Current News

REQUIEM MASS, TED MERRITT MSC, THURSDAY APRIL 16th. The Requiem at St Paul's Church, Nightcliff, can be seen on YouTube - live at Darwin time, then available. Perhaps  our covid-19 lockdown experience could be setting a precedent for future Requiems.
A MESSAGE FROM THE IRISH MSC PROVINCE, CARL TRANTER, PROVINCIAL   We can compere notes with our Irish confreres.  On Tuesday of this week the Superior General was supposed to have arrived in Dublin to commence his four-week visitation of Ireland and England over the Easter period. He was also…
Saturday, 11 April 2020 21:43


EASTER BLESSINGS, 2020 STYLE All over the world, Holy Week ceremonies have been streamed.  Our Australian MSC parishes have celebrated in this way (links to some of them on the Province Facebook page). St Thomas, Blackburn, is the MSC parish in Melbourne along with Cuskelly House, the formation house. A…
Thursday, 09 April 2020 17:22


RIP. TED MERRITT MSC Steve Dives writes: We just received the sad news that Ted Merritt passed away at 3pm NT time today, Holy Thursday, April 9th. Ted’s suffering is over and he has gone to his God whom he served so well. We pray for Ted and also his…
Wednesday, 08 April 2020 23:04


TRIDUUM 2020 We have been reminded that the early Christians did not gather in Churches but in small and home groups to celebrate the Eucharist. We are in lockdown finding ways to pray and to celebrate in ways we never anticipated. Our MSC parishes are providing ceremonies on line.  For…
BOTH SADNESS AND ENCOURAGEMENT IN THIS COVID-19 LENT We are posting Chris McPhee’s letter of encouragement of the Province in these lockdown Coronavirus times – how we might manage it well. But, first, a sad postscript to yesterday’s news from Abzalon, Superior General. This message arrived today. “We communicate to…
SOME MSC CORONAVIRUS UPDATES:  VIETNAM, EUROPE - FRANCE, BELGIUM, SPAIN A message from Fr. Hoang, MSC Superior in Vietnam on the situation there. “Greeting from Việt Nam, How are you? And our dear MSC confreres? I hope that all of you are safe there. In this email, I just would…
Sunday, 05 April 2020 22:54


ACKNOWLEDGING JOHN BOSMAN MSC, 80. John Bosman was born on April 6th 1940, a month before the Nazi invasion and occupation of the Netherlands, May 1940 The Bosman family migrated to Australia in the 1950s, settling in Adelaide. John made his novitiate in 1959, profession on February 26th 1960, last…
LAUGHTER, THE BEST MEDICINE? SOME MORE HELPFUL DOSES! With a positive response to last week's selection of cartoons, we thought we should post some more cheer in these difficult, physical distancing times. And a selection for dog lovers.      And practical for the housebound...
CHEVALIER FAMILY JUSTICE AND PEACE, FIRST FRIDAY - AN INTENTION FROM MSC AFRICA The First Friday of April 2020 is not what we anticipated.  We have the monthly poster.  However, below the poster is a letter from our Cameroun confrere, Jonas Hassan Mouchi MSC, writing from the formation house in…
KENSINGTON MONASTERY LOCKDOWN – BUT PHOTOS STILL ACCESSIBLE Back Row: Ted Merritt, Roger Purcell, John Kelliher. Front row: Herman Kooyman. As noted on the site last week, Kensington is in lockdown.  You won’t be able to visit for some time – and the community can’t visit you.  However, community leader,…
SOME SIGNIFICANT APRIL DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2020   Some emphasis on buildings during this month – and mission outreach. However… In years to come, March-April, 2020, will be remembered as the months in which covid-19 moved to rapid expansion around the whole world. We remember March already –…
REMEMBERING THE GREAT FLU AND OUR LADY’S NURSES  Masked influenza relief workers outside Blackfriar’s Depot, Chippendale, Sydney, 1919. Randwick City Library, local history collection. Recalling the Great Flu of 1919 and the Heroism of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor                              Mary O’Connell In 1919 Australian soldiers returning from the War…
IN OUR ISOLATION, OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN MORE MSC STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. THE BELOVED AMAZON Report from Humberto Henriques MSC Before we had to stop the accompaniments because of the restrictions of the covid-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to travel to our MSC mission in Amazonas to get…
LAUGHTER, THE BEST MEDICINE? BUT IT CAN HELP. In these difficult, sometimes distressing times, some humour can offer some light relief. These cartoons have been circulating and you may have seen them.  More later, in weeks to come... a tip for successfully working from home. Lockdown challenge AND....   IF ONLY...
BEST WISHES TO THE MSC SISTERS WORLDWIDE, 120 YEARS On March 25th, the MSC Sisters celebrate the anniversary of their foundation, their founder Hubert Linckens MSC, the spirit of Jules Chevalier MSC. Below some pictures of the PNG Sisters celebration, with thanks to Rosemary Lavarabin and her Facebook page.  
Update on Sacred Heart Monastery and St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, Lockdown Letter from Provincial, Chris McPhee.  St Vincent’s Care Services and the MSC Aged Care Committee have directed that as of midnight tonight, Sacred Heart Monastery and St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park are to be in Lockdown.  This directive…
MARY, FROM THE ANNUNCIATION CONSENT TO THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. From the Formation House in Vietnam, modelled on the Crucifixion and Mary at the foot of the cross in the Basilica in Issoudun. This reflection for March 25th, Feast of the Annunciation, begins with an anecdote. It concerns our…
40 YEARS ANNIVERSARY, DEATH OF ST OSCAR ROMERO.  LEGACIES. Painting by Rafael Valera at San Salvador international airport. 40th anniversary of Óscar Romero's assassination, March 24. Excerpts from an article by Chris Herlinger, Global Sisters Report. In a country where Romero's visage is seemingly everywhere — in churches, on street…
NEW BOOK  BY JIM LITTLETON MSC   86 YEARS…. CAMP HILL PARISH For almost 15 years, Jim Littleton has produced a strong list of books and booklets tracing many aspects of MSC life in the Australian Province, highlighting significant characters, histories of particular ministries and three tributes to our deceased confreres.…
Friday, 20 March 2020 21:55


