Good God Choir - A German MSC Story, and Hymn
We received the music and lyrics for a hymn from one of our German confreres, Norbert Becker MSC. He has a covering letter. Here are both plus the music.
The covering letter
Dear confreres,
The hymn: Good God, JPIC-Prayer of MSC
Lyrics: Franz-Josef Ruwe
Music: Norbert M. Becker MSC
I'll just use some addresses from the last General Chapter in Rome...
* "Let us be the voice of your heart" was the title of the MSC-jubilee-song...
** the musical-prayer "good god" support the effort for JPIC...
*** now we wrote a song for the worldwide action 'Fridays for future',
Because "... God’s creation is in danger!"
Maybe you have the opportunity to use / perform the song for / with young people ...
(... and then you can put your interpretation on youtube ...)
Maybe you know people from the music business in your country / your region,
who can perform this song ... ?
many greetings from Germany…
Norbert M. Becker Oase Steinerskirchen D-86558 Hohenwart
fon 08446 920118 mobil 016096200517 mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.