Anh began his pre-Novitiate on January 24th. We asked him to write something about himself for us:
My name is Anh and I turned 28-year-old this year. I was born and raised in Southern Vietnam but moved to Australia to study 3 years ago. I remember that one day in 2017 when I lived in Australia, I had anything for my life to meet my needs with happiness and I wonder what gives meaning to my life? What is at the core of my being?
So, I have looked for my spiritual director from my friend’s suggestion after a retreat with him. I found Fr. Thang MSC in my reconciliation and he became my spiritual director. Around one year, I have been discerning my vocation with the help of Fr. Thang and I have received some signs God is calling me by my name.
During the Christmas party at Kew in 2018, I received a message from Fr Frank (Andersen) as a Christmas present: “Arise Morning Star, do not delay”. I believe that God has invited me to do something and do not delay my ‘desire’ in Latin word ‘sidus’ meaning a constellation or ‘a star’. This is like the image of a star leading the way for the three kings to come to God.
Secondly, I attended Pre-Novitiate Reception Liturgy last year. After I came back home, something in my heart like burns with a warm strong intensity (my desire) forced me to join the MSC. With my all courage, I have made contact with all formation priest MSC that I knew, and they have agreed for me to join the MSC.
Furthermore, I have lived three Pre-Novitiate students in Cuskelly House, I found myself suitable to religious life with community where I lived. That was a great experience in my life.
Finally, I would like to say thank you for the MSC to give me a wonderful opportunity to be there to be a trainee. Thank you very much !