Current News

Book launch, Blackburn, 6 MSC books (after lockdown) After the 10.30 Mass at St Thomas Blackburn, the launch was held of 6 books by Melbourne MSC community writers, published in 2020 and 2021 – but no launches because of lockdown. Community leader, Philip Malone, was MC. The books were launched…
Sunday, 14 November 2021 22:49

For moody Mondayitis

For moody Mondayitis Whether you love them or hate them, the  Art of the  Pun should not be underestimated, as it takes skill to craft comical wordplay , that can make people laugh and cringe at the same time.    One group to master the art of funny puns ,  is the Indian…
Friday, 12 November 2021 22:08

News from around the Provinces

News from around the Provinces Philippines: Re-interment of Lope Castillo, who studied with us in Canberra and Croydon in the 1960s, twice Provincial.   Brazil   Our Congregation of the Sacred Heart MSC Missionaries, we rejoice this weekend, with the ordination of two of our confrades: Wanderley Procópio Msc who was…
The MSC Province of the Pacific Islands – a growing region Pre-Novitiate Program Warren Perrotto MSC, Pre-novice Master If memory serves me correctly, in the January Fiji Diary, I was asked to be the Pre-Novice Master. Fr. Pone Luatuanuu, MSC, and Br. Colin Sinclair, MSC, and I coordinate the program.…
7 more remarkable MSCs – new book by Jim Littleton Good news that Jim Littleton has prepared another book on remarkable MSC. Jim has been chronicling the history of the province for the best part of twenty years. This time the remarkable men are (and some of will remember their…
Synodal style for community meetings!  Melbourne Community In two years we have had very few community meetings in Melbourne so, gathering in Blackburn last week was a joy. We had an agenda: safeguarding issues, aged care questions. We met more informally, young, middle and old, different cultural backgrounds, variety of…
We support the aims of COP 26, Glasgow, especially the climate concerns and goals of our Pacific neighbours   Images of Tuvalu minister giving COP26 statement in the ocean go viral on social media Foreign Minister Simon Kofe addressed cameras while knee-deep in the ocean to highlight the sea level…
Some ex-student stories: Downlands, celebrating 90 years   PRESTON WILLIAMS Class of 2020 Preston is already making an impact to those around him. An interview with the Herald Sun, showcased Preston and his identity. Preston joined the Wanderers Rugby Union Club in Cairns and this week take on the Bulls…
Remembering the MSC Martyrs of Canet del Mar. Feast Day 6th November. And a reminder of their story; Today is the feast day of the seven MSC martyrs. Blessed Fathers Antonio Arribas, Abundio Martín, José Vergara, Josep-Oriol Issern and Brothers Gumersindo Gómez, Jésus Moreno and José del Almo were beatified…
Chevalier Family First Friday? As we end 2021, what are our goals? Dialogue for our whole society. And the Chevalier Family Justice Poster for November.
Did you know this: episcopal ordination of Alain de Boismenu took place in Sacred Coeur, Montmartre? “On March 18, 1900, the basilica of Montmartre saw for the first time the ceremony of an episcopal ordination. The new bishop is not yet thirty years old, he is the youngest in Christendom.…
Jules Chevalier, the road to sainthood (long and winding)   The recent General Bulletin highlighted some of the steps.   History of the cause: 19 July 2011: Nihil obstat of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (Prot. N. 2840) From 25 May 2012 to 08 December 2013: Celebration of…
All Souls Day, MSC History and Memories:  50th Anniversary of Confreres. Information from Jim Littleton: Brotherhood in Mission, Deceased Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Australia, 1882-1991.   February 14th, Harold Bridgewood   Novice master, 1923. General Councillor, Rome, 1926-1938. Later years in retirement at Croydon, very well-known by many of…
Some Significant November Days for the Chevalier Family, 2021 E.J. Cuskelly, Superior General, see November 12th. And, the beginning of the Novena to Our Lady for the founding of the congregation, November 30th   2 November, 1964 Father Karl Maria Weber was killed in the diocese of Ikela. (Zaïre at…
Friday, 29 October 2021 23:13

