US, 1952, 93 minutes, Colour.
Alan Ladd, James Mason, Patricia Medina, Cedric Hardwicke.
Directed by John Farrow.
This is an Alan Ladd sea adventure. Ladd had worked many times with director, John Farrow (Calcutta, Two Years Before the Mast). Farrow seems to have had quite an interest in filming about the sea. With his Australian background, he was probably interested in this project of telling the story of the First Fleet. The material is enjoyable, conventional, and quite stylised. However, as a reflection of those days, it will do.
Ladd is a typical hero, sincere and taciturn. Patricia Medina is a vigorous heroine. James Mason snarls as the cruel and mercenary captain of one of the ships and Sir Cedric Hardwicke appears as Governor Phillip. There is some attempt to re-create the Australian atmosphere at the end, once the First Fleet has arrived, it does seem somewhat Hollywood-style.
However, Botany Bay does give some kind of imaginative look at the situation at the start of the white settlement of Australia.
1. An interesting and enjoyable historical adventure?
2. The Australian origins of the plot, the sympathies of the director, the significance of the prologue and its explanations for a world audience?
3. Contribution of colour, nautical atmosphere, the re-creation of the Botany Bay colony? The musical score and the Australian and British themes blended?
4. The atmosphere of Newgate in the 18th century? The types of prisoners. their crimes, the foul conditions, the injustices the problem to the British Government? Hugh and Sally within this context? Audience interest in and sympathies for the convicts?
5. The explanation of the transportation system, the lists going up, the reprieve from death, the selection of the convicts to go to Australia, lining them up, transporting them to the harbour, on to the ships etc.
6. Their re-creation of 'The Charlotte' and the way of life in the 18th century British Navy. merchant ships? The criminal cargo and their conditions? Hugh, Sally, as singled out, Nick and his entourage and 'yes' men, Mrs. Garth and Nat? The various types of genuine criminal and unlucky people who were arrested? How well were their characters delineated?
7. Captain Gilbert and as an effective ship's captain of the time? His motives for going to Australia, money? The background of his wife's connections? Sally and her being chosen and his attitude to Yards her, her hold over him and threatening him because of family connections?
8. Hugh and his story, the American background, the injustice? His plans for regaining the money, for escaping and the interaction with Hugh - friendly and hostile? Gilbert and his auspicious of Hugh? Hugh with his medical background and its contribution to people on the ship?
9. The portrait of the various criminals especially Gilllike and his use of money? The irony of his being the betrayer? Was he suspect throughout the film? The inevitable revelation and his death?
10. The portrayal of the dangers of the sea, storms, stillness etc.?
11. The portrayal of cruelty on the ship especially the lashings and the keel hauling? The appeal to Captain Gilbert? His motives for such cruelty?
12. The presentation of Botany Bay, Governor Philip and his administration, his seeking of justice?
13. Gilbert and his elaborate plans for revenge? The irony of the intervention of the aborigines and Gilbert's death?
14. The presentation of Australia, Australian flora and fauna. the aborigines and their threatening presence, attacks?
15. The build-up to the climax and the fighting, the betrayal?
16. The happy ending? Was this a routine sea adventure or did it seem something more?