Further to the August 15 email advising a decision would be taken on proceeding with 75th Anniversary November 2021 Reunion on October 1.
As a result of the persistent increase in numbers of the delta strain of COVID 19 in NSW, and now nationally, your committee has decided to postpone the November Reunion to the alternate weekend of 12-13 FEBRUARY 2022.
Sister Theresa Chue OLSH

Sister Theresa asked not to have a eulogy. She was remembered on the OLSH site: :We have all had the opportunity to share memories of our dear Sister, Theresa over these past days and what has come through strongly was her deep love of the poor, her prayerfulness, missionary spirit, generosity and her gracious appreciation of the many ways God loved her throughout her life. Teresa was professed as a DOLSH for over 6 decades actually, Teresa would have been professed 67 years today. Her life is an example to all of us of faithful commitment to God and our Congregation.”
Sad Covid Message from Vietnam
Chung Tran MSC, the Director of Postulancy in Vietnam, has emailed to say that one of their great benefactors and neighbour has died with Covid. Miss Suong had supported the postulancy for years by giving the students rice, instant noodle, washing liquid and even instant coffee. She did this monthly, and she always prayed for them.
Message from the Provincial of the Dominican Republic:

I regret to inform you of the death of Father Lucas Lafleur MSC early this morning. Luc was a translator at many General Chapters
Pilgrimage to Issoudun, Saturday, September 4, 2021...
Today, living a pilgrimage time to Issoudun:
it's accepting to start on the road,
it's taking time for yourself,
it is recharge your Christian faith through a theme chosen annually,
it's catching breath at the beat of the Church,
it is accepting to decentralize yourself to live, with others, the joy of believing,
it is discovering the place and role of Mary in her life and the life of the Church,
It is to take as a model of our faith Our Lady who said yes to God... and who shows us the path that leads