Australia, 1982, 94 minutes, Colour.
Barbara Parkins, Rod Mullinar, Jack Lenoir, Elspeth Ballantyne.
Directed by John Lamond.
Breakfast in Paris is an Australian attempt to re-create the romantic comedies from Hollywood in the '30s and '40s. It is in many ways attractive. It is also weak and pales in comparison with those early genre films. Director is John Lamond, who made a reputation with soft core sex film as Australia After Dark, A.B.C. of Love and Sex, Felicity, Pacific Banana as well as a sex murder thriller, Nightmares. Canadian Barbara Parkins is quite attractive in the central role - a more substantial presence than in some of her Hollywood films .
Jack Lenoir, of Frank D. Gilroy's Once In Paris, is full of pleasant Gallic humour and advice. The hero is Rod Mullinar - who ultra-grins. He has been effective in films like Breaker Morant and Duet for Four. However, here he is quite lumpish. Interiors were re-created in Melbourne. There was some location photography - and a reliance on postcard prettiness. Brian May creates an imitative score Parisien. This is a pleasant film especially for those who enjoy the totally expected.
I. The perennial popularity of the romance, romantic comedy. the tradition of the romantic screwball comedy, the films of the battle of the sexes. The reliance of this film on these genres? Its impact as derivative? Its impact with its own qualities? The vitality of its own life - or its reliance on other movies?
2. The quality of the Australian production values? The international style? The re-creation of Parisian interiors? The use of Paris - especially the scenic postcard shots? The style of the musical score? Its romantic use?
3. Paris and the tradition of romance? The screenplay's reliance on it? The atmosphere of buildings e.g. hotels? Fashion shows? The use of the popular landmarks?
4. The original Melbourne setting? The Australian base of the film? Its being remote from the world of Paris, fashion, romance? The basic premise of the fashion woman and the photographer man? The meeting at Tullamarine airport? The number of plane trips? The contrast between the home world of Melbourne and the romance world of Paris?
5. The comedy of clash - colliding at the airport, the series of incidents on the plane, arrival in Paris and the cars, the continuous phone calls and Jackie's exasperation, Mike's presence at the fashion show, the meals? The transition to a more serious tone, the beginning of the affair, the heartbreak and decisions?
6. The range of comedy routines used - accidents on the plane, funny lines, putting the hero in laughable and oafish circumstances?
7. Barbara Parkins' style as Jackie? The initial shopping, the boyfriend and her memories of him, the clash? Her distrust of men? Her skill in her work, her offsider? Paris and business? Her response to Mike's flirting? Her exasperation? The Paris businessmen and their advances? Her loneliness, her ringing Mike? The sharing of the meal? The outings together, growing to understand one another? The bed-and breakfast sequence? The barriers to marriage? Her giving the undelivered message? Her being hurt, return to Melbourne? The final confrontation? The accident, the happy ending? Her capitulation in terms of career, independence? Her attitudes towards love and marriage, commitment? An attractive and chic heroine?
8. Michael and his lumpish charm? The plane and the accidents? The advances? His own marriage background? At the airport, in Paris, the continuous phone calls from his meagre apartment? His work and h-is not being successful? Falling in love and his success with his photos? His continued turning up? His going out to the meal with Jackie? The dinner at her house and his resentment? The affair? Getting advice from Pierre? His hurt in not hearing from Jackie? The evening with the prostitute? His moping? The happy ending? Attractive hero - with chauvinist overtones?
9. Pierre and the stereotype of the wise Frenchman? His remarks about marriage and love, Paris, the photos? Each of the protagonists consulting him? His advice?
10. Jackie's range of friends? At the fashion show, business connections, the pretentious meal? Mike's reaction?
11. The atmosphere of fashions, Prue Acton's costumes for Barbara Parkins?
12. How successfully light, lyrical? The totally expected? The conventional values?