director, Alison McKenzie, to new Director, Peter Hendriks MSC.

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Monday evening November 18th saw the annual Heart of Life Centre Graduation Ceremony.

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Alison presided with Peter present.



Published in Current News
Wednesday, 04 September 2024 22:35

Alison McKenzie writes from the Heart of Life Centre

Alison McKenzie writes from the Heart of Life Centre

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The final day of the course on Ecology and Sprituality led b Peter Hay. An experiential touch.

Here is a group photo from the Council of All Beings that was held today.

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The experience is designed for the participants to embody another being in the natural world so as to encourage a sense of deeper wonder and awe and interconnection. As Pope Francis claims in Laudato Si we form a sacred communion with all of life. Thomas Berry a Passionist Priest and prolific writer in ecological spirituality claims we are a communion of subjects not a collection of objects and to tell the story, the deep story of something is to tell the story of everything.

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In the Council each participant not only gave voice to their being but they also reflected on their being’s deep evolutionary story.

Photos Heart of Life and Gigi Anderson

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Alison McKenzie, interim director Heart of Life Centre

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We have posted photos of the ceremony of farewelling Claire Shearman as Heart of Life Director and the welcoming of interim Director, Alison McKenzie. Here is something of Alison's story


Alison has joined the Heart of Life team as Director until the end of 2024. Alison has been semi-retired since retiring from her previous role as Director of the Chevalier Institute and she is delighted to have been given this opportunity to contribute in another of the Chevalier Families’ Spirituality ministries.


First and foremost, Alison is a family person; mother to three, grandmother to seven and a part of a wider extended family and network.  She would say family and friends, home and faith are the bulwarks of her life. Alison is particularly moved by the fact that the current home of Heart of Life was previously used to support women experiencing domestic violence; a support she once needed herself.

Alison began her professional career as a secondary school teacher, initially in far western Queensland and then, at Chevalier College for 27 years. During that time, she added to her education qualifications with a Counselling degree, with a major in group process and a Master of Theology. She has undertaken many short courses of study in a wide range of aspects of spirituality. In 2011, she spent three months on sabbatical at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute, situated in Israel just outside the Bethlehem checkpoint. That experience has heightened her sadness over current events.

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In 2011, she was appointed to the Chevalier Institute whose role is formation in Spirituality of the Heart to adults in MSC Colleges and parishes. Alison combined the skills learned from her previous studies to create reflective opportunities that drew from the contemporary world and Catholic tradition   to invite people to make the journey to their hearts and to encounter the divine presence at the core of their being. To be present for these sacred journeys were privileged and poignant moments.

Alison lives with a contemplative orientation and has a daily meditation practice as a part of her own spiritual journey. She has been influenced by the work of Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Ilia Delio and John Ziziolous, among others. She is currently re-reading the early works of Eugene Cuskelly msc, the ‘second’ founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

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In 2017 she was elected to the inaugural position of General Secretary of the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family and was re-elected for a second term in 2024. The original vision of Jules Chevalier was for three branches, religious men and women, diocesan clergy and laity. The laity were seen as indispensable in the mission and an integral part of the functioning of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. The International Council reflects the deepening understanding within the Chevalier Family of the place of laity; it is a truly synodal vision.

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She would express her understanding of spirituality as:

All of creation is sacred – wounded and broken but made whole and holy by the presence of Love we call the Heart of God. That Heart of God, revealed in Jesus, draws creation to itself. For human beings, we are invited to make the journey to our own hearts; to the core of our being where we encounter the transforming presence of God’s Heart. God’s Heart beats in our hearts. We call this Spirituality of the Heart, and it calls us to a life of compassionate love and committed service and the challenge to continue to grow in kindness, compassion, forgiveness and humility In other words to become ever more fully human. .  It recognises this as the cure for the ills of the world.

Published in Current News

Heart of Life Centre: Directors – Farewell and Welcome

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Heart of Life staff gathered to begin the semester but also for a ritual acceptance of Director, Clare Shearman’s resignation after two and a half years and welcome to interim Director, Alison McKenzie.

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Stephen Hackett paid tribute to Clare, presenting her with an MSC medal in recognition of her achievement as Director.


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Stephen welcomed Alison. He also spoke to the staff about the report from the Provincial Council about Heart of Life and hopes for the future. He noted that the property bought by the province with its bush setting in Croydon and praised the renovations; it is the most attractive location the Centre has had.

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Stephen also presented Heart of Life with a commissioned Icon gift. It is an icon of the Visitation, symbolic of the spirituality of Heart of Life, the Visitation, Elizabeth’s accompaniment of Mary, in her unexpected pregnancy enabling Mary to appreciate more fully God’s action in her.

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From 10.00 to 4.00, the staff presented the courses, the group work, supervision and tutorials of the principal courses, Siloam, Damascus Spiritual Leaders and the Emmaus Supervision course.

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Alison was present the whole day and found that it provided her with a lived impression of how Heart of Life functions. Alison spoke of her years at Downlands, Chevalier, work with the Vietnamese, The Chevalier Institute and as General Secretary of the Laity of the Chevalier Family, the MSC Heart Spirituality and charism that she brings to Heart of Life.

