Monday, 01 June 2020 22:25

Superior General, Abzalon's letter last week, a covid-19 Province-wide update

Superior General, Abzalon's letter last week, a covid-19 Province-wide update 

diaconate covid philipines

Just before the letter a piece of coronavirus news. Congratulations to Deacons Michael and Ace who were ordained in the Philippines last Saturday, Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. But the congregation numbers were limited, the ceremony was streamed on-line - and the first photos we have seen of a ceremony with anti-pandemic masks!


“Dear MSC confreres:

By this means we would like to report you about how the COVID19 situation continues within our MSC Society.

As we have all seen, the new epicenter of the impact of this situation has shifted from Europe to North and Latin America. People in countries like the United States and Brazil are facing very painful, challenging, unjust and very complex situations at all levels, not only talking about statistical figures, but about situations of health systems as well as political systems.  All countries in the Americas are facing this anguishing reality nowadays.  However, it is still very hard and challenging in Africa, Asia, Oceania and especially in Europe.

As of today, we have been informed about four MSC Confreres in Spain who recently have been tested positive for COVID19, three of them asymptomatic, and they have already recovered.

george farkas covid

Brother George Farkas MSC sadly died from covid-19 on Friday, May 29th.  May he rest in peace,

Two elderly MSC Confreres are currently affected by COVID19 in the United States.

In Brazil there are two young MSC Confreres working in missionary areas, who have tested positive for COVID19 and we are confident that they will recover satisfactorily, there is another confrere in Brazil who is still waiting for a second test to confirm if he is still affected by the disease.

ace s yu and m a dacalos
A sign of hope, our deacons: Ace S. Yu above and Michael Angelo Dacalos below.

Although in several countries, especially in Europe, we are taking steps towards the subsequent phases of the virus’ containment. It is our hope that everyone will continue to take the required measures; that we keep on taking care of the information that we share in order to avoid any false or wrong information. Likewise, we encourage you all to continue to accompany the People of God during these difficult times which affect the majority of the population throughout the world.

May the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the following weekend, strengthen our communion in prayer and the possibility of generating the "antibodies" of compassion and mercy, so needed now to face these challenging times. May the sense of MSC Family continue to be alive among us. Blessings to all and take care yourselves.

Abzalon msc”

diaconate covid philipines