Friday, 12 July 2019 23:55



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We present a tribute to MSC in Hindmarsh parish, Adelaide, as we withdraw and hand the parish back to the Archdiocese of Adelaide.

Noel Mansfield MSC collected the material and the photos.  With thanks.


In the coming week, we will have a post on Jim Littleton’s book on the parish plus a historic timeline of those who served in the parish.

Hindmarsh final Mass 2

Celebration of MSC Leadership

The Parish Bulletin:

Marking the end of our leadership of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart priests was a wonderful gathering and celebration last Saturday evening. Our Sacred Heart Church drew many present and former parishioners to mark this special occasion. Fr Chris McPhee, Provincial of the MSCs, led the celebration of Mass, together with Fr Philip Marshall, Administrator Delegate of the Archdiocese. Our local MSCs Fr Bill, Fr Noel, Fr Paul, Fr John, together with Fr Chris Murphy msc, Fr Jim Littleton msc, Fr Tru Nguyen MSC

Hindmarsh final Mass 1

Being in the evening allowed the beauty of our Sacred Heart Church to literally shine: the lights provided a gentle glow that set the scene for our celebratory Mass. To context our celebration symbols that represented each of our Mass centres over the years and our five schools were brought forth to a brief commentary that provided a glimpse of our 105 year history. The Italian and Preca communities were acknowledged for the contributions that they have each made, together with the many Religious Orders who have served alongside the MSCS over these years.

Fr Chris provided us with a homily that strongly encouraged us to not dwell on what has been but to move into our future, as the Gospel said, ‘to take up the handle of the plough’ and go forward. In recalling the history of this great parish (this) indeed has been what our former parishioners have done over the years. They have always taken on the challenges of their time and we today are the recipients of this great legacy and our task is to continue to move forward.

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Parishioners past, present and long serving were involved in different aspects of our liturgy. In the ritual of the handing over of the leadership of the Parish, Mary Palazzo who has lived all her life in our parish, handed Father Chris our Parish candle. Fr Chris lit this candle and symbolically the leadership, which was given to the MSCs in 1914, was handed back to the Archdiocese through the passing of the candle to Fr Philip. He, in turn, passed the candle to Narita Perrotta (Chair of PPC) and Mary Hemmings (Acting Chair of PPC) and Fr Paul Cashen (interim Parish Pastoral Co-ordinator) to keep the flame of God’s love and care for our parish alight as we move into a new era.

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Our Parish ‘Hopes for the Future’ which developed from our Parish Pastoral Council’s strategic plan had been framed and on Saturday night were passed onto two of our young people, Noah and Abigail. They represented the future of our Parish and, together with our young people, we will all need to work to bring these Hopes to fruition.

From this sacred space and time we moved to the gymnasium at Nazareth Findon to continue celebrating. The hall was set up to allow all to share in a meal together and to move freely around to engage with all who were present. The musical talents of several of our parishioners were evident as they provided the background to our celebrations. Fr Chris even displayed his singing talents! Fr Philip addressed us as did Joe Szakis, member for Cheltenham and a former student of St Michael’s College.

We again acknowledged Fr Bill, our beloved Parish Priest for these past nine years, who has led us so graciously to this moment in our parish story. His leadership has been greatly valued for its integrity and inclusiveness and we presented him with our gift of a Flight Centre voucher and wished him well as he moves to being involved in the Randwick Parish in Sydney.

The evening was a great opportunity for us as a parish to gather as one. Many comments such as ‘we should do this again sometime’ were made as all enjoyed the chance to be together.

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Futures are unknown places: we move forward to the beat of this time and place, with the people who are our present companions and with those who will join us on the path ahead. May we who have had the gift of the MSCs for so long ensure that their spirit remains alive in our community by being people who look ahead and respond to the challenges of our wider community and world, ‘being Christ’s Heart on Earth.’ We are grateful to Fr Paul and Fr Noel who will continue their presence with us over the coming months and give thanks to God for all that has been, all that is and all that is to come.

Special thanks to Linda Arman, Narita Perrotta and Kath Coombs in our Parish Office: you all were involved in so many different aspects of planning for this event and still managed to co-ordinate ongoing Parish services  over the last few busy weeks. 

In the words of our theme for the celebration:

With Grateful Hearts, we have Remembered, we have Celebrated and we now Go Forth!                       

