This is the first edition of the magazine of the Lay Members of the Chevalier Family.
Jules Chevalier had a dream of a lay branch of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. This vision has come to life in recent decades, spreading over all continents and having regional as well as international conferences.
In this edition (an editorial by Hans Kwakman MSC reflecting on Jules Chevalier’s vision), there are articles from all around the world (with contributions from Australia by Fred Stubenrauch and Ancilla White on Lay OLSH). The magazine has been compiled by Rita Cleuren, Europe, longtime leader of the Lay MSC, Alison Mackenzie, Australia, first General Secretary, and Doris Machado, Brazil, deputy secretary.
To read the 32 page magazine on line, go to the MSC Australia website Home Page, Click the item, Who We Are, the first item on the top banner list. When Lay MSC appears, click this and you will find a picture of the cover and click to bring up the magazine. (If you scroll down, you will also find previous Australian newsletters and a link to the Spirituality course by Hans Kwakman.)