Current News
Monday, 02 August 2021 22:18
Some Significant Days for the Chevalier Family, August 2021
Some Significant Days for the Chevalier Family, August 2021. Local OLSH Sisters and a re-enactment of August 1st 1887. 1 August, 1887 The first four FDNSC Sisters arrive at Yule Island, PNG. 3 August, 1899 First community of MSC Sisters is established in Hiltrup, Germany: two Sisters of Divine…
Monday, 02 August 2021 11:47
New Appointment Province Director, Province Care and Assisted Living, Catherine Molihan
New Appointment Province Director, Province Care and Assisted Living, Catherine Molihan Peter Hendriks MSC writes: I would like to introduce you to our first Director, Province Care and Assisted Living. We are blessed that Catherine Molihan has accepted the role as Director, Province Care and Assisted Living for our…
Friday, 30 July 2021 22:25
Covid 19 situation in Vietnam worsens.
Covid 19 situation in Vietnam worsens. Peter Hendriks MSC, News Update, story and photos from MSC Vietnam Our MSC confreres in Vietnam are responding, with an inspiring MSC spirit, to the worsening Covid crisis in their country. Vu msc refers to the virus as a roaring lion. They are just entering…
Thursday, 29 July 2021 22:30
What happens to students from our MSC colleges? Enjoy six achievement stories from Daramalan
What happens to students from our MSC colleges? Enjoy six achievement stories from Daramalan So many brothers, priests and students taught at our schools in past decades. Often they reminisnce – and, perhaps, at times, wonder about its worth. Here are some stories from Daramalan (which in 2021 is in…
Wednesday, 28 July 2021 22:51
Eulogy and tribute to Bernie McGrane MSC
Eulogy and tribute to Bernie McGrane MSC Sharing of memories, roses sent from friends from Japan days. From Bernie’s brother, Mervyn, and sister, Moira (and souvenir family photos): Although we are very very sad at Bernie’s passing, in reality the good Lord knew the best time to take him.…
Tuesday, 27 July 2021 22:21
MSC Pacific Province. News
MSC Pacific Province. News Recently, we congratulated the establishment of the new Pacific Islands Province. Google the Province Facebook page, set up by Robati Tebaiuea MSC Gerald Warbrooke MSC, Suva, tells the story of the new Province. And a note on the covid situation in Fiji from Warren…
Monday, 26 July 2021 22:17
Silver Jubilee of Profession, Josef Senjuk MSC
Silver Jubilee of Profession, Josef Senjuk MSC Congratulations to Josef. Josef first joined us over 50 years ago, from Adelaide and belonging to the Ukrainian rite. He had the opportunity to go to Canada and join the Ukrainian rite Basilians, living there for 20 years. In the 1990s he returned…
Sunday, 25 July 2021 22:36
MSC activity in the Caribbean, MSC Dominican Republic Province…. Now, moving towards: Antilles
MSC activity in the Caribbean, MSC Dominican Republic Province…. Now, moving towards: Antilles Although it is still called the Dominican Republic Province, it has already begun to be the province of the Antilles because there are members from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Canada, as well as from Cuba. We…
Friday, 23 July 2021 22:52
MSC Mission Office Australia
MSC Mission Office Australia Taking the opportunity to acknowledge the Mission Office and the work of Roger Purcell MSC, Sean Donovan and the staff and all the international contacts, Also known as “MSC Mission Office”, MSC Mission Office Australia Limited is a medium-scale charity established in 1998. Their main…
Thursday, 22 July 2021 22:27
Letter to the Prime Minister, Immigration, refugees, detention. Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Darwin
Letter to the Prime Minister, Immigration, refugees, detention. Malcolm Fyfe MSC, Vicar General, Darwin Catholic Diocese of Darwin The letter is to the Prime Minister, individualised versions are being sent to key Coalition and Opposition MPs and Senators. OFFICE OF THE VICAR GENERAL The Honourable Mr Scott…
Thursday, 22 July 2021 10:59
Rest in Peace, Bernie McGrane MSC
Rest in Peace, Bernie McGrane MSC Peter Hendriks writes, Steve Dives called this morning to let us know that Bernie McGrane msc, died peacefully this morning at 12:30am at St Joseph’s Nursing Home. Bernie turned 95 this year. He spent most of his ministry in Eastern Papua. He would have…
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 22:18
Part 2 of the story of the planes over the Tiwi Islands, 1942. Fr John McGrath MSC.