Mass to Celebrate MSC Leadership in Hindmarsh Parish                

Homily   Fr Chris McPhee

Findon Hindmarsh – 2019

hindmarsh chris mcphee

Today, we MSC, after 106 years of Ministry here in Adelaide are leaving Sacred Heart Findon Hindmarsh Parish.

But, today is not about looking at ourselves, nor nostalgically looking to the past… our focus is and always will be - to point to, to lead others to, and to follow the heart of Jesus.

I heard recently: it was about Lot’s wife. It read – Lot’s wife; frozen in the act of looking backwards.

I love this, frozen in the act of looking backwards.  Today’s Gospel is very clear – Jesus is about moving on… not staying fixed. In fact, I would put that the Gospel imperative is to read the signs of the times. And in that it is not to be frozen in time by looking backwards.

Our task – leading into the future – is the mission of God – and for us that mission is really about following Jesus into the Kingdom – into love – into the heart of meaning, healing, forgiveness, direction and love.

For me the Soul’s Ground is the Sacred Heart. And this will never change – this is what this Parish is about – the Sacred Heart – and has been for over 106 years – is the Sacred Heart – and this mission continues today – may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved – where everybody is a player and everyone is important – to be on earth the heart of God.


It’s what we do today that will open a pathway into the future. It is what our focus is, our primary values are, its our way of being Parish ‘today’ that will open a pathway to the future – no one knows the future – it’s what we do today that will eventually take us forward gazing into eternity.

Fr Philip Marshall’s Talk at Dinner

Hindmarsh philip marshall

The impact on me of Sacred Heart in Parish: a world embraced in all embracing love: this is the vision that inspires and directs the MSCs.

Jules Chevalier (Servant of God} founded in 1854; was captured by this vision of a new world emerging, and wanted to make God's love and care for humanity known, so that every human heart might be moved to respond. He made the motto for his new Congregation: "May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere."

He wanted those who followed him to live out love, concern, compassion, understanding, respect and acceptance of every individual, based on Jesus' words: "I give you a new commandment, love one another just as I have loved you"

The Constitutions of the Congregation direct that its spirit "is made of love and kindness, humility and simplicity; but above all, it is a spirit of love for justice and concern for the welfare of all, especially the poorest ones."

The missionaries believe that Christ's love for all people is empowering, healing, all-embracing, liberating and challenging.

They are committed to: schools at Henley, Flinders Park, Findon, the emergence of presbyteries  and community centres...all inspired by and at the service of this beautiful vision of a world drenched in the love of God revealed in the heart of Jesus, through to the community that has served us to this day, led by our Parish Priest, Fr Bill Brady.

I want to express our sadness that this moment has arrived, and our complete understanding that this has been a decision that is painful for the Congregation and impelled only by the challenge of aging and diminishing resources...

...but       above all, I want to express, on behalf of all the bishops, clergy, religious and lay faithful of our Archdiocese from all this rich history, our profound gratitude for  the presence, the love, the unique charism, the generosity and service of all the priests we have known and loved over this long time.

You have shaped not only this parish, but have and will continue to be a most beloved part of our diocesan community, your presence here will live on in the hearts of all whom you have served, and we promise to do all in our power to continue the life and spirit of this parish in the grace and love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Hindmarsh msc group


Bill and Noel at Findon IMG 1451 002

I’ve had my official farewell already – tonight is about the parish’s closure not me

Yet it was something about me (health issues) which has triggered a series of decisions and events that have brought us to this occasion.  It makes sense then to have a word but it will be brief.

I thank you for your presence here tonight and for being the parish you are and for all that you have achieved even if in part that has been on the backs of earlier generations.  Thank you for your generous servic3e over the years.

Whilst MSC administration will cease the heart & spirituality can live on so there is a bright future.

I would like to thank the special guests tonight – Fr Phillip Marshal, Chris McPhee and local member Joe Szakis

People have asked me how I feel about leaving.  I’ve been a bit too distracted with activities lately to fully grasp that.  When I get over there, I’m sure it will sink in.  I’m going to our flagship parish, Randwick, but I’m leaving the parish and city I love.

I’ve been somewhat overwhelmed by the words of thanks and best wishes in the last few weeks and greatly appreciate that.

Accepting criticism is not easy for anyone, but accepting praise can be even harder.  I hope the Lord doesn’t have some ‘thorn of the flesh’ lined up for me to stop me getting proud.

Finally, I’d like to say a word of thanks to the many people who have brought all this together tonight – the Mass and the dinner.

All the best now and God bless you .

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