OUR CURRENT REALITY AND CHALLENGE Facing Coronavirus, Covid-19, with seriousness, humour and generosity – with less self-focus. Jesus for an international pandemic. Here is a quote from the Victorian Bishops’ letter concerning Masses and Churches: Again and again Jesus said ‘peace be with you.’ (Jn 20:19) Let us not panic,…
MSC PHILIPPINES 40th ANNIVERSARY  - AND CORONAVIRUS We had hoped to feature this week the 40th Anniversary of the Philippine Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and the blessing of the Church-Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Surigao.  It was not to be. Anniversary celebrations…
Wednesday, 18 March 2020 21:40


MARCH 19th, St JOSEPH.   IMAGES Jules Chevalier had a strong devotion to St Joseph, ‘Model and Patron of those who love the Sacred Heart of Jesus”.  The liturgy, referring to the Psalms and the tradition of the Wisdom literature about fathers and sons, calls him 'the wise and just man'.…
Tuesday, 17 March 2020 22:28


PAX CHRISTI 75th ANNIVERSARY. Claude Mostowik MSC has been a President of Pax Christi Australia. In his report in the recent MSC Magazine, Chris McPhee notes that Claude has arranged to visit our parishes to work with them on Justice, Peace and the Integrity of creation. This is in line…
Monday, 16 March 2020 12:56


CORONAVIRUS – SOME CONSEQUENCES   This computer post for Monday is running late.  This is a coronavirus reason as to why. It concerns me, the editor of this site, Peter Malone. On the plane from Heathrow this weekend, the Qantas pilot suddenly announced the decision by the Australian Government (announced…
OUR NEW HEART OF LIFE CENTRE VENUE – SOME PHOTOS. The Vicarage After leaving our previous Heart of Life Centre, on the property of the Franciscans at Box Hill after 11 years there, we were really blessed to begin the year at our new venue, The parish church of St…
100 YEARS: THE FIRST CENTENARY OF THE DEATH OF AN AUSTRALIAN-BORN MSC, FR GEORGE ORGAN Born July 3, 1890, First profession 14th of September 1909, Ordination 30th of November 1917. Died 14th  March 1920. From Jim Littleton’s book on deceased MSC: Born in Coonamble, NSW. On March 15, 1920, then…
Thursday, 12 March 2020 06:17


VISIT FROM THE PHILIPPINES, RUDY ABAO MSC Recently, Rudy Abao from the Philippines Province paid a visit to Australia. Visiting Daramalan College, Canberra From 1958 to the end of the 1960s, Filippino students came from the Phlippines for their theological studies at Croydon.  One of them died here, Demetrio Sepe,…
PHILLIPINES MSC PROVINCE CELEBRATING 40 YEARS, MARCH 15th Congratulations to the Philippine Province on this significant anniversary From Manila, Philippines: The Official Logo for the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the MSC Philippines as a Province is here! The theme for the celebration, which will be on March 15,…
Tuesday, 10 March 2020 04:51


THE VICTORIA/ TASMANIA MSC COMMUNITY 2020 The Victorian/ Tasmanian Community is vying (not competitively) with Douglas Park to be the second largest community in the Province after Kensington Monastery. Recently there was a First Friday community gathering and meal – which also welcomed Rudy Abao from the Philippines and Hoang,…
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