Sunday, 02 February 2020 22:49



verius port leon statue

February is a month highlighting Bishop Henri Verjus MSC, often called Henry Verius, young pioneer missionary of PNG, first MSC Bishop of Yule Island, 1860-1892, died at age 32..


2 February, 1892
The title of Saint Joseph "Friend of the Sacred Heart" is changed to "Saint Joseph, patron and model of those of love the Sacred Heart".

5 February, 1900

Canonical Erection of the Congregation of MSC Sisters and approbation of the Statutes for five years.

6 February, 1855

Chevalier and Maugenest finish their second novena to the Blessed Virgin.
Their prayer is answered. They are promised 1000 francs, per year, from a generous benefactor, for their living expenses.

10 February, 1885
Fr. Verjus and three Italian Brothers leave Sydney for Thursday Island.

ribat verius 1
15 February, 1981

Fr. Juan Alonso Fernandez, MSC, of the Spanish Province, is violently assassinated in Guatemala.
16 February, 1915

Fr. Charles Piperon dies in Thuin, Belgium. He was longtime companion and confidant of Jules Chevalier.
February, 1908
Marie Louise Hartzer, first Superior General of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, dies in Thuin, Belgium. She is buried four days later. Marie Louise had left France due to the expulsions of religious by the French Government.

23 February, 1945
29 Dutch MSC are freed form the concentration camp at Los Baños, Philippines.

24 February, 1985
Fr. Henri Verjus arrives at Thursday Island after having left Sydney earlier in the month.
Thursday island   

25 February, 1875

The Vatican orders that, in future, all new images of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart must represent the Child Jesus on the arms of his mother, and not standing before her.

verius statue