Thursday, 04 June 2020 22:27

The Chevalier Family’s First Friday Justice and Peace Focus for June: Human Trafficking. And an Australian Perspective.

The Chevalier Family’s First Friday Justice and Peace Focus for June: Human Trafficking.

And an Australian Perspective.


We might not want to believe it, but human trafficking and slavery happens in Australia. Slavery is not an historical artefact, but a tragic reality for millions of people around the world, including in Australia.

Recently, the term “modern slavery” has been used to contrast contemporary forms of slavery from historical slavery such as that seen during the transatlantic slave trade.

In practice, modern slavery is an umbrella term that is often used to describe human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices such as servitude, forced labour and forced marriage.

But slavery is timeless. It has always been about the commodification of the body of a man, woman or child, the theft of liberty and sometimes life.

trafficking 3

40.3 million people live in slavery globally

trafficking women

71% are female
(women and girls)

trafficking use

Over 1,900 people in Australia are victims of modern slavery

trafficking 3

Only 1 in 5 victims are detected in Australia

ACRATH - A Catholic Response by Australian Religious

trafficking acrath

ACRATH stands for the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans. We are endorsed by Catholic Religious Australia – the peak body for 155 religious orders in Australia, representing over 5,700 religious sisters, brothers and priests.

Mission Statement

ACRATH is committed to working together towards the elimination of human trafficking in Australia, the Asia Pacific region, and globally.

Our Inspiration

“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” John10.10

“Nobody has the right to treat you as her or his slave and you should not make anyone your slave” – Article 4 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

A site against human trafficking

Slavery exists today. It’s right here among us and happening under our noses. That’s right – Australia is a destination for trafficked people who are used for a variety of purposes!

We want to give them a voice. Our site seeks to tell their stories so that society here can make a stand against such human rights abuses.