Current News

The Chevalier Family First Friday Program, 2024, April   Pope Francis, Laudato Si and Laudate Deum.   At our Provincial Chapter we committed ourselves to this call of the Church for our world, our environment. “I urgently appeal, then, for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of…
Our Pacific Islands Province, Photos, MSC Students, Fiji, Stations of the Cross.       And, from Kiribati, the original Pacific mission, large Holy Week congregations
Wednesday, 03 April 2024 09:08

RIP, Paul Jennings MSC.

RIP, Paul Jennings MSC. Peter Hendriks writes: Paul passed away early this morning at 12:47 am. Peter Guy and Catherine visited him yesterday afternoon and said that Paul was very lucid and chatty. Peter stayed on until late in the evening. At 7:00 pm Paul went into a deep sleep…
St Thomas Parish, Blackburn, 70 years’ celebration. This is the 17th year of MSC service, so, almost a quarter of the history of the parish. The parish is also the location for MSC Formation since 2009. Our parish priests have been Chris Murphy, Terry Bowman, Alo Lamere. Our students and…
Easter Monday lightness – with something heavy! For  fuller view see below Downlands College (some MSC heritage). Toowoomba school students have smashed the record for Queensland's heaviest pumpkin at this year's Royal Queensland Show giant pumpkin competition. Downlands College year 10 and 11 agricultural science students grew and displayed an…
Celebrating Jesus Risen-with Mary Magdalene An interpretation from Maryknoll Lay Missioners. Mary Magdalene was one of the group of women who followed Jesus and the apostles and looked after them. Mary Magdalene was at the foot of the cross – unlike Peter who had denied three times that he knew…
Good Friday, sharing Jesus’ death, RIP memories, Mary Conlan OLSH, Bernadetta Robinson OLSH We post the memories of our OLSH sisters – and their eulogies offer fine tributes to dedication and record missionary memories of NT, PNG, Kiribati. Eulogy: Sr Mary Conlan (17.08.1929 - 30.12.2023) ‘Mission is a passion for…
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 22:12

Acknowledging Peter Harvey-Jackson MSC, 85

Acknowledging Peter Harvey-Jackson MSC, 85 Saturday 30th is the 85th birthday of Peter Harvey-Jackson, born in 1939.  Peter went to primary school at OLSH College, Bowral, then to St Stanislaus College, Bathurst.  He made his first profession on February 26th, 1957 – so 62 years of MSC life and ministry.…
Fifth General Councillor, Gene A. Pejo MSC, Philippines We conclude our series on our new General Council. My name is Gene (Genie) A. Pejo, MSC. I was born on April 27, 1960. I joined the MSC-Philippine Province in 1986 as a Postulant and did my Novitiate Formation in 1987. I…
MSC Formation, Blackburn, Conferring of Ministries. On Friday morning, March 22nd, there was a ceremony for the conferring of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte, part of the steps towards ordination. Acknowledging our four professed MSC men in formation in Australia: Trieu Nguyen and Daniel Magadia made their final vows…
MSC Sisters 125th Anniversary of FoundationMSC Sisters 125th Anniversary of Foundation ‘Congregational transformation and evaluation’ were mandates of our last General Chapter of 2022. To help implement this we are beginning a reflection process to begin on 25th March this year, culminating on 25th March 2025, the 125th anniversary of…
Saturday, 23 March 2024 09:26

And, finally, MSC Vietnam

And, finally, MSC Vietnam We have had 10 days of posts on the Australian Province celebration of Jules Chevallier’s Bicentenary of his birth (plus India becoming a province and our two pre-Novitiate  men beginning their Novitiate).  We finish with a photo story of the Vietnam celebrations.
And now for something different, Campbell Town, Tasmania, celebration.  Appreciation to Ed Travers MSC for organising this event and for the story. Thanks to Bartha for the photos.   One hundred and twenty one years ago the Australian Province of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart established its first mission in its own…
More Bicentenary Glimpses, around the Province   Colleges An unexpected cleric! Downlands Monivae and a new heart design - in cupcakes icing Daramalan - and cupcakes Adelaide celebration Randwick parish     
Jules Chevalier Bicentenary celebration, OLSH and MSC, Sydney, Kensington Today, we joyfully commemorate the 200th Anniversary since the Birth of our founder and the founder of our MSC brothers, Fr. Jules Chevalier. In our Mother House in Kensington, our OLSH Sisters and MSC Brothers came together for a Eucharistic celebration,…
‘The credibility of the Gospel is at stake’' In the current context of Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s military response, and in anticipation of the Palm Sunday peace marches,  Pax Christi calls on faith leaders to speak out on behalf of Gaza By Claude Mostowik MSC, President of Pax…
Monday, 18 March 2024 22:25

