My name is Daniel Magadia, and I am from the festival city of churches, Adelaide, though I did not originate from there. I was born on November 24, 1992 in Quezon City, near the Philippines’ capital, Manila. My family migrated to Adelaide almost twelve years ago, and our first exposure to Catholicism in Australia was at the Our Lady of Sacred Heart Parish at Henley Beach. That was also where I was introduced to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
Through my time in the parish, I was also introduced to the Antioch Youth Movement, which has made an enormous impact in many aspects of my life and faith. It opened me as well to so many opportunities in being more active in the Church. Through Antioch, I was able to attend three Australian Catholic Youth Festivals, and the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. I found lifelong friendships in Antioch too.
So, what brought me to this point. Why now?
For the past five years or so, I have revisited the possibility that maybe I am called to religious life, a call I once had as a little child (when I used to do “play Masses”, complete with costume and props).
So, I discerned. I attended a monthly vocation discussion group with young men from the Adelaide Archdiocese like myself. I finished a Theology degree. I had many conversations with recently ordained Fr Krish Mathavan MSC, who was guiding me for a couple of months leading into meeting the provincial and vocations director in Sydney. I also brought it to prayer.
Eventually I have reached the point, that I realized God cannot drive a parked car. To use another analogy, I cannot be stuck aiming a basketball at a hoop, asking “what if” questions to myself. “What if it misses?” “What if shooting was not worth the effort?”
But amidst doubt and hesitation, there will come a time when I have to shoot the ball, to take that risk. Of course, this involves leaving the comforts of the familiar, and hopefully setting out into the deep. This is in the hope I find what God is calling me to be, what He has in-store in this journey of life.
But why the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart?
To put it simply, I was inspired by their witness of faith. I was attracted by their joy (despite facing challenges and suffering), their humour (which I later found out was encouraged in the MSC constitution), and their service for others. Before I was made aware of the MSC spirituality or charism, my first exposure of it was through how the MSC’s lived it out, with the aim of being on earth the heart of God.
Lastly this brings me to exploring where do I see God working in my life. To be honest, this was the hardest to reflect on. Eventually I had to start with one of the fundamentals of the faith: The Sacraments. During my time in the parish and in Antioch, I have developed a greater appreciation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here I intimately witness God’s mercy for me. Through the Eucharist, I am spiritually nourished and reminded, that my Catholic faith is first and foremost a relationship. Then I looked into the events when God was showing his sense of humour at my expense. In occasions like these, I learned to be humble, and that my relationship with God is not all seriousness. Some levity and mirth are essential.