Monday, 05 February 2024 22:33

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Final Report

The Laity of the Chevalier Family, Final Report

last day final mass Copy

Day 9: The last day of the Assembly is here! We started with a peaceful meditation prayer from the USA and then we sang and danced the Assembly song with gusto for the last time. We came so far from the tentative beginning!

The Assembly Reflecting Team was asked to read the Assembly Statement. Excellent! The right words and the right spirit - it was approved by all.

int manila banner

Then Alison McKenzie thanked the outgoing International Council and assistant team for the hard work and support. The new International Council was introduced: Dorothy Pion (PNG), Aidan Johnson (Australia), Petrus Maringka (Indonesia), and Patricia Rivas (Guatemala) who will serve for six years, and Aiyne Morandonte (Philippines) in a one-year appointment to rotating position. As for the Regional Coordinators, Olguita Garcia Ocompo (Peru) for Central and South America, Raphael Kowih (PNG) for Papua New Guinea, and Jos Vriesema (Netherlands) for Europe. Alison reminded us of two metaphors emerging from the Assembly: 1. ‘Like a bridge over troubled waters’ the outgoing International Council created the basic structures to support the Lay Chevalier Family which will be strengthen by the new one. 2. ‘From little things, big things grow’. Like the seeds we planted earlier that were already growing, Alison asks us to sow seeds in our groups and let them grow and to foster the bonds of connection that have emerged.

lasst day group

A brief financial report for the Philippines Assembly was presented by Father Bong, with the final report to come later.

Time for a big ‘thank you’!

Philippines Organising Committee: Deborah Mellijor (Philippines Organising Committee Chair), Father Bong msc (Spiritual Companion), Juan Tero (Philippines National Council Chair), Victoria Ballios (Liturgy Committee Chair), Beinvenida Usog (Finance Committee Chair), Alice Doce (Registration Committee Chair), Ermentia Pogado (Food Committee Chair), Nicanor Calumbia and Pepita Dayonot (Transportation Committee), and Rochelle Silfavan Jessa (Accommodation Committee Chair).

International Council: Sr Merle Salasar fdnsc (Spiritual Companion), Doris Machado (Deputy), Rita Cleuren, and Peter Cheong.

last day chev

Worked Closely with International Council: Maria Olimpia Klose (Translator), Hannie Jansen (Minutes and Secretariat), Olguita Garcia Ocampo (Regional Coordinator), Fr Richard (Translator), Therese Poulton (Written translator, 6 years), Ana San Martin (Written translator, 5 years), Enrique Barrel (Absent but named, Written translator, 2 years), Patricia Rivas (Written translator), and Aidan and Clare Johnson (IT Gurus).

last day group

Assembly Translators: Sr Yen, Fr Francis, Fr Joni, Shirley Mohidi, Sr Angela, Sr Luz, Therese Poulton, Anne Gael, Fr Richard, and Sr Faustina.

Technology Support: Sir Jorlan and the team from St Alphonsos.

Religious Who Supported Us: Sr Fabilene fdnsc, Sr Deborah msc, and Fr Abzalon msc (Tri-Generalate Representatives), Fr Edwin msc, Sr Ruth fdnsc, and Sr Carol msc (Regional Leaders).

General-Secretary: Alison McKenzie.

last day assembly

We finished with a signing ceremony that acknowledged each participating country and their commitment to the International Laity of the Chevalier Family, and a celebratory mass that included the commissioning of the new International Council and a commitment prayer said by each delegate. We were reminded by Fr Absalon MSC that we are the message because ‘If you are not the message, what is the message?’ and ‘Be the change you want to see’.


Lastly, Alison officially closed the Assembly, and it was time for joyful, loving hugs and farewells to people who turned into family. What an extraordinary experience it has been!