MSC Justice and Peace. Zoom Event. UN International Day of Peace. Invitation.
MSC Justice and Peace Centre: MSC, individually and collectively, are called to "read the signs of the times" and form an MSC view of the world that develops a critical judgement of events and also knows how to discover in the world the good that God is doing there.
The MSC Justice and Peace Centre has as its mission to promote the motto
'May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved. Forever!'
by promoting God's love for all people and creation in the world.
Dear friends,
An invitation from Professor Joseph Camilleri
Claude Mostowik msc
I thought you may be interested in a new independent initiative a number of us (including many in their 20s and 30s) have been working on for the last several months. The idea is to bring together people from diverse backgrounds in a project specifically aimed at raising the level of the national conversation, and widening the circle of those willing and able to engage.
The aim is to stimulate conversations on the defining issues of our time, across the generational and cultural divides.
After a good deal of preparation and a number of in-house events, we are now preparing for a semi-public event to coincide with the UN International Day of Peace. This will be a prelude to our Public Launch which will be held on 5th November – more information about this will follow.
The World Peace Day event, will be held on Monday 21 September at 7.30 pm via Zoom. We have chosen as the theme for the evening Between War and Peace: Australia’s Past and Future. Our two guest speakers are the distinguished scholar Prof Allan Patience and national President, Medical Association for Prevention of War Dr Sue Wareham. They will offer us thought provoking ideas on new directions for the future. This will be a highly interactive evening. Please see attached flyer for full details.
I take this opportunity to invite you to take part. And please pass on the invitation to friends, colleagues and others in your respective networks.
Anyone wishing to attend must register by sending me their name and email address. It is advisable to register early as registratiundefinedons may close well before the event. Only those who register will be provided with the Zoom link to get access to the event.
I expect this to be a lively conversation, which we hope will encourage many to rethink Australia’s future.
Emeritus Professor Joseph A. Camilleri OAM, La Trobe University
Fellow, The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Managing Director, Alexandria Agenda Pty Ltd
Mob 61+448 002 483