Wednesday, 16 September 2020 22:23

Heart of Life Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Formation. An MSC Spirituality Ministry, 2021 Programs.

Heart of Life Centre for Spirituality and Pastoral Formation. An MSC Spirituality Ministry, 2021 Programs.

Heart of Life is inviting applications for its 2021 Spiritual Formation Programs

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Each of these Programs may be available face-to-face,
online via Zoom, or a combination of both

Siloam Program - Full-time 
- a one-year, full-time program for the formation of spiritual directors

Siloam Program - Part-time
- a two-year, Monday program for the formation of spiritual directors

Spiritual Leaders Program - Part-time
- a one-year, Friday morning program for those in spiritual leadership

Let The Heart Listen - Part-time
- a four-month, Thursday morning program for those who have a yearning to listen more deeply to their Divine Companion, to their own human experience, and to others


2020 brochure cover

Spiritual Leaders Program
1 Year Part-time (Feb-Nov 2021)

The transformative Spiritual Leaders Program is based on a contemplative and discerning approach to the spiritual formation of leaders within ministry.

Individuals in various positions of leadership within their faith community or outreach ministries - priests, ministers, members of religious Orders, lay ecclesial ministers, community and spiritual leaders, chaplains, pastoral carers and those in health and education - will especially find the program of benefit and are invited to apply.

The Spiritual Leaders learning process supports the participant's personal integration of the theory and practice of a contemplative and discerning approach to the spiritual and pastoral elements of leadership. The program is contemplative and experiential in its approach and enables participants to focus on growth in self-awareness and sensitivity to the movement of God's Spirit in oneself, as well as in the person to whom one is ministering.

Spiritual Leaders is offered over one year, part-time. Attendance is generally on Friday mornings (9.30am-12.30pm) plus monthly individual supervision on Friday afternoons. Spiritual Leaders can be credited for 36 points toward the Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Ministry through Yarra Theological Union / University of Divinity. Fee-Help is available to qualifying students when studying for these awards.

A recent graduate of the program writes:
"As I embarked on the journey of learning about spiritual leadership, the year brought new opportunities, rewarding challenges and personal growth. The course was like finding a treasure in a field, whilst discovering treasures within me. It has been a journey of getting to know myself and the deepest parts of who I truly am. This has led me to desire a freedom to become more of who God has called and created me to be. I experienced a richness of God's compassion for me and for those I care for and support in my ministry as a spiritual leader. I am now left with my heart seeking to find more hidden treasures within and a longing to help others discover the treasure they are in God. It was a great blessing for me to have had the opportunity to learn and grow through the Spiritual Leaders Program. I am truly grateful for all that I learnt from those gifted in teaching the course and from my fellow spiritual leaders." - Nicky, VIC


'Let The Heart Listen' Program
(Carole Carmody rsm, Julie Adam)
15 x Thursday mornings, 9.30am-12.30pm,
25 February to 17 June 2021

'Let the Heart Listen' is an invitation to:

  • enter into a process of transformation, connecting you with the deeper mysteries of your own heart
  • open your heart in compassion for, and connection to and with others
  • deepen your relationship with your Divine Companion, especially in the vulnerable aspects of your life.

Those involved in listening to, and supporting others, in life's journey and those who wish to deepen a relationship with their Divine Companion are invited to apply.

This program's learning process provides:  teaching; facilitated work in groups and alone; guided reflection; and self and peer feedback and evaluation.

A recent graduate of the program writes:
"I was unsure what to expect when I signed up for Let the Heart Listen. I am not one to speak openly about my spiritual life with others and was hesitant to share what was deep in my heart. Over the sessions, with the gentle directions and support of the group, I was able to open up to what was truly deep in my heart and learn to listen to the heart of others. Over the weeks, there was a discovery of many joys and also sorrows that were deep in my heart and although the course has ended, it really is only the beginning of my journey." Melissa, VIC


Our venue for 2021, Kildara, Malvern

We encourage applications for Heart of Life's Formation Programs
at the earliest opportunity as places are limited.
An interview forms part of the application process.

For more information, please contact Heart of Life by
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or tel (03) 9890 1101.

Our mailing address is:
Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation
296 Glenferrie Road, Malvern Victoria 3144
Tel:  (+61 3) 9890 1101