MSC Publishing and Media Report 2021 for the General Administration, Analecta.
Apologies – we have been disconnected from the Internet since Thursday evening.
The tradition has been to name the books and further publications of the province. However, worldwide readership of books has been diminishing, greater reliance on social media. This is reflected in the life of the province.
Books, 2021.
Brian Gallagher
No Greater Love, the Human Experience of God, Coventry Press, Bayswater, Victoria, 2021, PP.52.
The Joy of Ageing, A Spirituality for Oldies, Coventry Press, Bayswater, Victoria, 2021, pp, 72.
James Littleton
Diversity in 84.Ministry, Some Remarkable MSC, Treand House, Coogee, 2021, pp 84. (George Cody, Dick Docherty, Barney Baldwin, Harry Jordan, Barney Delaney, Harvey Edmiston. Paul Stenhouse).
Peter Malone
10 Minutes, Gospel Reflections for Mind and Heart, Coventry Press, Bayswater, Victoria, 2021, pp. 71.
Noel Mansfield
Will I Go Blind? Living with Macular Degeneration, Coventry Press, Bayswater, Victoria, 2021, pp. 182.
Khoi Nguyen
Alive with Disability, Coventry Press, Bayswater, Victoria, 2021, pp.
Distinguished MSC, coordinated by Peter Malone, one of its contributors, Wanda Skowronska, published
Paul Stenhouse MSC: A Life of Rare Wisdom, Compassion and Inspiration, Connor Court, 2021, pp.322.
Quarterly, Be on Earth the Heart of God, from Treand House. Glossy paper, colour photos, original articles as well as downloads from the Province website.
Peter Malone
TYPEFACE, British Association for Psychological Type.
Typewatching at the Cinema: “The Clash of the Fashion Titles…”: Cruella and some ESTJ confrontations. Summer 2021.
Typewatching at the Cinema: Marie Curie Radioactive – A Scientist Type. Autumn 2021
THE SWAG, Quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia.
The Unholy – horror, faith and piety on screen, Spring 2021
Fatima Revisited, Autumn 2021
Francesco, Winter 2021
Film reviews. While monthly reviews appear on Peter Malone's website (on the misacor site), the reviews previously for the Bishops Conference Office of Film and Broadcasting, now closed, appear for Jesuit Communications on the Australian Catholics website.
MSC Mission Office: From the MSC Mission office, Roger Purcell does a daily podcast talk, around six minutes, sometimes inviting other MSC, Colin Sinclair, Greg McCann, and OLSH sisters.
Websites and Facebook pages.
The Province Website, MISACOR. au, established in 2006, in its present form since 2010, has six postings per week. And, automatically, the posting appears on the province’s Facebook Page.
Thanks to Brett Adamson and Matt Price for re-designing the site home page and restructuring the headings and contents under each heading. Also the introduction of the Safeguarding section. And the possibility for translating the posts into a number of languages.
Since 2020, and lockdown, vigils and funeral masses have been recorded, available on Youtube. Zoom was used for Provincial Council meetings as well as the different sessions of the General Conference with an international team including Roy O’Neill and Brett Adamson in Sydney.
Included in the province website, under media and publications, find the website for Michael Fallon/Scripture, for Peter Malone/cinema and media.
Deputy Provincial, Peter Hendriks, reaches most of the province with up-to-date news and information through email.
Many of the members of the province have their personal Facebook pages. Prominent among these is that for Claude Mostowik and the Justice and Peace office.
The 2021 student community at Cuskelly House, Daniel Magadia and Trieu Nguyen, set up an MSC vocations Australia Facebook Page with many news items, videos, recordings of ceremonies and functions, vocations appeal.
Khoi and Thang have sites/Facebook pages in Vietnamese.