A farewell dinner ended the day at the Thai Green Leaf restaurant in Croydon.

And now, students and staff, to work for the second semester.

Published in Current News
Thursday, 18 July 2024 22:14

Heart of Life Centre transition of Directors

Heart of Life Centre transition of Directors

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Clare Shearman, retiring director, writes

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On a personal note, I would like to thank the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart for the opportunity to serve as Director and Relations Manager since 2020.  Both roles have given me a chance to observe the work of the Holy Spirit firsthand.  I am a Heart of Life person, someone who has been led into a closer relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus by the work of this place, and I shall forever be thankful for that.

Alison McKenzie, our new director, arrived in Melbourne this week and shares a thought about her arrival below.  I hand over to Alison and the wonderful Heart of Life team with deep gratitude and look forward to watching and hopefully participating in Heart of Life’s next chapter.


A word from our new Director, Alison McKenzie


A dear MSC friend of mine is known often to quote: To be human is to be messy.  

Walking out of one door, through another, into Heart of Life has brought all the insecurities and uncertainties that mark my own human messiness to the fore.

This image of a door, taken in Issoudun, the place where our MSC understanding of life and love began, depicts very nicely how I am feeling – firmly in the place I should be, carrying the marks of fully lived life with a heart that connects inside to outside. 

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From all I know and have seen so far, the door also reflects what is at the core of Heart of Life – a place that is strong and firmly attached to its foundation and completely committed to embracing the messiness of life, offering healing and hope to all who come through its door. 

Heart of Life truly reflects the vision of our founder, Father Jules Chevalier who was deeply moved by the evils that afflicted the people of his time. As he contemplated the Heart of Christ, in whom is revealed the compassionate love of the Father, he discovered there the remedy for the ills of his time. (Constitution 3-4)

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Published in Current News

Alison McKenzie, Directors of Heart of Life Centre, second half of 2024.

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Alison McKenzie has consented to serve as Director of Heart of Life for the second half of this year as Clare Shearman tendered her resignation as Director of the Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual and Pastoral Formation.

Alison is well known and highly regarded in the Australian MSC Province. She has previously taught at Chevalier College in Bowral, has served as Director of the Chevalier Institute promoting Heart Spirituality, especially in our colleges,   and is currently General Secretary of the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.


Published in Current News
Friday, 26 January 2024 22:46

Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 4 and 5

Laity of the Chevalier Family, Days 4 and 5

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Re-election of Alison McKenzie, Secretary General


Day 4: The day started with the morning prayer, prepared by the Korean delegation.

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The keynote speaker of the day was Boni Dano. His lecture entailed why choose the Spirituality of the Heart? It is life giving. It inspires us in our way of life. It opens our hearts to healing the ills of the world. In humility we can truly live.

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 Live HEARTILY - Humility, Empathy, Active Participation, Reconciliation, Trust in God, Interconnectedness, Love, and Yearnings. A delegate said in A problem can be a gift if we see it as an opportunity for growth. Something we can build on and be transformed by.

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After the coffee break there was sharing from the regions: Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. So interesting, but also moving to see how these different lay groups experience and live Spirituality of the Heart.

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After lunch we continued with spiritual sharing - reflect, share, listen, and discern. A very inspirational exercise!

The Korean delegates prepared a beautiful mass with music, including traditional Korean drums.

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After dinner, the voting procedure started. With the majority of votes, Alison McKenzie was re-elected for the coming six years. Her acceptance speech was very moving and inspiring. A new era awaits!


Day 5: An early breakfast today as we went on pilgrimage to the basilica of Senor Santo Nino.

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The basilica is based near where Ferdinand Magellan planted a cross in 1521. The image of Santa Nino was found by an expedition in a house near the present site. We visited the museum, which has gifts and donations from people who wanted to thank Santa Nino for his intercessions. The collection varies from clothing to rosaries and silverware and so much more - Incredible! The basilica reminded me of colonial times.

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A very large but beautiful building where you can feast your eyes on the stained glass windows (which I love), the main altar, and the vastness of the inside of the building. Here we celebrated mass, with Father Absalon, the MSC Superior-General presiding. It was heartwarming to hear him speaking about the laity - he introduced us to the other pilgrims who also attended the mass and explained briefly our spirituality.

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Then we went to the mall where we had an excellent buffet lunch with food choices from all over the world.

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Then… shopping! For many a must, for others a burden. The big and well-equipped shops were nice to see, yet at the same time we reflected on the poverty just outside the shopping centre.

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We headed back to the retreat house for dinner and a much needed free evening.

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Re-election of Alison McKenzie, Secretary General




Day 4: The day started with the morning prayer, prepared by the Korean delegation.


The keynote speaker of the day was Boni Dano. His lecture entailed why choose the Spirituality of the Heart? It is life giving. It inspires us in our way of life. It opens our hearts to healing the ills of the world. In humility we can truly live.


 Live HEARTILY - Humility, Empathy, Active Participation, Reconciliation, Trust in God, Interconnectedness, Love, and Yearnings. A delegate said in A problem can be a gift if we see it as an opportunity for growth. Something we can build on and be transformed by.


