PNG Catholic Association New South Wales
Catechist from New Britain, Peter To Rot, martyr, killed by the Japanese towards the end of World War II, was beatified in Port Moresby in 1995.
His Feast Day, July 7th, is more than a day for significance for PNG and PNG expatriates. Here is a story of celebrating him.
It has been a tradition to celebrate this Feast on the 7th July at Sacred Heart Monastery, Kensington. We gathered again this year with over 80 people attending for the celebration of the Eucharist followed by a meal and social gathering together. The PNG Catholic Association NSW took the lead in organizing the liturgy, contact with different PNG groups and organizing the food and social gathering afterwards. The staff of the Mission Office organized the BBQ and did the cooking.
We had a whole range of people there: Papua New Guineans from many places, expatriates with PNG experiences, spouses and families, missionary priest, bishops and sisters, and members of our community here at Kensington. It was a great gather up of people and all seemed to enjoy themselves. There was plenty of PNG food which gave many of us a revival of tastes and enjoyment. People stayed around to meet friends and make new ones, to tell stories and catch up on news.
It was great to make contact with these people and see their organizations around Sydney. I look forward to continued association and communication. The next event is for PNG Independence Day on 14 September which will be a bigger day as people from all churches and way of life will turn up to celebrate and remember the birth of a nation and its continuing life in the wider world.
Fr Roger Purcell MSC
Director - MSC Mission Office