Part 2 of the story of the planes over the Tiwi Islands, 1942. Fr John McGrath MSC. Part 1 appeared the other day, the story of Matthias Ulunguru and the capture of the Japanese pilots. This continues Matthias’ story but also the role of Fr John McGrath MSC. The alert…
Tuesday, 20 July 2021 22:17
ACU Chancellor, Justice Martin Daubney (past student of Downlands College)
ACU Chancellor, Justice Martin Daubney (past student of Downlands College) After leaving Downlands, Martin Daubney studied for two years in the MSC Pre-novitiate program at Croydon, then pursued legal studies and… His appointment was announced by Archbishop Mark Coleridge, President of the Australian Bishops Conference. Justice Daubney is well known…
Monday, 19 July 2021 22:17
Repairs at Via Asmara, MSC General House
Repairs at Via Asmara, MSC General House Former Provincial, Tim Brennan MSC, now the go-to person for Professional Standards issues, lives at the General House. He sent these photos for a quiet day on the website. With Victoria and New South Wales locked down because of the Delta Variant, today…
Sunday, 18 July 2021 22:33
Tiwi Islanders, Japanese pilots, 1942
Tiwi Islanders, Japanese pilots, 1942 A Moving Story of Australian-Japanese kindness during WWII. Phillip Hoy, former MSC confrere, relays an event that took place at the time of the bombing of Darwin. One of the bombers limped to Bathurst Island and then crashed. A Tiwi man was sent to…
Friday, 16 July 2021 23:10
Some Midwinter warmth and cheer
Some Midwinter warmth and cheer Today, in the southern hemisphere, it is midwinter - halfway day between June 1st and September 1st. And Sydney and Melbourne (and regional areas) are in strong lockdown. Jokes can be heartwarming for cold seasons - although puns might cause heat for those who boil…
Thursday, 15 July 2021 22:15
New Book on MSC Mission in PNG, Roger Purcell MSC
New Book on MSC Mission in PNG, Roger Purcell MSC Roger and the MSC Mission Office has published a collection of stories, A BRANCH OF THE MUSTARD TREE, The Catholic Church in Port Moresby and Boregeina, Rigo, PNG. The Child and the Grandchild. All enquiries to the Mission Office. …
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 22:26
Cor Vitae, MSC, OLSH, MSC Sisters, Manila - update
Cor Vitae, MSC, OLSH, MSC Sisters, Manila - update From Chris Chaplin, General Bulletin. The Cor Vitae Team based in Manila, Philippines has been seeking ways to continue its work in the APIA region in ongoing formation with our three congregations belonging to the Chevalier family, at a time when…
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 22:33
A warm eulogy for Bill Cunningham MSC, family, community, mission in Eastern Papua
A warm eulogy for Bill Cunningham MSC, family, community, mission in Eastern Papua Written by Bill’s niece Jennifer Marchant from the family. (With the Sydney lockdown, the funeral was delayed – and fewer numbers able to be present. The Memories and Mass can be found on Youtube and the Province…
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 15:44
An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia
An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia 13 July 2021 Today Anthony Caruana was found guilty of sexual assault committed during the 1980s. On behalf…
Monday, 12 July 2021 22:25
A good covid ministry story, MSC Dublin
A good covid ministry story, MSC Dublin Bro Giacomo Gelardi MSC writes on ministering through the COVID-19 pandemic in Killinarden, where long-standing issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, and abuse have been exacerbated by the past 16 months of lockdowns and regulations. I have been in pastoral placement…
Sunday, 11 July 2021 22:13
Khoi Nguyen MSC: Ongoing Formation Program
Khoi Nguyen MSC: Ongoing Formation Program Report on the Sexuality Program 4-10 July 2021 – Ongoing human development Thanks to Trieu Nguyen for photos This sexuality program was initiated by Chris McPhee in 2020 as he saw this aspect needing attention and focus, especially for our young men who are…
Friday, 09 July 2021 22:39
From the Filipino MSC Province
From the Filipino MSC Province 5 stories. Our posting last Tuesday on the death for former Filipino MSC, Rustico Tan, has had almost 300 visitors. One confrere noted that he retained his spirit of justice from his MSC days. A story from the Vocations Facebook: Frt. Gerwin professed as MSC…
Thursday, 08 July 2021 22:18
MSC Safeguarding and Professional Standards Policy
MSC Safeguarding and Professional Standards Policy Peter Hendriks MSC, Deputy Provincial writes: The Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited (ACSL) which absorbed the Catholic Professional Standards Limited (CPSL) was formed as a result of the Royal Commission to, amongst other duties, develop National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. A publicly visible Commitment Statement…
Wednesday, 07 July 2021 22:22
Rest in Peace, Annette Marskell, OLSH Parishioner, Randwick
Rest in Peace, Annette Marskell, OLSH Parishioner, Randwick Peter Hendriks writes: Annette Marskell OAM, an active parishioner of OLSH Randwick since 1967. She was a generous supporter of the Parish in so many ways and she had an extraordinary life. She was buried this week. A tribute from the OLSH…
Tuesday, 06 July 2021 22:28
A Bob Irwin MSC headline – bilocation? Trilocation? More?
A Bob Irwin MSC headline – bilocation? Trilocation? More? In collecting photos from our colleges for our files, we found photos of the celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart – at Downlands, at Chevalier, at Monivae, at Daramalan. Downlands And the common denominator: Bob Irwin. Chevalier There is…
Monday, 05 July 2021 22:21
Rest in Peace, Rustico Tan.
Rest in Peace, Rustico Tan. Over the last decades, many MSC confreres have chosen to leave the congregation, starting a new life. Sometimes, we are in touch. More often, we lose touch. When those who have shared years of lives die, it is an opportunity to remember them and their…
Sunday, 04 July 2021 23:16
Some significant July days for the Chevalier Family 2021
Some significant July days for the Chevalier Family 2021 July sees the feast of Blessed Peter To Rot. July also seems to have been a mission establishing month: MSC in Yule Island, PNG; MSC in Bangalore, India; MSC in Canada; MSC Sisters in Peru. It is also a month of…
Friday, 02 July 2021 23:40
Chevalier College, celebrating 75 years, 1946-1971.
Chevalier College, celebrating 75 years, 1946-1971. A photo of the Sacred Heart Statue that has stood at the original entrance to the school for the last 75 years. It stood there overlooking new arrivals as they were greeted by MSC at the main entrance to the old Riversdale House. …
Thursday, 01 July 2021 22:09
First Friday of July. A Heart ready.
First Friday of July. A Heart ready. From the letter of the general Council, December 8, 2020, An Open Heart for a Time of Lockdown: Either we make this time of suffering a time of learning or we will continue in the same way. From the great trials of humanity…