Tuesday, 15 September 2020 22:44

MSC Adelaide: “In the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”

MSC Adelaide: “In the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”

Celebrating the MSC Legacy in the Adelaide Archdiocese

olsh statue Copy

September 21st to 25th

During September we will celebrate the anniversaries of the death of both Fr. Frank Perry and Fr. John Rate and their legacy as MSC.  They continued the contribution of the MSC community to the life of the church in Adelaide and they died within a year of each other in September 2018 and 2019.  The parish of Henley is privileged to recall their ministry,  with many of their brother MSC,   as they sought to bringing the “heart of Jesus” to the lives of those they served.  A week of reflection and sharing is planned each night for 5 nights.  Special guests have been invited to talk on different aspects of this call  and help us to understand the commitment of parishioners to be “missionary disciples”. 

john rate henley

The Program of Refection will begin on Monday the 21st of September and conclude on Friday the 25th and include a memorial mass on the 22nd the date of Fr John’s anniversary. 

frank perry

In July 2020, Pope Francis reflected on the importance of adapting the style and management of parish life and recommended the document The Parish Community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church.  From the beginning of his service as pope, Francis focused directly on the “parish” by emphasising “making church life relevant for today’s world”.  His first Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of the Gospel (2013) in everyday language called all parishioners to be “missionary disciples”.  It is a challenge to the laity, the religious and the priests and deacons to discern their roles in reaching out to those in need, humanly and spiritually. 

Pope Francis poses for a photo at a pre-synod gathering of youth delegates at the Pontifical International Maria Mater Ecclesiae College in Rome March 19. The meeting was in preparation for the Synod of Bishops on young people, the faith and vocational discernment this October at the Vatican. Seated next to the pope are Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary-general of the Synod of Bishops, and U.S. Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell, prefect of the Vatican's Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.(CNS photo/Paul Haring) See POPE-YOUTH-PRESYNOD March 19, 2018.

From time to time this has been open to trial and error as it raised key issues: the changing role of priests and the laity emerging as “missionary disciples” and the impact and influence this would have on parish life.  In the parishes that the MSC have served for over 106 years here in Adelaide, there has been growing awareness and discernment of what is required for change, based on their charism “To be on earth the Heart of God”.  It is in this context that we reflect on parish life today as a tribute to Frs John and Frank.

On behalf of the MSC Community and the Parish Pastoral Council we look forward to your presence.

Paul Cashen MSC PP

Community Leader

paul cashen henley 

Please note that the Covid19 regulations require that there is a limit of 150 people in the church because of social distancing.  Therefore, please book your attendance for each evening through the parish office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or direct to the website to book online.    www.henleybeachparish.com.au.


 You must reserve your spot for these evenings.   Book online or email the parish office.   


“In the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church”

Celebrating the MSC Legacy in the Adelaide Archdiocese in a series of 5 gatherings

Monday 21st till Friday 26th September 2020

7pm Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church,

Henley Beach Parish

 henley use

Jules Chevalier was very clear in his vision for lay people “To be on Earth the Heart of God”.

Both Jules Chevalier and Pope Francis advocated an active and contributing laity.

Jules Chevalier saw the Sacred Heart as the gateway to understanding Jesus and the gospels.

Pope Francis stated that, “the lay faithful may fulfil their specific mission, the mission that they received in Baptism, putting their creativity at the service of the challenges of today’s world.” (Prayer video 3 May 2019)

Monday 21st: Fr Philip Marshall VG

 “From Ministers to Missionaries”:  A presentation of the changes that the pope calls for in the life of parishes in the context of the Adelaide parishes. The task of discerning who, how, when, where and why in our response to the Spirit, includes reflecting on the experiences of the church as we have responded to the Vatican II.

Tuesday 22nd: Memorial Mass: Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, principal celebrant

patrick oregan

Due to COVID restrictions on numbers in the Church, we will not open this mass for registrations.   Each parish group will be represented at the mass and if space are available, we will then open the mass for first in registrations.   Invitations to the representatives will be sent this week.

 Wednesday 23rd: Fr Michael Trainor scripture lecturer ACU

“The Word of God and the call to mission”: Listening and reflecting on the Word of God, sacred scripture: to open our hearts to the struggles of the people around us and to reach out to the vulnerable, as Jesus’ ministry teaches us.

Thursday 24th: Mrs Margaret Speechley Director Ministry Formation

“Discerning to be a missionary today”: Key people guide us to respond to the call to be disciples and deepen our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Ministry Formation Program brings experience, insight and motivation to assist the parish community to bring the care and love of God to the many struggles and concerns of people today.

Friday 25th: Fr Chris Chaplin MSC,  Director Ministry Formation, Rome.

“To be on earth the heart of God”: The final reflection is to explore the charism of the MSC and the continued encouragement it gives us to search for the “Heart of the Sacred”, in the confused and challenging context of life today.  We are all called “to be on earth the heart of God”.

chris chaplin vested