India, the new MSC Province

India, the new MSC Province Saturday March 16th was indeed a memorable day for the Indian branch of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Four celebrations rolled into one. Present for the occasion were Father Mike Miller, General Secretary, Rome and Father Michael Huber,  Provincial South Germany/Austria. The first of…
Sunday, 17 March 2024 21:37

Beginning the Novitiate, Long and Nang

Beginning the Novitiate, Long and Nang In the afternoon of March 1th, we continued our spirit of celebration from the morning, the parish Bicentenary Mass, the MSC, OLSH, MSC Sister, Laity of the Chevalier Family, with Jules and his passion to spread the human and unconditional love of Jesus everywhere,…
Jules Chevalier Bicentenary celebrations, Melbourne. Our bicentenary celebration took place in the parish church of St Thomas, Blackburn, which the MSC serve. We celebrated on the day itself, the Friday 10 o’clock mass followed by refreshments. It was a combined celebration for members of the parish, for the MSC in…
Celebrating Jules Chevalier’s 200th birthday As we celebrate birthdays, we do so in the light of the achievements of the person we are celebrating. Then, we remember, that on the actual birth day, it was an ordinary day, a child born to loving parents, but no guiding star shining in…
Honouring Jules Chevalier, media and communications pioneer, 200. Chevcom. On this bicentenary occasion, a proposal. In fact, it was the fruit of international tri-congregation meetings, 1999-2005, MSC. FDNSC, MSC: that we use the name ‘Chevcom’ for our communications. The inspiration came from Jescom, Jesuit Communications. The proposal was heard favourably…
A message from Kerala, Dominic Gleeson MSC Hello from Kerala, India, on the first day of the Ignatian 30 Day retreat for the men of the MSC Indian Province novitiate!   I arrived on Friday evening 8 March at about midnight and began the 'disposition days' the following morning.  The photo…
Fourth General Councillor, Simon Lumpini Mbala. We continue our series on our new General Council. He is the second Brother on the Council I am Brother LUMPINI MBALA Simon, msc from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Francophone African Union). I completed my novitiate to South Africa, studied Pastoral Theology in…
New Book (revised): In The Armed Services, MSC Chaplains and Servicemen. James Littleton MSC. Once more, an opportunity to honour Jim Littleton for, amongst his many achievements, especially in education, for his contribution to research on MSC history, providing valuable material, information as well is stimulus for further research. He…
Some Significant March Days for the Chevalier Family, 2024  NOTE: this is an amplified version of Significant Days, combining the list made originally by Cor Novum, Issoudun, now with the addition of dates from Father Jan Bovenmars MSC’s book, Jules Chevalier, Daily Readings. His book was published in 1993 –…
MSC acknowledgement of women working with us on International Women’s Day International Women's Day is observed annually on March 8, all around the world. It is a day to reflect on and celebrate the social, political, economic, and cultural accomplishments of women. We take the opportunity to remember all the…
Second General Councillor, Fransiskus Bram Tulusan MSC. We continue our series on our new General Council. My name is Fransiskus Bram Tulusan. I was born in Kotamobagu, Indonesia on October 20, 41 years ago. My first vows was in 2003 and ordained as a priest in 2011. The most of…
RIP Anthony (Tony) Kelly CSsR., 1938-2024. Michael Kelly CSsR writes: I am sad to inform you that Rev. Professor Anthony J. Kelly CSsR died this afternoon (Sunday 3 March) at 5:50 pm at Nazareth House in East Camberwell. Michael Mason CSsR, his brother Geoff FMS, and I were there for…
A film to see, Cabrini, the life and ministry of St Frances Xavier Cabrini. Cabrini – Frances Xavier Cabrini, born in Lombardy in 1850, on mission to New York, 1889, 28 years of enterprising activity, died 1917, beatified 1938, canonised 1946, the first American citizen to be canonised. Frances Xavier…
RIP, Joe Gleixner MSC, 1938-2024, US Province From the US:  This morning, March 1, our Fr Joseph Gleixner, MSC went to his eternal reward. Fr Joe was a long serving missionary sent to the Diocese of Kavieng in Papua New Guinea. May he now rest in the love and peace…
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