Monday, 13 September 2021 22:24

Congratulations to Giacomo Gelardi MSC

Congratulations to Giacomo Gelardi MSC


From the Irish Province: Heartfelt congratulations to Giacomo on the occasion of his Final Profession in Killinarden, 8th September. Giacomo, from Italy, was studying in Ireland and met the MSC. Visitors to our site will remember his article recently on his covid-19 ministry in Dublin.

“We had a really lovely celebration, warmly hosted by the parish and local community with a reception afterwards in the parish primary school.


Giacomo’s mother, Francesca, his sister, Maria and his brother Luca, had been able to travel from Italy for the celebration. Twelve MSCs also joined Giacomo for the occasion.


Thank you for your “yes”, Giacomo; to the call of the Lord on your heart, and to this little Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and its mission.  We are proud to count you as a brother among brothers and continue to hold you in our prayers for the next step of your journey.” Carl Tranter MSC, Provincial Ireland.