After the coffee break there was sharing from the regions: Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. So interesting, but also moving to see how these different lay groups experience and live Spirituality of the Heart.


After lunch we continued with spiritual sharing - reflect, share, listen, and discern. A very inspirational exercise!

The Korean delegates prepared a beautiful mass with music, including traditional Korean drums.


After dinner, the voting procedure started. With the majority of votes, Alison McKenzie was re-elected for the coming six years. Her acceptance speech was very moving and inspiring. A new era awaits!


Day 5: An early breakfast today as we went on pilgrimage to the basilica of Senor Santo Nino.


The basilica is based near where Ferdinand Magellan planted a cross in 1521. The image of Santa Nino was found by an expedition in a house near the present site. We visited the museum, which has gifts and donations from people who wanted to thank Santa Nino for his intercessions. The collection varies from clothing to rosaries and silverware and so much more - Incredible! The basilica reminded me of colonial times.


A very large but beautiful building where you can feast your eyes on the stained glass windows (which I love), the main altar, and the vastness of the inside of the building. Here we celebrated mass, with Father Absalon, the MSC Superior-General presiding. It was heartwarming to hear him speaking about the laity - he introduced us to the other pilgrims who also attended the mass and explained briefly our spirituality.


Then we went to the mall where we had an excellent buffet lunch with food choices from all over the world.


Then… shopping! For many a must, for others a burden. The big and well-equipped shops were nice to see, yet at the same time we reflected on the poverty just outside the shopping centre.


We headed back to the retreat house for dinner and a much needed free evening.



Published in Current News

Our Chapter Reports, End of the First Week – and Insights from our Laity.

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Eighth Day. 25th September.

by Javier Trapero

Like in the Creation story, the seventh day (Sunday) was a day of rest. The formal chapter sessions continued on Monday with the Communal Wisdom Prayer led by Willy Méndez  (text from 2 Corinthians 3,1-10). After the group reflection, the whole assembly congratulated Willy on his birthday.

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HoTombokan was the host for the day. It was a day dedicated to the Blessed MSC Martyrs of Canet de Mar.

Throughout the day, the capitulants worked on the Proposals of the Constitutions & Statutes Commission.

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It was clarified that changes in the Constitutions proposed by a General Chapter would need a two-thirds majority and the approval of the Holy See. Changes in the Statutes, on the other hand, could be changed by a General Chapter without the need for approval of the Holy See. A vote was taken on each of the proposed changes.

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The day concluded with a Mass dedicated to the Blessed Martyrs MSC of Canet de Mar, presided by Paco Blanco, provincial of Spain, together with Willy Mendez, delegate.


Insights from our Lay attending the Chapter

by Javier Trapero

The 26th MSC General Chapter is blessed to have members from our Laity of the Chevalier Family (LCF) attending and having a consultative voice in the chapter. 

Alison McKenzie, the Secretary General of the International Council (LCF) shares that she is honored to have been invited and that many of the missionary stories she has heard truly inspired her. From the point of view of the laity, she hopes to be able to define their place in the Chevalier Family and their relationship with the MSC. She considers the Laity of the Chevalier Family as interdependents with the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

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Alison hopes that in the future the presence of the laity in the Chevalier Family will increase and be all the more recognized; that the meaning of what it means to be a lay member will be more deeply understood. “We live the charism through a secular life, through our family, our work, our relationships, our children… all these things are a vocation. There we live the Spirituality of the Heart and this is not a distraction from our vocation, it is a way of living this spirituality in everyday life, it is not an inferior way of living the Spirituality of the Heart, it is a different way than a religious, a parish priest in a parish. We too have a vocation,” she says.

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The Laity of the Chevalier Family Australia held their gathering at Douglas Park last weekend - story and photos on our site next weekend.

Alison believes that the Congregation recognizes this way of living the spirituality, but does not fully understand it. The lay have their particularities and the religious have theirs.

Alison comments that as the Chevalier Family, “we are the third branch created by Jules Chevalier.” She says that it is impossible to imagine the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart without the laity. Therefore she asks that not only the members of the General Chapter, provincials and delegates, understand this role as an autonomous branch, united in spirit and mission, interdependent but autonomous within the Chevalier Family, but that all religious understand this; that the MSC in the local groups are spiritual companions, not the leader. They must be the link to carry out the interrelationship with the Congregation, but, at the same time, understand the autonomy of the laity within the Chevalier Family to which they belong.

In 2024, the Laity of the Chevalier Family will have their General Assembly in the Philippines in which representatives of the Trigeneralate (Polce, msc, Sr. Merle, fdnsc, and Sr. Nicola, msc) will participate. The Chevalier Family laity are present in 35 countries and representatives from 27 countries will attend. She is very happy with this response and hopes that it will give a new impetus to the lay movement within the Chevalier Family.

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Participating in this General Chapter is very important and she is grateful for the invitation.

Alison with Doris Machado from Brazil (Deputy of the International Council of Laity of the Chevalier Family)

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