On Monday afternoon as we gathered together as OLSH Family for the “Call to Leadership at the Service of Unity” Ceremony, I thought “Lord it is good for us to be here”.
Standing side by side we began the Ceremony with our traditional hymn to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Choosing this hymn to Our Lady always evokes memories of the past. For we all realise the truth in the saying “there can be no future without a past”.
Words from our Constitutions followed. There were three readings all reminding us of the love of Jesus for each and every one.
The readings were followed by the meaningful action by Tess in anointing the hands of Philippa as she begins her term as Provincial. We all then welcomed Philippa as our new leader, assuring her of our love, support and prayer. As we extended our hands in blessing over Philippa we prayed; “May the Lord grant you the audacity of Deborah and the courage of Esther and Judith. May God fill you with joy as God did Anna, and with loyalty and faithful love, as God did Ruth. May you be able to sing and dance for joy near the sea as Miriam the prophetess, and with Mary of Nazareth, proclaim the greatness of the Lord, with the hungry and humble ones”.
Tess has returned to Wadeye.
Philippa then thanked Tess for her three years of service to our Province. Candles, with the flames glowing strongly, were lit by Philippa and she handed one to each Provincial Councillor. We recited the Memorare and then, to end our Ceremony, the words of a “Fire on the Earth” rang out.
Sister Anne Gardiner OLSH
Provincial Council (left to right): Moya Hanlen, Pauline Richards, Philippa Murphy, Lorraine McCleary, Mary Stevens