We believe reading is good for you

We believe reading is good for you Our dependence (good and bad) on Social Media reminds us that we are reading less, especially books. While lockdown meant that we watched a lot of streaming films and series, we hope that there was a lot of reading going on! Some more…
Lecture Series by Father Cyril James Connolly MSC Cyril Connolly came from Western Queensland and studied at Downlands College. He had one of the most varied of ministries over 50 years in the province. With a degree in theology, he taught at Chevalier and Downlands, taught theology at Croydon monastery…
Safeguarding, a key to MSC pastoral care. Students for inservice at the Gregorian University, Rome. Tim Brennan MSC, Director Professional Standards, Via Asmara, sent this information. Pope Francis in recent days addressed a special Child Protection gathering of the bishops of Eastern Europe. He challenged them to a greater engagement…
Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of foundation of St Therese’s Parish and school  And a pictorial record.  With thanks to Krish Mathavan MSC, PP.   There was great anticipation and excitement in the air as the day (Sunday 24th October) dawned for our parish community to come together as one…
Visiting Kensington out of Lockdown. Noticing the Grotto Perhaps we walk past the Grotto and have never read the stone. Where did it come from? Who built the Grotto? Gerry Burke noticed it and sent the information and photos.   Piece of Stone Brought from the Lourdes      Grotto By Rev…
MSC Students continue covid-19 care, Vietnam With New South Wales and Victoria moving out of restrictions and learning to live with covid, we realise hospitals will continue with treating infections, with patients dying. Our Vietnamese students and their covid ministry keep us alert to hospital care, gravity of cases, personal…
Inauguration of Ametur website of the MSC General Administration  On October 21st, the anniversary of the death of Jules Chevalier, MSC Communications launched the new Ametur website.  The Ametur Facebook page has been available for some time. We asked one of our site photographers, Trieu Nguyen, studying at Cuskelly…
Friday, 22 October 2021 22:59

Tribute to Herman Kooyman MSC

   Tribute to Herman Kooyman MSC Peter Hendriks writes: Herman Kooyman MSC: At the age of 86, retiring from his activities. Herman’s gifts to those he served include: (well worth a look): Papua New Guinea (where he lived for nearly 20 years, both before and after novitiate) Hagita High School…
Congratulations, MSC Indonesian Province, 50 Years, October 2021 In this part of the world, we have our largest province, Indonesia. We have PNG, Australia, Pacific Islands. On October 6th, 2021, the MSC Indonesian Province celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the province. Before it became an autonomous province,…
Fr Chevalier, October 21st, 1907, anniversary of his death   Today is the Death Anniversary of our Founder, the Servant of God, Fr. Jules Chevalier, MSC.   Here is an excerpt from the notes of Fr. Charles Piperon, MSC at the moment Fr. Chevalier rejoined our loving Lord:   "…
Siloam, Spiritual Direction program, Heart of Life, 2021 Only a month to go for the 2021 Siloam program. Tru and Danh can be seen in the full-time group. Khoi is amongst the part-time group. There is a wide range amongst the part-timers with the course this year on Zoom.  …
Addendum, Back to Via Balbo.  MSC Students in Rome before World War II Yesterday news from Via Aventina, now going back to the 1920s and 1930s. Now we have a list of those who were sent before the war. Quite an interesting group who contributed a great deal to the…
Did you know the MSC own a Christian School in Rome? The photo has Tim Brennan with Secretary General, Mike Miller, and assistant, Richard Suresh – the gentleman in the shirt is the Principal of the school, Eric Mayer. Tim writes: Presently about 200 students and 50 boarders-some housed offsite.…
It’s the middle of Spring today. Humour from the days when we used to go to Church.  May it happen again.      
Laudato si and MSC Formation – the backyard of Cuskelly House, Blackburn The long Melbourne lockdown fosters activities at home.  In the garden. Hard work and vegetables   and Danh having a break from Siloam.
New Book, Peter Malone MSC,  10 Minutes, Gospel Reflections for Mind and Heart All Scripture is inspired by God and can profitably be used for teaching, for refuting error, for guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy.           2  Timothy 3:16   10 Minutes is a fresh way…
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