Current News

FIRST FRIDAY, JANUARY: HEART SPIRITUALITY REFLECTION. There has been a centuries-old tradition to focus on the Heart of Jesus on the First Friday of each month. This year, our site would like to offer a brief Heart Spirituality reflection. While our site offers MSC news, photos, associated stories, we would…
Wednesday, 02 January 2019 22:50


VINCE CARROLL MSC, DOWNLANDS COLLEGE, TOOWOOMBA Vince Carroll MSC: Chris McPhee writes: Vince has returned towards the end of 2018 to Australia. He has done an extraordinary ministry in South Africa – especially with ministering to our Aussie Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. This, for Vince, will…
SOME SIGNIFICANT JANUARY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2019   Archbishop Couppe MSC, See January 15th and January 31st 1 January, Motherhood of God 6.January,: Feast of the Epiphany - one of Chevalier's favourite feast. The true nature of God is manifested through the flesh of the infant Jesus. 10…
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