Australia, 1976, 120 minutes, Colour.
Reg Livermore, Baxter Funt, The Reginas.
Directed by Doug Livermore.
The Betty Blokkbuster Follies is a filmed version of Reg Livermore's stage presentation of his one-man show. Livermore had a career on television and in musical comedy and in the '70s moved into such productions as Jesus Christ Superstar and The Rocky Horror Show. In the mid-'70s he starred in The Betty Blokkbuster Follies and was very successful all over Australia. Subsequently he had several one-man shows including Wonder Woman and Sacred Cow. They were produced by Eric Dare and directed by Peter Batey. Livermore himself generally wrote his own material.
There is a vitality about Livermore's performance and he draws on many stage traditions: in Australia for instance, Barry Humphries and his various personae, in America such performers as Lenny Bruce. There is a vigour and humour about the sketches and songs; there is also a degree of crudity and Lenny Bruce-type confrontation for the audience of issues and language generally not presented on the stage prior to the 170s. Livermore frequently appears in women's dress, takes the persona of feminine characters there is a strong element of the transvestite and 'drag' as well as a visual and theatrical exploration of sexual themes, erotic themes and a focus on homosexuality. In this film there is also a touching on religion and some strong studies of loneliness which are quite moving. This film shows the audience responding to Livermore. The material is sometimes very good, sometimes quite ordinary - and Livermore himself A not an excellent singer nor dancer but has good verve and puts his material over with force. He is at his best in more recitative type performance and in soliloquies. other films to use this kind of method were Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well In Paris, The Marat-Sade? and theatrical presentation of James Whitmore's one-man show about Truman, Give 'Em Hall, Harry. The sections of the show are:
1 - Betty Blokkbuster and her introduction.
2 - the song, 'The Fate of the Family of Man',
3 - Money from Cabaret,
4 - the monologue by the old derelict,
5 - Me and Loretta and the photo album,
6 - Hullo in there,
7 - Captain Jack,
8 - the sketch of the heavy breather on the telephone,
9 - the song, 'That's Matrimony',
10 - Is that all there is?
11 - the interview of the female impersonator and the discussion about Shirley Bassey,
12 - the item about jonquils set in the seats of the theatre, 13 - Walk on the Wild Side,
14 - the circus lady,
15 - the address to God,
16 - the song of the troubled son and his going berserk,
17 - the ocker mockery -Swan Lake,
18 - the song,'Hollywood Boulevard',
19 - the song, 'Be Yourself' and the emphasis on freedom,
20 - the encore, trains.
1. The impact and appeal of Reg Livermore, his style, the content of his satire and presentation? The impact of a stage' production presented on film? Stage experience and the presence of the actor, cinema presence?
2. How well did the film adapt the stage presentation to the screen: the use of close-ups, lighting, editing? The presentation of the audience and its applause? The type of audience, middle class, old, young, middle aged, responding to the various item? The interspersing of the audience shots with the performance?
3. The impact of the one-man show and its reliance on presence and charisma? The nature of the appeal, appreciation of the skill, the variety in the singing, dancing, impersonating and burlesque? Reg Livermore's energy? The quality of his singing, dancing? Sense of humour? Language?
4. Comment on the influences and their repercussions of such performers as Marcel Marceau, Roy Rene ('MO'), Barry Humphries, Lenny Bruce, actresses such as Lauren Bacall, television performances. The tone of the entertainment - a mirror to society, a distortion, parody, satire?
5. The underlying values of the entertainment: truth to self, freedom? The emphasis on sexuality, homosexuality? The presentation of God and religion - the touching on the blasphemous? Themes of poverty, loneliness and compensation? The Australian tone of the contents and style - echoing aspects of society, the explicit ocker satire in the Swan Lake item? The overall impact of the content?
6. The title and its focus, Livermore In the credits getting ready to be Betty Blokkbuster? The Hitlerian overtones of Betty? The ambiguous housewife, the male actor in drag? The provocation of the audience, the commands, the accusations about sexuality and perversion? The tone for the whole show?
7. The contribution of the song items, their range: ‘The Family of Man', 'That's Matrimony', the 'Cabaret’ song, 'Walk on the Wild Side', the final songs about freedom and the encore, 'Trains'.
8. The Insight into poverty - the monologue by the derelict, the lyrics to 'Money' from Cabaret?
9. Sexuality: Betty Blokkbuster herself, the item about the jonquils, the woman listening to the heavy breather on the phone?
10. Themes of homosexuality and transvestitism: Betty Blokkbuster herself, the heavy breathing item, the circus ringleader lady and her words, actions, dress and appearance? The jonquils item? The importance of the interview with the female impersonator and the revelations about life, homosexuality, relationships, Shirley Bassey?
11. Religious themes - especially the monologue by the 'Seventh Day Adventuress' and the final erotic involvement and attack on God?
12. Marriage: the story of the derelict, the song about Loretta and the family album, the song, 'That's Matrimony'?
13. The themes of loneliness and the pathos from such Items as 'Hullo in there', the drug scene and loneliness and Captain Jack, the erotic loneliness of 'Walk on the Wild Side', the pathos of the son going berserk and shooting, the loneliness of trying everything and 'Is That All There Is?' 'Hollywood Boulevard' and celebrities and the Presentation of the slides, the lyrics about the personalities?
14. The response of the Australian audience, the implications of the American directed items and the Australian directed Items? The humour and insight in the male ballet dancer and the parody on football and ocker male expectations?
15. The impact of this kind of entertainment - serious, light? Entertainment plus?